STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I decided I'm just going to fight at the 208 to 225lb weight class. I'm 217ish right now I'm just going to gain muscle and be on the upper end of the class. My coach said I should be able to just tire out some short fat dudes. I'm already used to going against the biggest dude in class with mixed results. :lol: :smh:

Anyone know a solid portable adjustable dumbell I can buy?
been on a single leg kick lately…safety squat bar was torture with the way it sits on my shoulders, messed around with cleans from elevated blocks and worked up to 225 despite the poor technique i was getting the bar up high enough just was struggling to get under the bar 😮‍💨😬 definitely see how easy it is to get all kind of wrecked with cleans

Well I'm looking for all the cracks like my phone dropped.. :rofl:
Man the tendency to take a quick look and adhd do not mix. You'll look then your mind goes somewhere else (man am I going to eat after this), but your face is still physically staring.
Now that I think about it, some of my worst workouts have been when I was in a bad mood. Never did feel better after punching a bag or running either.

makes sense, unless one actively uses an activity to go into another state that emphasizes calm &/or focus &/or play if one is already angry or negatively amped up any activity that feeds into that will just heighten that/those feelings…interesting that the monotony/steadiness of jogging/running actually increased anger & frustration given the ‘runner’s high’ folk that run go on about

when in yesterday thinking i’d attempt a full depth back squat @ 495 so double scooped my intraworkout drink (a couple different proteins & creatine basically) w/preworkout & dry scooped one as well (a serving is 150g of caffeine, so about 450 total but i rarely actually come close finishing the drink during the workout which is why i started to dry scoop one serving as well on days where i take pre) weights were moving quite smooth until i hit 480, hit depth came up out of the bottom and the weight folded me like a pretzel 😮‍💨 and i face planted into the platform like one of those gym fail jawns, happened so fast too, never had that happen that i failed a lift like that…has me spooked to go heavier just lil bit now altho i did re-rack and complete the lift @480

definitely should have used & will use the safeties when i get up to trying to max out again 😮‍💨

Solid week so far. 5 classes under my belt. Doubled up on class Monday and Wednesday. Probably do no gi today and tomorrow. Big promotion day this weekend but I don't think ill get a blue belt since I signed up to fight as a white belt and let everyone know. :lol:
So two weeks ago today I felt a pop in the back of my leg. Was doing back extensions, albeit a little heavy tbh but it’s a weight I’ve done before comfortably . First set went smooth, second set feel a pop right behind my left knee. Wasn’t really painful but I knew it wasn’t good. Went to the dr, he thinks it’s just a hamstring strain since it didn’t really bruise. Was trying to get an mri but insurance didn’t approve it. Had a noticeable limp the first few days. Feeling much better now thankfully, and I have pretty much full ROM now. Just sucks because leg training was going so well smh.

As far as training goes I can do leg extensions no problem, so that’s my main movement for quads right now. I do very light BFR leg press just to get some extra work in. Squats and deadlifts are off the menu right now, don’t want to chance anything. Doing very light hamstring curls and some rehab exercises.

Little physique update for you guys


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So two weeks ago today I felt a pop in the back of my leg. Was doing back extensions, albeit a little heavy tbh but it’s a weight I’ve done before comfortably . First set went smooth, second set feel a pop right behind my left knee. Wasn’t really painful but I knew it wasn’t good. Went to the dr, he thinks it’s just a hamstring strain since it didn’t really bruise. Was trying to get an mri but insurance didn’t approve it. Had a noticeable limp the first few days. Feeling much better now thankfully, and I have pretty much full ROM now. Just sucks because leg training was going so well smh.

As far as training goes I can do leg extensions no problem, so that’s my main movement for quads right now. I do very light BFR leg press just to get some extra work in. Squats and deadlifts are off the menu right now, don’t want to chance anything. Doing very light hamstring curls and some rehab exercises.

Little physique update for you guys

it’s always the risk vs rewards when you start getting it in with heavy weight…it might have happened regardless but it doesn’t stop you from second guessing, you can still do single leg work w/the opposite leg tho & it has been shown in some research that it speeds recovery of the injured appendage
So two weeks ago today I felt a pop in the back of my leg. Was doing back extensions, albeit a little heavy tbh but it’s a weight I’ve done before comfortably . First set went smooth, second set feel a pop right behind my left knee. Wasn’t really painful but I knew it wasn’t good. Went to the dr, he thinks it’s just a hamstring strain since it didn’t really bruise. Was trying to get an mri but insurance didn’t approve it. Had a noticeable limp the first few days. Feeling much better now thankfully, and I have pretty much full ROM now. Just sucks because leg training was going so well smh.

As far as training goes I can do leg extensions no problem, so that’s my main movement for quads right now. I do very light BFR leg press just to get some extra work in. Squats and deadlifts are off the menu right now, don’t want to chance anything. Doing very light hamstring curls and some rehab exercises.

Little physique update for you guys
What’s your diet like?
it’s always the risk vs rewards when you start getting it in with heavy weight…it might have happened regardless but it doesn’t stop you from second guessing, you can still do single leg work w/the opposite leg tho & it has been shown in some research that it speeds recovery of the injured appendage

Yea, you’re absolutely right. When you do this long enough and train hard there’s always going to be a risk. Just have to make sure it’s a calculated risk. Yea I’ve done that in the past for my pec strain. Cross education effect is very real. As of now I’m able to train the left hamstring directly with really light weights so I’m just doing that. Also working on stability and a lot of other areas I’ve neglected.

What’s your diet like?

A lot of chicken, eggs and rice 😅. Lately I’ve been eating like crap tho. Gave myself a few days when the injury happened to just yolo but I’m back on track now.
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