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When building chest, do you guys start from the heaviest to the lowest, or lowest to the heaviest? I was doing lowest to the heaviest for awhile, than my bod told me start from heaviest to lowest (pyramid 12 - 10 - 8 - 6). Hmmm, whats the proper way?!
Sup yall, I got a problem. My forearms used to be veiny as hell but now they're completely gone. What should i do to get them back.
3 ways,

a) Drink lots of water
b) Have low body fat
c) Lift

B is usually the best way.

Im veiny all through my hands, arms, biceps, not sure I like it anymore :lol:
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He did though.

There is NO "superfood" to help you lose fat where YOU want to lose it, the body does what it wants withthe caloric surplus or deficit you create daily, it stores and burns where it wants...lower belly fat almost ALWAYS being the last to go
About a 4th of the way through my personal training studying bs. Crammed 4 chapters in the last few days so it's not hard for anyone wondering (of course assuming you're used to cramming).

Anyone else in here a trainer? I do remember a few of yall that used to come in here might've been or are trainers.

What's yall financial life going like?

Any of you guys go private and train people at your own leisure?

I work at World Gym in SF and one trainer makes in the tens of thousands a month.

I am looking to go private and have my ideas, but wondering if anyone else in here is in the same boat.

I know it's men's health, but I think it's pretty decent info.

Also read a few places that boron helps with prostate health.
Doesn't seem to be much evidence in terms of its effectiveness:

lol money spent, I only spent about $70.
Btw thanks for you useless advice on supplements. Obviously they dont get you swole, they are used to supplement you diet
So why "post your stack"?

The whole concept of the "stack" is a ridiculous but successful way the supplement industry squeezes more money out of gullible teenagers. People buy the more expensive supplements or buy stuff they don't need just so they can have an additional cool looking container in their so-called stack. Granted your "stack" doesn't contain too many extraneous, worthless products, but why do pictures of your supplements validate your commitment to getting huge? If anything you should be posting pictures of your food for the week. Sorry if this is harsh; I just think it's worth getting the attitude adjustment now rather than 6 months down the road.

How to burn belly fat?

I jog 20 laps and jump rope at the park.

What's a good diet? I know broccoli is good for belly fat.

I try to eat small portions throughout the day also.

Are bananas and apples good for belly fat?

When building chest, do you guys start from the heaviest to the lowest, or lowest to the heaviest? I was doing lowest to the heaviest for awhile, than my bod told me start from heaviest to lowest (pyramid 12 - 10 - 8 - 6). Hmmm, whats the proper way?!
Your body "told you" to switch up your routine? Based on your post, I'm guessing you'd benefit most from a simple linear progression like Starting Strength.

3 ways,

a) Drink lots of water

b) Have low body fat
c) Lift

B is usually the best way.

Im veiny all through my hands, arms, biceps, not sure I like it anymore :lol:
Lol wut? If anything you would want to be dehydrated to look more vascular.

Yea umm..can you be more specific? That didn't answer anything.
Yeah it did. You can't spot kill belly fat and magically keep your fatceps. Eat less calories than you burn. How far you want to take it in terms of reorganizing your diet is up to you, but you can't escape that basic concept.

About a 4th of the way through my personal training studying bs. Crammed 4 chapters in the last few days so it's not hard for anyone wondering (of course assuming you're used to cramming).

Anyone else in here a trainer? I do remember a few of yall that used to come in here might've been or are trainers.

What's yall financial life going like?

Any of you guys go private and train people at your own leisure?

I work at World Gym in SF and one trainer makes in the tens of thousands a month.

I am looking to go private and have my ideas, but wondering if anyone else in here is in the same boat.
I feel like the PT field is oversaturated and people rely to heavily on gimmicks and ridiculous workout routines to set themselves apart. In reality, the most useful thing a trainer can do is help trainees get solid form on the complex barbell lifts down and then get them set on a linear progression. I think a lot of trainers who aren't all that knowledgeable or well-educated take advantage of beginners by convincing them that a trainer is necessary when in fact, it's not.
Sup yall, I got a problem. My forearms used to be veiny as hell but now they're completely gone. What should i do to get them back.

lower your body fat? :lol:

Fap....will give you huge vainy forearms....make sure to switch hands

My order came in yesterday...literally came the day after i ordered. Got 2-2lbs of Molten Chocolate and 2-2lbs of CnC Cellular whey. I had been using ON for a bit and was tired of it. Excited try something new.

Did legs yesterday...there was a hoard of college/high school kids in the squat rack so i did deadlifts to start....i ended up basically making it dead lift day :lol:. But new pr...hit 385...i am so close to 4 plates. And not to sound like a doosh (yes thats how i spell it) but feels good to be able to do it all with out any equipment. There is a dude at our gym who is probably about 190-200lb and 6 foot 1, he dead lifts with a belt with straps and puts two-three of those foam squares under the weights....which kinda give you an advantage with height...and he bounces off them. But he Dead's 405lbs as a max and uses a lot of back. Can't wait to step up to 405 no nothing straight from the floor.

Tried to squat after DLing up to 275lb and was cooked...did calves and hamstrings and left.

Chest today...can't wait
How'd you guys feel? Lethargic? Drained? How was your menu during your feeding period? Large meals, small meals? I already feel like crap when i go a few hours without eating lol. but the articles i've read said that that goes away once your body gets used to the eating schedule..? As far as cravings I should be fine, since I've been slowly eliminating all of my favorite stuff from my normal diet anyways. No sweets other than fruit, which has been absolutely amazing lately once i got all of those skittles and chocolate chip cookies out of my system lol. No fried food, no fast food. When i think, it's whiskey. Passing on the bread and white potatoes, rices. Lots of green veggies. And just being mindful and using judgement when eating. My friend at the gym said to me the other day that he can never tell if i'm cutting or bulking, because I'm always looking lean but I seem to be getting bigger. Which actually is true, I'm consistently trimming fat while slow adding size gains, nothing substantial like a bulk breeds, but slowly and surely adding millimeters to my diameter.
By whiskey, you mean you have cravings for it because you abstain or it's your one vice? I've been considering making the beer->whiskey switch, but I've invested a lot of time and money into getting good at drinking beer and at the end of the day:

This + protein and fish oil is my current stack.

Anyone ever taken either of these before?

Can you explain the purpose of each of those suppies?

post your stack
I got the hyper shred and bcaa for free. I dont know if ill use they hyper shred


Go back to teen misc. Posting your stacks is one of those phases that all beginners go through. Eventually you will realize that money spent on supplements does not equal commitment to getting swole.

I typed when I think, it's whiskey, but I meant, when I drink. You should defintely make the switch bro. I feel you on putting in the time to be a legit beer drinker, but for this body sculpting business, whiskey can't be beat lol. 70 cals per oz, compared to the 150 per oz of beer, plus the carbonation, all of the carbs, just swells the stomach up. plus you feel the effects of the liquor a lot faster so you dont have to drink as much, and some of the flavors of the aged stuff is amazing! Whiskey will actually dry you out too and make you leaner lol. But yea, when I go out I'll have a couple drinks, scotch, bourbon, cognac, brandy, gin, vodka. very rarely beer anymore

what is dark matter? i see viktor martinez advertise it all the time.
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On Dark matter, decent vid. Watch the whole thing.

I took it a year ago, went through 2 tubs and I loved it. Trained hard while on it and had good results.
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Beer is 150 cals per oz or per 8 oz? either way I'm glad I hate beer 

Did rack pulls for the first time today, got up to 3 and a quarter, nothing too heavy and felt pretty good, hopefully this will help my lockouts for DL. I just wish my gym had a real power rack instead of smith machine ********.

Switching to a PPL and doing strength style training is what suites me best, glad I made the change from bb style.
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About a 4th of the way through my personal training studying bs. Crammed 4 chapters in the last few days so it's not hard for anyone wondering (of course assuming you're used to cramming).

Anyone else in here a trainer? I do remember a few of yall that used to come in here might've been or are trainers.

What's yall financial life going like?

Any of you guys go private and train people at your own leisure?

I work at World Gym in SF and one trainer makes in the tens of thousands a month.

I am looking to go private and have my ideas, but wondering if anyone else in here is in the same boat.

What do you want to know? Im more in medical fitness than personal training per say but its similar.
Supp overload lately...
Sup yall, I got a problem. My forearms used to be veiny as hell but now they're completely gone. What should i do to get them back.
lower your body fat?
Fap....will give you huge vainy forearms....make sure to switch hands

My order came in yesterday...literally came the day after i ordered. Got 2-2lbs of Molten Chocolate and 2-2lbs of CnC Cellular whey. I had been using ON for a bit and was tired of it. Excited try something new.

Did legs yesterday...there was a hoard of college/high school kids in the squat rack so i did deadlifts to start....i ended up basically making it dead lift day
. But new pr...hit 385...i am so close to 4 plates. And not to sound like a doosh (yes thats how i spell it) but feels good to be able to do it all with out any equipment. There is a dude at our gym who is probably about 190-200lb and 6 foot 1, he dead lifts with a belt with straps and puts two-three of those foam squares under the weights....which kinda give you an advantage with height...and he bounces off them. But he Dead's 405lbs as a max and uses a lot of back. Can't wait to step up to 405 no nothing straight from the floor.

Tried to squat after DLing up to 275lb and was cooked...did calves and hamstrings and left.

Chest today...can't wait
Those are some pretty damn good #s, think you said you're like 185?

I don't count that **** you explained above as a true deadlift.  If dude ain't lifting the bar dead from the floor...he's not deadlifting.  Never understood these people who use all these contraptions just to say they're moving a certain weight.  Like do you really need to lift with your ego that much?  Life the weight off the damn floor and stop being a *****.  To each his own tho.

I highly doubt this is the exact program dude used, but this portion of the article stood out to me:
Jackman’s trainer, David Kingsbury, had the actor follow a classic progressive overload plan to build strength on basic lifts like the bench press, squat, and deadlift. The point is to start extra light, using only a small percentage of your max, and gradually up the weights and drop the reps so that you’re smashing through plateaus in only a few weeks. (Note that the fourth week is done with lighter weights to allow recovery.) “It’s a system you can trust to continue to improve your gains,” Kingsbury says.

The remaining work involves some age-old techniques such as supersets and circuits to thoroughly exhaust muscles and burn off the fat that covers them. But if you’re picturing the modern bodybuilding workouts featured in some other mags, you won’t find them here. “There’s no point in just bulking up,” Jackman says, “because you’ve got to be functional.” Unlike most guys in gyms today gunning for bigger arms, Jackman’s training is balanced, and he does the so-called hard exercises most others avoid—no machines. Jackman’s look is more evidence that free weights are behind every unforgettable physique, whether or not it’s built on an adamantium skeleton. “I got in the best shape I’ve ever been in,” he says.
I guess it all depends on your goals, but lately I've found that I've been able to make more strength and size gains by switching off of the bodybuilder split and going with simple linear progression.  Still have to fine tune my assistance work, though.  Work in progress, but I'm no longer pressed to try the latest and greatest "get swole in 8 weeks" program that the mags and websites try and steer people towards.
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Yeah weighed myself after the gym yesterday at 182lbs.

Still can't bench 225 though :lol: RIP to my gains though soccer season up and running as of this Sunday....gonna try my best to stay around 180 but i usually drop to about 175 during season.

Thats a good read on Hugh Jackman Repped. I have found my strength increasing a little bit by doing more compound lifts. I have been focused on my DL but i started to do power cleans too which even though i can't go heavy on them it seems to be shocking my body into a little bit of growth since i haven't done them before. I also started to do more wide grip chin-ups for back to help out and it has slowly progressed my dead lift.
So I'm tryna gain weight right, but wanna keep the fat at bay (bae 
).. Should I do some light cardio after my workouts? Like say, 3 times a week?
Supp overload lately...

Those are some pretty damn good #s, think you said you're like 185?

I don't count that **** you explained above as a true deadlift.  If dude ain't lifting the bar dead from the floor...he's not deadlifting.  Never understood these people who use all these contraptions just to say they're moving a certain weight.  Like do you really need to lift with your ego that much?  Life the weight off the damn floor and stop being a *****.  To each his own tho.

I highly doubt this is the exact program dude used, but this portion of the article stood out to me:

I guess it all depends on your goals, but lately I've found that I've been able to make more strength and size gains by switching off of the bodybuilder split and going with simple linear progression.  Still have to fine tune my assistance work, though.  Work in progress, but I'm no longer pressed to try the latest and greatest "get swole in 8 weeks" program that the mags and websites try and steer people towards.

That Jackman routine sounds exactly like 5/3/1, Jim Wendler's routine.
So I'm tryna gain weight right, but wanna keep the fat at bay (bae 
).. Should I do some light cardio after my workouts? Like say, 3 times a week?
I would say do that, but equally if not more important is your calorie intake.

I'm guessing you're like me.  Slight mid-section fat, and you want to add mass.  I eat about 100-200 calories above my maintenance level, and it's been working for me.  I'm still at 12%-13% even though I've gained 9lbs over the past 10 months.

Just my 2 cents.
screw bench brah, my bench is pathetic for how long ive been lifting :smh:

seriously how are you supposed to improve? probably the most frustrating thing ever
Yeah weighed myself after the gym yesterday at 182lbs.

Still can't bench 225 though
RIP to my gains though soccer season up and running as of this Sunday....gonna try my best to stay around 180 but i usually drop to about 175 during season.

Thats a good read on Hugh Jackman Repped. I have found my strength increasing a little bit by doing more compound lifts. I have been focused on my DL but i started to do power cleans too which even though i can't go heavy on them it seems to be shocking my body into a little bit of growth since i haven't done them before. I also started to do more wide grip chin-ups for back to help out and it has slowly progressed my dead lift.
Any compound full body lift is usually king. Iso has its place, but for adding size, the compound moves are king.

Just like that plan the Rock posted the other day, I doubt that's his true program, but in general, the basic principles still reign supreme IMO.

You try upping liquid cals in season with smoothies? I doubt you mind dropping down since it's not in vain, but least it'd offer a hidden calorie source when your body is burbing so much.
Supp overload lately...

Those are some pretty damn good #s, think you said you're like 185?

I don't count that **** you explained above as a true deadlift.  If dude ain't lifting the bar dead from the floor...he's not deadlifting.  Never understood these people who use all these contraptions just to say they're moving a certain weight.  Like do you really need to lift with your ego that much?  Life the weight off the damn floor and stop being a *****.  To each his own tho.

I highly doubt this is the exact program dude used, but this portion of the article stood out to me:

I guess it all depends on your goals, but lately I've found that I've been able to make more strength and size gains by switching off of the bodybuilder split and going with simple linear progression.  Still have to fine tune my assistance work, though.  Work in progress, but I'm no longer pressed to try the latest and greatest "get swole in 8 weeks" program that the mags and websites try and steer people towards.
That Jackman routine sounds exactly like 5/3/1, Jim Wendler's routine.
Yep, the basic principles seem to be your run of the mill 5x5 (Wendler, Strong Lifts, etc.).  I'm skeptical that the assistance work is exactly what he does, but I can't exactly prove otherwise lol.
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So I'm tryna gain weight right, but wanna keep the fat at bay (bae 
).. Should I do some light cardio after my workouts? Like say, 3 times a week?
I would say do that, but equally if not more important is your calorie intake.

I'm guessing you're like me.  Slight mid-section fat, and you want to add mass.  I eat about 100-200 calories above my maintenance level, and it's been working for me.  I'm still at 12%-13% even though I've gained 9lbs over the past 10 months.

Just my 2 cents.
We're like... in the same, mental mind...
Yeah weighed myself after the gym yesterday at 182lbs.

Still can't bench 225 though :lol: RIP to my gains though soccer season up and running as of this Sunday....gonna try my best to stay around 180 but i usually drop to about 175 during season.

Thats a good read on Hugh Jackman Repped. I have found my strength increasing a little bit by doing more compound lifts. I have been focused on my DL but i started to do power cleans too which even though i can't go heavy on them it seems to be shocking my body into a little bit of growth since i haven't done them before. I also started to do more wide grip chin-ups for back to help out and it has slowly progressed my dead lift.
Any compound full body lift is usually king. Iso has its place, but for adding size, the compound moves are king.

Just like that plan the Rock posted the other day, I doubt that's his true program, but in general, the basic principles still reign supreme IMO.

You try upping liquid cals in season with smoothies? I doubt you mind dropping down since it's not in vain, but least it'd offer a hidden calorie source when your body is burbing so much.

Repped thats a good idea. Was thinking about grabbing a nutri-bullet too recently. But yeah not the biggest deal since its basically functional weight loss

And completely agree with you Zyzz about the bench non-sense...that plateau :smh: :smh: ...I have tried it all i feel like bar, DB, heavy, light, drop sets, positioning, grips. Next on my list is try, what i consider, half reps. With my long arms its a lot of ground to cover, so in an attempt to put up more weight im going try to not touch my chest with the bar and stop a couple inches prior and see if it helps. I have always been a fan of Full Range of Motion, but got to try something
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screw bench brah, my bench is pathetic for how long ive been lifting

seriously how are you supposed to improve? probably the most frustrating thing ever
Sack up and try something different

What does your chest routine look like?
screw bench brah, my bench is pathetic for how long ive been lifting

seriously how are you supposed to improve? probably the most frustrating thing ever
Fix the root of the problem, which is more than likely your form.

Bench is the hardest out of the compound lifts when it comes to form being a key factor in how much weight you can move in my opinion.

Mine sucks as well but by doing it and trying to get my form right is helping.

Take a look at Ed Coans benching program, it will help you out.
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Fix the root of the problem, which is more than likely your form.

Bench is the hardest out of the compound lifts when it comes to form being a key factor in how much weight you can move in my opinion.

Mine sucks as well but by doing it and trying to get my form right is helping.

Take a look at Ed Coans benching program, it will help you out.

Form is important on all the major barbell compound lifts to maximize the weight you move.

Just like a baseball or golf swing, having someone take a video of your lift can be very beneficial. You may think you're doing something mechanically that you actually aren't.
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