No such thing bruh...not trying to jump on you or anything, but we, meaning the majority or overweight people, are that way because of what we eat and activity level. Genetics do play a role to some degree, but don't kid yourself or use that as an excuse.
As to the "sweet tooth"'s all mind over matter. Everyone at some point or another loved or loves sweets, but you have to decide within yourself what's more important. It truely is a lifestyle change as well as a change in thought process. I am by no means a pro or perfect, but I have gotten to the point that I decided that I don't put the work in at the gym just to waste it and not improve myself. We all have our weaknesses, but are you going to endulge and allow your weakness to hinder you or are you going to make good choices, limit your endulgence and move closer to your full potential?