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Gear makes you an emotional wreck, especially those who are already predisposed to emotional issues. Insecure men become even more insecure while using. ALL bodybuilders today are incredibly insecure, always worried about being judged. Being in the closet sexually becomes a trigger point for men who need to prove that they are manly men. These are the types who become incredibly abusive toward women.

Pieces of trash they are.
Looking up to anyone in the fitness industry is a bad idea, all we know about them is what they choose to show us.

If anyone was dumb enough to believe Buendia was a good dude then thats on them :lol:

Yeah I didn't get good vibes from him, but never knew there were accusations out.
The normal 5x5 with bench, squat, dl, and ohp on different days works better for me than Stronglifts 5x5. Nothing wrong with the stornglifts app program. It's just that I feel like I'm at the gym longer. Especially early in the week when the gym is packed and I need to bench, squat, and or dl.
The normal 5x5 with bench, squat, dl, and ohp on different days works better for me than Stronglifts 5x5. Nothing wrong with the stornglifts app program. It's just that I feel like I'm at the gym longer. Especially early in the week when the gym is packed and I need to bench, squat, and or dl.
With accessory lifts and cardio, I haven’t gone over 1.5 hr. I’ve been pretty strict about 1 min rest, 2 only if I’m completely gassed.
The normal 5x5 with bench, squat, dl, and ohp on different days works better for me than Stronglifts 5x5. Nothing wrong with the stornglifts app program. It's just that I feel like I'm at the gym longer. Especially early in the week when the gym is packed and I need to bench, squat, and or dl.
I just got caught up on the kingc and larry wheels situation. I'm proud of her and unbelievably disgusted in Larry.

Buendia has been a scumbag for years. I remember Luimarco exposing him back in the day. I think someone he was beefing with at the Olympia was trying to expose his domestic abuse a few years back but I got swept under the rug.
With accessory lifts and cardio, I haven’t gone over 1.5 hr. I’ve been pretty strict about 1 min rest, 2 only if I’m completely gassed.
I was around the 2 hour mark with accessory. A lot of it is waiting for a bench and squat rack. I could drop the accessory exercises for time but idk if I want to.

The look on people's face when I strip the weights off after squats and rerack for ohp is low key hilarious to me.
Serge :pimp:

G.O.A.T chest.
The Black Panther, they say he never went over 225 on bench, just did high reps.
Horse meat?

Lmao I’m good man
Yeah dude swore by it, I will just make up for the horse meat benefits other ways. Another piece of chicken or a protein shake, not putting Mr. Ed on my plate.
Allegations of beating his girl, and smashing men.

I personally don’t care about his sexual preference, but abuse is never cool.
Damn homie if it is true, put that aggression towards the weights.
Damn Larry career might just be over
Yeah a lot of up and coming guys might be done, Larry, Shawn Roden and Jeremy Buendia. These guys were suppose to be the front runners in the future.
Im not taking sides until we hear what he has to say.

If its not true then he's going to have a layup of a defamation lawsuit against her and anyone like Kenny who makes videos without knowing all the facts and even hearing all of the story.

In 2019 its guilty until proven innocent if you're a man accused of anything against a woman and thats ****ing bull****.

Homosexuality has been in bodybuilding forever though, so that wouldn't be the first time.
I hear you but do guys really get money money from those, because the person they are suing how much could she have? Certainly not millions. If I am filing a defamation suit I want at least 6 figures on the low end, because the PR will always be with you after you clear your name. Nobody would do a detail background check on you before going into business with you.
Real **** though if I were a female I’d be shook if my boyfriend was 270lb, over 6 foot and filled with steroids. And had that roid rage.

You can’t defend yourself in any way in private


I've been hearing stories about tren rage since the beginning of my interest in bodybuilding etc. Dudes are straight up looking for a fight when they are on a cycle in and outside the gym.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that she recorded the audio of one of the incidents I would still question the validity of her accusations and that's an issue with public perception of domestic violence, especially with black women. I should know better because of my own family history of domestic violence (not me laying hands but literally everyone else, men and women), but it takes a level of growth to accept the truth about how commonplace it unfortunately is.
Looking up to anyone in the fitness industry is a bad idea, all we know about them is what they choose to show us.

If anyone was dumb enough to believe Buendia was a good dude then thats on them :lol:
I use to watch Jeremy's videos back in the day that 4 series was nice. However I for some reason stopped, people still look up to people? I thought society had taught us many many times, admire characteristics of someone but not everything about them. They are human and will fail sometime. I admire the work Serge put in and that is my dream physique however don't look up to the guy. RIP
Lingo. Ain’t no way

Larry should have been tearing that thing in half, not inappropriately though.
Wow I’m shocked, you mean the dude who charges for autographs because he’s famous for picking up heavy things isn’t a nice guy?
I just figured out how to program intervals on my concept 2 rower....boy am I an idiot.

I was always wondering why it stopped counting time whenever I took a break during intervals...

i don’t ever support domestic violence, but after listening to that young women’s video I’m not 100% sure that Larry dude is a domestic abuser. Men and women get in verbal disputes all the time, not saying it’s right but it doesn’t seem like that recording is enough evidence to support her allegations, especially if dude called the cops and charges weren’t filed.
Yeah idk about widening my arm position on front squats.
Tried today and it just didn't feel right. Didn't really have good control of the bar. Guess I gotta work and shoulder and wrist mobility :/
Day 2 of fitexpo today. Hopefully i get more free **** than yesterday. :lol:

As far as looking up to "fitness" people, seems like no one really gaf bout their personal lives. Just how they look and their social media posts.
Day 2 of fitexpo today. Hopefully i get more free **** than yesterday. :lol:

As far as looking up to "fitness" people, seems like no one really gaf bout their personal lives. Just how they look and their social media posts.
Most people just want to look like them..for example have big arms or big chest etc. nobody really cares too much about their personal life
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