Like I said, im sure most of that is noob gains. I could BARELY get 185 up for 3-4 reps when I first started 2 months ago. I progressed pretty quick, we just did about 6 sets (one warm up so 5 working). Typically 135-185-185-225-225-185. Now when im feeling good its 135-185-225-275-275-225, and sometimes even do 185 again so 7 sets. Seems excessive but it worked. Still had a lot in the tank for incline, dumbbell presses, and flys after.
275 is a wall right now though. We're trying to tinker our workouts to get us over that hump, but cutting season wont help that at all. As long as I get 225 up 8-10 good reps while im on that cut, ill be hapy.