STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

QFT.  I did them both.  Lost alot of weight


It seems that a LOT of people tried these programs and complained that it wasn't effective. 80% of these people didn't follow through to the end, and the other 20% didn't follow the right meal plan.
Week has started out great so far.

Killed arms yesterday. Could barely take my shirt off.

Put up personal best 5K time today.

Chest day tomorrow.
New thing I have been doing.

While brushing my teeth, 25 air squats. When I am done them, I stop brushing teeth. Try it
Everyone works out for different reasons. And honestly a lot of people do it solely for aesthetic purposes only. So I am sure a ton of people would love to have the body of a ferrari....and not care at all about the engine because they don't need to use their body for anything other then to attract females. The only reason i work out is to stay in shape for soccer. I like the personal challenges the gym brings....but hell i like to look good. And if it was a trade take ferrari body focus engine over focus body ferrari engine.

Obviously, that's why bodybuilding is so popular and is the major culture of mainstream gyms. I have a feeling it will change, with crossfit and similar, movement-based training systems becoming more popular. This choice is generally what attracts people to exercise, but I don't believe it's an effective paradigm for most people to sustain an active lifestyle. Compared to body composition goals, performance goals are diverse and not subjective, which creates a better journey for average people (even if the goals are modest).

Who's to say that you can't perform/move well and look good? Lots of people do it. Look at gymnasts, circus performers, sprinters, lower weight class athletes (powerlifters, o-lifters, martial artists), etc. They perform better than the average gym rat, maintain a good amount of muscle mass, and have low bodyfat percentages year-round(something most bodybuilders can't even claim to do).
285 > 245 > 198... still got about 15 to go but I'll get there!

That feel :smokin

Went from 288 down to 177 when I decided to end my cut. Took me a year almost to the day to do that (11/19/11-11/20/12)

Got up to 193, and now down to 188 trying to maintain while maxing out my strength at this weight before deciding to bulk up.

It's an exciting new feel.
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As soon as I can get someone to take them, I'll post them up. I'm not a slouch. I'm not making excuses for a poor diet. I'm saying as someone who's been on both sides of the spectrum since I started lifting more than a decade ago, it's much more pleasurable to be in the middle when it comes to your diet. Keep it clean, but enjoy it to. You won't want to eat your boring *** chicken breast with some brown rice and steamed veggies forever.

I feel you. I think the message is more effective because folks are speaking from personal experience. Obviously, what works for you may not work for me, but it's a great motivator to know it has worked.
Been eating healthy for the most part the last week but one of my clients at work gave me 16.5 pounds of Sour Patch Kids. :x

They are my favorite candy :smh:
Any of y'all experience knee pain?

Did legs last Tuesday morning, woke up Thursday morning and my right knee was stiff. No real pain, but it's uncomfortable. Not sure if it was something i did on Wednesday or from my leg workout since it showed up 2 days later. I've never had any type of knee injury before so it's weird.

Now fast forward about a week and i still have the discomfort. It stiffens up when I walk, but just ran a mile with no problem (which makes no sense lol)

I'm having trouble self-diagnosing myself because I can't even really describe the pain/discomfort.

The only thing that is concrete about it is when i sit down to do a hurdlers stretch, I feel it real tight on the big ligament that runs down the inside of my knee up a little bit to the inner part of the hamstring . Since I feel it there, I'm thinking it might be more of a hamstring than a knee injury.

Sorry guys, I know that's a lot, but if anyone could shed some light it would much be appreciated.
Can someone recommend some gym routine or some body part to exercise. I usually just run but I'm on a pass right for a gym. Monday was chest and back today was arms and shoulders. What can I do tomorrow beside legs? I usually get a leg workout from running. And also, can you do abs everyday or do you have to rest them every other day?
Been eating healthy for the most part the last week but one of my clients at work gave me 16.5 pounds of Sour Patch Kids. :x

They are my favorite candy :smh:

How do you even buy that much? :lol:

Destroyed legs yesterday, I was walking around like a zombie today

Did bi's traps and forearms today
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Officially in Ketosis :smokin

I'm currently on keto as well. It feels so wrong when you eat, but you can literally feel your body functioning differently.

My mouth gets a SUPER metallic taste

I should post up some of my keto meals... My breakfast is so ridiculous lol
Been eating healthy for the most part the last week but one of my clients at work gave me 16.5 pounds of Sour Patch Kids. :x

They are my favorite candy :smh:

How do you even buy that much? :lol:

Destroyed legs yesterday, I was walking around like a zombie today

Did bi's traps and forearms today

Dude works at candy factory so he has hundreds of pounds.

They come in 5.5 pound bags

Its sad because I can't help myself sometimes :smh:

I keep it to less than 1 serving a day though.
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Hey NT, 

The back of my left hand (left side of the back of my hand) has been kinda hurt and it feels like some of the ligaments are damaged. Other than ICING it, what else can I do? I have iced it for the last week but it has not gotten much better. 

I can still do regular things but when I lift heavier weights or put some more than normal pressure, it gets slightly painful.

Any suggestions?
i'm killing myself ya'll. this whole counting calories checking macros business is driving me insane. i can't seem to hit at all any day and it makes me feel like a failure. today i was like 30 shy of fats, 250 over on carbs and 50 short on proteins. i keep comparing old pictures to today and am over analyzing and over thinking and just going psychotic. i liked it better when i ate well, trained hard and felt like i was progressing. not being a nut and not being able to live in peace. end rant.


Why are you obsessing over macros?
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