STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

That c4 preworkout gets my temper on hulk mode sometimes :lol: :smh: legit feels like I'm on meth if i don't work it all out at the gym. Went to work and fired off on this rude customer. We both ended up apologizing to each other :lol:
The blue raspberry is good !!! It does get you on doe at first but after you get use to it you gona need 2 scoops lol
That c4 preworkout gets my temper on hulk mode sometimes :lol: :smh: legit feels like I'm on meth if i don't work it all out at the gym. Went to work and fired off on this rude customer. We both ended up apologizing to each other :lol:

Which c4? Cause c4 is pretty weak to me
Which c4? Cause c4 is pretty weak to me
I'm a beginner so I'm more sensitive to it

Haven't posted anything in here in a while so here's a few videos of where my training's been lately.

Been doing "The Bridge" by Barbell Medicine and man the difference is wild. My programming, if you even want to call it that, has been trash for so many years I don't know how I didn't wise up sooner.

Anyway, to make things short (the captions are long enough if you care to read):
  • Hit 135 for a single at 8. I've never repped anything over 115x4 @ what was probably 10 back then, prior to this program.
  • 225x4 is my all time PR on bench (set maybe 2 years ago). I'm now pause repping 220x3 @ 9 and a single of 230 paused @ 8
  • Deadlift and Squats are steadily improving and I'm squatting the heaviest weights for reps that I have in a while but I'm doing it in a smart, productive way that manages stress/fatigue. Squat/DL have been hampered by injuries and subsequent poor management of those injuries (mainly not knowing how to deal with them and taking too long a time away from the bar) for years. This time is different.
My goals for 2019 are:
  • 315 bench press for 5 (touch and go style) @ no specific RPE.
  • 405 deadlift and squat
  • Press, I'm not even sure what a good goal is so maybe 185 for 5 @ any RPE.
I'm excited because not only do I feel like I'll hit every goal, but I feel like they'll happen much sooner than I realize.

Haven't posted anything in here in a while so here's a few videos of where my training's been lately.

Been doing "The Bridge" by Barbell Medicine and man the difference is wild. My programming, if you even want to call it that, has been trash for so many years I don't know how I didn't wise up sooner.

Anyway, to make things short (the captions are long enough if you care to read):
  • Hit 135 for a single at 8. I've never repped anything over 115x4 @ what was probably 10 back then, prior to this program.
  • 225x4 is my all time PR on bench (set maybe 2 years ago). I'm now pause repping 220x3 @ 9 and a single of 230 paused @ 8
  • Deadlift and Squats are steadily improving and I'm squatting the heaviest weights for reps that I have in a while but I'm doing it in a smart, productive way that manages stress/fatigue. Squat/DL have been hampered by injuries and subsequent poor management of those injuries (mainly not knowing how to deal with them and taking too long a time away from the bar) for years. This time is different.
My goals for 2019 are:
  • 315 bench press for 5 (touch and go style) @ no specific RPE.
  • 405 deadlift and squat
  • Press, I'm not even sure what a good goal is so maybe 185 for 5 @ any RPE.
I'm excited because not only do I feel like I'll hit every goal, but I feel like they'll happen much sooner than I realize.

Good job bro. Tbh I bet if you could pull 405 in a month if you wanted to
So this morning was the usual crowd as always.
Theres this one cool guy, older cat, walks around with a cup of coffee and thinks hes all that with his fresh gymwear, but we let him be.

Anyways, this one baaaaaad chick walks up and starts squatting. This dude was just too obvious about it.
He walks by her station, tries to get her attention by having his thumbs up, mouthing "good job". But she pays him no mind.

Man we laughed and laughed :lol:
Who rolls for 30 minutes before they squat? That’s backwards af.

Brb getting a deep tissue massage and seeing how I lift after...

I quit squatting in shoes. No need :lol:

I do. Stretching and mobility is imperative to better flexibility and depth. Rolling before makes me wayyy more pliable.
Wanted to thank the members in this thread for providing some inspiration and motivation to get back to the gym. Used to ball all the time for my exercise, but a succession of injuries took the joy out of that. Basically made me stop trusting my body. Wife been on her gym thing forever and has stayed with it. She wanted me to teach her how to do free weights/powerlifting/building strength since she's mostly done classes, cycling and running for the last two decades.

My experience with hitting the weights was early twenties going with my buddies who were all bigger guys and built different. I'm an ectomorph and basically all arms and legs. So working out with them was frustrating. Not seeing much in the way of size gains while they were blowing up and them encouraging me to do the same weight as them to keep up was just painful. Shudder to think of the damage I did to my ligaments and joints doing that.

Early thirties decided to give it a go again with a couple of friends who once again were competitive level lifters. Every session they have me maxing out and going to failure. Was fun but I was just sore all the time.

This time around I decided to be smart and listen to my body. No ego. Just work a plan methodically and build on a solid foundation.

This last year I had to PT for a messed up rotator cuff just to be able to start a lifting program. Happy to say the therapy did wonders. Wish I'd done it sooner.

Did my research and settled on the Stronglifts 5x5 as someone had recommended in here. Wife was down.

Been getting up at 6am to do it at the gym. First couple of weeks I thought the wife and I would end up cutting each other. She's stubborn and I'm cranky and impatient in the morning. Volatile combination. Think she was feeling herself because she's been going to the gym all this time and I haven't. Plus she had little experience with doing work with a barbell. So at times she can be careless, taking her hand off the bar while squatting because the weight is so low to start. Had to find a yt video compilation of women failing with a barbell to scare her out of doing that stuff.

Used to never eat breakfast. That's changed. Eating way more now that I have for years. Tough to keep my ego in check with the program. Some days I would love to put more weight on just because more folks are around in the gym. But after having several injuries I just remind myself slow and steady. Been working hard on form. Spending time each evening stretching out to improve flexibility and to get my RoM where it should be for my lifts. Have had some lower back pain because of an early injury, so squeezed in some PT work on that the last three weeks and had to back off squats for a couple of weeks.

Already seeing changes. Bodyweight has stayed around the same but it is being distributed in different places. Definitely getting stronger. Never thought I'd see the day bedtime was 10pm.

Last week we've started incorporating accessories work into the routine. Next step for me is macros. We eat good, clean food and exceed what we need. Just not dialing it down to what is necessary. My intention is not to bulk, but that is basically what's happening. Would prefer to be a bit more precise in my intake.

Thanks again for everyone in this thread sharing their stories, triumphs, and programs. It does help, especially some of us who are trying to dig down to get that push to make our first step.
We have those glazed wooden platforms. My feet slip in socks. I have to have shoes. Plus romaleos help with depth since I can't hit the Michael Jackson lean with my ankle flexors
I do. Stretching and mobility is imperative to better flexibility and depth. Rolling before makes me wayyy more pliable.

Stretching is fine with a quick roll out but you don’t wanna be hammering on knots and what not with rollers and lacrosse balls until after.
Wanted to thank the members in this thread for providing some inspiration and motivation to get back to the gym. Used to ball all the time for my exercise, but a succession of injuries took the joy out of that. Basically made me stop trusting my body. Wife been on her gym thing forever and has stayed with it. She wanted me to teach her how to do free weights/powerlifting/building strength since she's mostly done classes, cycling and running for the last two decades.

My experience with hitting the weights was early twenties going with my buddies who were all bigger guys and built different. I'm an ectomorph and basically all arms and legs. So working out with them was frustrating. Not seeing much in the way of size gains while they were blowing up and them encouraging me to do the same weight as them to keep up was just painful. Shudder to think of the damage I did to my ligaments and joints doing that.

Early thirties decided to give it a go again with a couple of friends who once again were competitive level lifters. Every session they have me maxing out and going to failure. Was fun but I was just sore all the time.

This time around I decided to be smart and listen to my body. No ego. Just work a plan methodically and build on a solid foundation.

This last year I had to PT for a messed up rotator cuff just to be able to start a lifting program. Happy to say the therapy did wonders. Wish I'd done it sooner.

Did my research and settled on the Stronglifts 5x5 as someone had recommended in here. Wife was down.

Been getting up at 6am to do it at the gym. First couple of weeks I thought the wife and I would end up cutting each other. She's stubborn and I'm cranky and impatient in the morning. Volatile combination. Think she was feeling herself because she's been going to the gym all this time and I haven't. Plus she had little experience with doing work with a barbell. So at times she can be careless, taking her hand off the bar while squatting because the weight is so low to start. Had to find a yt video compilation of women failing with a barbell to scare her out of doing that stuff.

Used to never eat breakfast. That's changed. Eating way more now that I have for years. Tough to keep my ego in check with the program. Some days I would love to put more weight on just because more folks are around in the gym. But after having several injuries I just remind myself slow and steady. Been working hard on form. Spending time each evening stretching out to improve flexibility and to get my RoM where it should be for my lifts. Have had some lower back pain because of an early injury, so squeezed in some PT work on that the last three weeks and had to back off squats for a couple of weeks.

Already seeing changes. Bodyweight has stayed around the same but it is being distributed in different places. Definitely getting stronger. Never thought I'd see the day bedtime was 10pm.

Last week we've started incorporating accessories work into the routine. Next step for me is macros. We eat good, clean food and exceed what we need. Just not dialing it down to what is necessary. My intention is not to bulk, but that is basically what's happening. Would prefer to be a bit more precise in my intake.

Thanks again for everyone in this thread sharing their stories, triumphs, and programs. It does help, especially some of us who are trying to dig down to get that push to make our first step.

Good job man.

As far as food if you’re truly a skinny guy like you say you are don’t worry about eating “too much” just eat a lot of clean food like you are doing with some chicken wings here and there. You aren’t gonna get fat on accident. Us skinny guys gotta do that on purpose. Even if you do get too big for your liking you can drop that weight off like it’s nothing.

I was 115, got up to 195, felt gross now I’ve been sitting at 180 for a while and like that a lot more and feel better.
Good job man.

As far as food if you’re truly a skinny guy like you say you are don’t worry about eating “too much” just eat a lot of clean food like you are doing with some chicken wings here and there. You aren’t gonna get fat on accident. Us skinny guys gotta do that on purpose. Even if you do get too big for your liking you can drop that weight off like it’s nothing.

I was 115, got up to 195, felt gross now I’ve been sitting at 180 for a while and like that a lot more and feel better.
Totally I'm middle-aged now so thought my metabolism had slowed allowing me to gain weight. After starting lifting again I realized it was just me being so sedentary that was allowing me to gain weight.
I'm 6'2". Was 175 when I got married and wife said I looked like I was doing chemo. Had very little body fat. Now I'm around 212. Any fat is just in my butt and midsection. That dropped in the first two weeks of lifting. Like I woke my old metabolism up. Guess it never left. I wasn't active enough.
idk, i guess it's just one of those, our bodies are different, type things. rolling doesnt relax me at all. it band hurts like a ***** and i end up activating the core a bunch, plus rolling out back, quads, hams, calves and also doing static stretches and some yoga type moves, when i'm done i'm sweating. i feel way more loose afterwards.
Confirmed. Girlfriend said she copped me SBD knee sleeves and wrist wraps for Christmas. Expecting a +30 on my squat and bench...

The black/grey ones? :nerd:

I want a pair of the wrist wraps so bad (black/red hasn't been my thing since I was 12-13) since I've been rocking the Rite Aide ****ty generic brand wraps for the past 5 years when my wrists act up. For ~$55 though (if you can even catch them in stock), I've passed.

Might end up trying the Pioneer Phantom wraps since they're only $35 and made in the US
Rolling out abs is the worst.
i dont think i've ever done that, how do you do it?

anybody in here have the theragun or hypervolt? couple of my buddies have the gun. we use that all of the time. seems like i see them popping up all over the gym now with people copping them. new gun is dropping soon and is supposed to be 50% quieter. i want one for the house. that or the volt.
This thread delivers the lulz.

I basically stay seeing what @m boiz saw at the gym everyday. The amount of people that spend more time "warming-up" versus actually lifting is unreal.:smh:

Seen a lot of blobs in the gym lately, so it seems like the New Year's rush is going to be crazy.
The black/grey ones? :nerd:

I want a pair of the wrist wraps so bad (black/red hasn't been my thing since I was 12-13) since I've been rocking the Rite Aide ****ty generic brand wraps for the past 5 years when my wrists act up. For ~$55 though (if you can even catch them in stock), I've passed.

Might end up trying the Pioneer Phantom wraps since they're only $35 and made in the US

Told her to just cop the standard black and reds. Been wanting the sleeves for a while and the wraps were just a bonus. I've had a bad right wrist since forever and even going slightly heavy on bench starts to feel uncomfortable. Been using Rogue wrists but hopefully the SBD's provide more support. Plus SBD's are USAPL approved and I am planning to do at least a couple meets im 2019.
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