STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I hit legs twice a week now, but when it was once, it was always on friday night so that i could get plenty of sleep. doing them pulls so much from me that i'm drained and need as much rest as possible. i dont feel the pain after working them like i used to. just slightly. like the rest of my body. once your body gets used to being worked, it responds better. my main aim now when i do them is just to get a good nights sleep after and plenty of protein in me. Casein before bed to refuel me while i hibernate.
:stoneface: u said you were fat.

nawwww. i said when i come home from the gym and take my shirt off i feel gross. i was eating suppppper ugly and still getting there.

side note, i'm on 2 scoops of jack3d and nO right now about to hit the gym and i'm bouta do workkkkkkkkkk!

think i might try some of the nitrogen stuff, my dude takes it (although he ran track and has always been ripped) he got more shredded, he said it gave him more acne though
i posted here before and mentioned how the largest I've ever been was 240. That was about a year+ a few months ago. I don't have pics of myself during that time but I have a photo of myself about a little less than a full year ago probably at 210. I stopped weighing myself during that time period because I was afraid of the scale. :rolleyes especially after seeing (240) :smh: this is me probably around 210-215
this is now me probably 2 months ago at 190 trying to see how a size small fits
:lol: :smokin of course it was too small though. I am now at 180 and I believe a size 32 waist and feeling great. I still need working on here and there but I'm just happy to be where I am at now. Anyhow fit NT members, any recommendations on hardening up my stomach and helping me get rid of man boobs? :lol: I'm now 6 ft 180 btw.
honestly dont do any ab exercises that involve weight, crunches and resistance bands are the best route to keep your abs flat and have that aesthetic appeal

for the man boobs, start doin pushups and benching HEAVY, i dont mean hi reps because thats what the push ups are for so try to get in like 200 every night, i mean heavy sets of 4-4-6-6, i have seen results in 2 months once i ditched my 3 sets of 10 moderate weight regiment
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Good Luck iLLest

Down from 250 lb to 222 lb.

While trying on a shirt in the store today i noticed that my back was looking god like :D but my abs still look like balled up homework. Still got a ways to go.:smh:
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good luck buddy. hopefully it's just a sprain and not a fracture or a ganglion cyst.
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Think i fractured my wrist...going to doctors in couple hours...wish me luck. :[

man, what was you thinkin?

you cant be wreckless b, after you've been designing your temple and sculpting it

Please. . . . . stay safe
hope you have a speedy recovery illest. but I think thats where I'm lacking I'm only doing subtle pushups and weak sets of sit ups and crunchs. like elementary type stuff...:rolleyes
Had a GREAT workout this morning... Tried lifting some 50lb DB's... too heavy for now :lol: had to settle for 45's

I've been less aggressive with eating, I think it's suiting me better.
No need to do any ab exercises, squats and deadlifts work your abs more than anything.
Only way to really get them to show is to have a low BF%
For Ab's to show it's all about Body Fat, What is your typical daily diet?
Just hurt my back today doing squats, smh feelz bad man. Coming in I had a small pain in the middle of my back, but then i was squatting And I felt something in my back that kinda felt like how it feels if you were popping your neck or limbs if you were stretching. Yall think I should be good by Monday?
how the hell are yall getting injured during squats.. mk no sense to me. i been squatting for 6 years now. check your form or you might be putting too much weight.
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Just hurt my back today doing squats, smh feelz bad man. Coming in I had a small pain in the middle of my back, but then i was squatting And I felt something in my back that kinda felt like how it feels if you were popping your neck or limbs if you were stretching. Yall think I should be good by Monday?

Sorry to hear that!
Kind of had a sucky shoulder workout with the seated barbell shoulderpress as the main exercise. I'm doing a sort of 5x5 routine where I do the same weight for 5 sets and maximum 5 reps. When I succeed on all reps I will microload the next week. Last week I did 80 kgs (176 lbs) no problem and today I couldn't do 82,5 kgs (181,5 lbs). Did 4 reps on the first set and on the last sets I could only do 3 reps. Ah well, better luck next time. I did go up each time for the last 6 weeks so failure would happen eventually.
how the hell are yall getting injured during squats.. mk no sense to me. i been squatting for 6 years now. check your form or you might be putting too much weight.

naw I think I just rounded my back a little and it happen, the weights were light. but I do squat 3 times a week and do 9 total reps.
Just hurt my back today doing squats, smh feelz bad man. Coming in I had a small pain in the middle of my back, but then i was squatting And I felt something in my back that kinda felt like how it feels if you were popping your neck or limbs if you were stretching. Yall think I should be good by Monday?

Were you wearing a belt?

I just started using a belt for my heavier lifts. i would be that guy with 8 plates, no wraps, no belt :smh: My back would kill me afterwards until I stretched it out.
But now I take no chances and keep it safe.

Havent posted in here in a minute. Good to see guys making good progress.

A word of advice for some. I know someone who recently suffered a "mild" stroke. She said fat burners she was taking did something to her blood.
I dismissed that theory and figured the Drs were just trying to put the blame on something. Come to find out she said she was taking fat burners since her 20's (now 36) and she was addicted to them. Seems like she never really got off of it. So a little warning to you guys, make sure you cycle off of that stuff. Same goes for jack3d and those other pre workouts. Give your body time to cleanse itself. Take anti oxidents.
Naw I was waiting to get a belt till I got really high in weights but I am warming up with 245 then doing 295 then 325 3 sets of each 3 times a week due to starting strength
i only take multi vitamins and whey. i feel good before and after every workout.

just curuous why do yall take jack3d or similar products. what does it do for you?
i only take multi vitamins and whey. i feel good before and after every workout.
just curuous why do yall take jack3d or similar products. what does it do for you?

Can't speak for everybody, but for me, the long work days start to take it's physical toll on me so I look toward caffeine to give me the pre-workout boost I need to still stay active. Before, I was drinking sugarfree I have the OG Jack3d, which I'm regretting purchasing actually. I should have gone with the Micro formula. The OG is too much energy, not enough pump and it's been throwing off my sleeping schedule. I've had to :smokin way more just to get to bed at midnight. :smh:

I'll probably take 0.5-0.75 of a scoop from now on. A full one is a bit too much.
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