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All of those are good nutritionally I think depending on your goal, but I'm no nutritionist.
I like quinoa a lot because it has some protein and there is a lot you can do with it.
There's a recipe on fitmencook for chicken fried quinoa that is fire.
Too cook quinoa

Make water taste like sea with salt


Cook until soft

If you don’t salt it it’s gonna be trash, don’t just eat salted quinoa either. That’s also gonna be trash. It needs some sauce or dressing or something if you are making a cold salad with it.

I used to make a crab, quinoa salad with a fish sauce vinnegrette that was fire.
White rice goes with everything and so simple to make.

Finally got back in the gym after straining a back muscle last tuesday. Been lazy as hell waking up in the AM too.

Flat and Incline Bench
Weighted Dips (worked up to BW+90×4)
Cable Flys
Leg Press
Hip Thrusts (Hit 315×5 twice)
Leg Raises
Too cook quinoa

Make water taste like sea with salt
Cook until soft
If you don’t salt it it’s gonna be trash, don’t just eat salted quinoa either. That’s also gonna be trash. It needs some sauce or dressing or something if you are making a cold salad with it.

I used to make a crab, quinoa salad with a fish sauce vinnegrette that was fire.
You're a cook so i trust this.
I meant best nutritionally
For bulk or cut.

Been doing jasmine rice for awhile (seasons the best goes with all protein. Fish chicken beef turkey)
Added sweet potatoes (found the farmer connect) . ever since i added it i started seeing more results. Body is shaping up better. Rounded muscles. More cuts. (Currently cutting) legit lost 2lbs since substituting that for some of the rice i was doing.
I have 5 carb meals which was
Oatmeal (pre wo)
Banana (post wo)
Rice x3

Now im doing
Rice or sweet potato.

Going to cut carbs again after the bew year by another 20grams soon. So well see how well i do. Im at about 210.5.
Looking to get 190 by March 20lbs in 3 months. Going nice and slow to make sure i can keep up this weight lost. Want to be back down to a solid 180-185 by next october (going to a wedding)
I keep about 20 of these in my freezer at all times.

There is no “best”. Unless you’re measuring things like you’re about to do a show you’re good. If you felt like you ate too much just bust your *** more to make up for it lol. Lots of the info online are just taken from bodybuilders
Frozen rice?

The disrespect...

It comes out legit AF. I'm picky and have dabbled in all types of rice and this is the only frozen one I mess with. 3 minutes and it comes out fluffy and sticky like I steamed it in a pot.
It comes out legit AF. I'm picky and have dabbled in all types of rice and this is the only frozen one I mess with. 3 minutes and it comes out fluffy and sticky like I steamed it in a pot.

Basmati rice or nothing
I can kinda understand the frozen rice convenience. Too many times I've forgotten rice in the rice cooker to just come back to mold.
Im getting a rice cooker for christmas im dumb excited. Been tired of boiling water method everyday
Naw **** that. At least with the cups you get 1 and you’re done. Make a whole pot of rice having you eating lbs of that **** daily
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