STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

:lol: I have actually read/seen that advice of not cutting after I posted. Just gonna go out there learn as much as I can and hit some PRs.

What class where you and what were your numbers if you don't mind my asking.

Yeah man just go enjoy it, you have nothing to lose and you may fall in love with it. It did the opposite for me after a few years of them but I dont regret it.

I was in the 198s, I hit 450/275/500 I believe, dont remember exact kilos.
Novel post/rant-

Last squat erryday update:

Started on 6 Aug. Last day will be Saturday.

Squat 1RM went from a grindy 390 to a slow 510 (wrapped). That's 120 lbs. in 11 weeks, with a lifetime pr of 50#.

Pendlay Row 1RM went up by 25 lbs. Vertical pulling (chin-ups/pull-ups) seems to have decreased.

Bench has only gone up 20 lbs. in 8 weeks. I've been doing Smolov Jr since the beginning of the month, will post results after this week and some off days.

Deadlift actually regressed by about 15 lbs., probably since the frequency, intensity, and volume all decreased compared to my normal training programs. Also doesn't help that the lower back and quads were never 100% recovered when I pulled. Overhead press is likely down as well (haven't been training it seriously).:smh:

Final thoughts:
1) Don't do this if you are not an accomplished squatter/have suspect form. The frequency will hone good form but will wreck you if your form is bad.

2) Do not do this if you are not used to high frequency training. If you don't already squat/deadlift religiously 3+ times a week, I would not recommend this.

Warning: Heavy weights beat you up and heavy training often tends to lead to overuse injuries. I would not recommend this if you have a physically demanding job or tend to get injured often.

3) Most of the gains were neural. I did put on some size, mostly in the upper legs and chest, but this program won't turn you into the Hulk. Regular hypertrophy splits are far superior for size.

4) Program is relatively imbalanced and I think the lifts show this. Idk how you could do enough hamstring work to balance a quad-dominant squat without frying the lower back. The more benching you do, the more back and rear delt work you need to maintain shoulder health and balance. I feel like eventually you'd need to break this up into 2 sessions: 1 for squat and bench and 1 for rows/chins/pulldowns, face pulls, hamstring work, biceps, core, etc.

5) This program is not the end all be all, especially for powerlifting, but it can be used to bring up a lagging lift relatively quickly.

5a) Of all the programs I have personally run, high volume PPLs, the Arnold Split (Chest/Back; Arms/Delts; Legs twice a week), and PHAT (with extra volume) are far superior for hypertrophy. A bro split could probably produce the same size gains, provided you have enough volume in it and actually do the leg day. Even with back-off sets and lifting 6, 7 days a week, there just simply isn't enough volume to drive large amounts of hypertrophy.

5b) Of the programs I have personally run for strength gains, only 5/3/1 Who Was CNS came close to this. I won't include peaking programs like Smolov/Jr., as they are not designed to be ran indefinitely (this theoretically could be). Only beginner full body LP programs like SS and SL 5x5 would have you progressing faster, but if you can still make linear gains this program is not for you yet anyway.

6) Seems like DL, Row, and Bench improve most on moderate frequency (2x per week for DL; 2-3x max for Bench). SQ seems to lag at only 1x/week and improves decently @ 2x. Anything more than 3x and it takes off like a rocket. YMMV.

tl;dr: Program works but is not ideal for aesthetics or powerlifting. Not sure what percentage of the largely neural gains will diminish once frequency decreases. If you do this, recommend following up with a hypertrophy program to transmute as much of the strength gains into size gains.
Current 222lb

Got another 12lb to drop before I stay there for a few months before bulking back up.

This cut came from dad bod status lol

2 a days for 4 months straight helped fix that.


Kudos to the NT dads in here who were able to stay consistent during the lady’s pregnancy and new born months.

That was no joke tossing that routine shake up along with work.

Glad to get back to it now.

Baby number two will be a piece of cake lol
Im about to be a dad today. I lifted almost everyday until today. It was easy because she doesnt work so she was sleep from the time i left til the time i got back from work. She didnt sleep at night tho
Im about to be a dad today. I lifted almost everyday until today. It was easy because she doesnt work so she was sleep from the time i left til the time i got back from work. She didnt sleep at night tho


Between the newborn and my business taking off (70-80hr work weeks) gym became difficult.

Finding that work/dad/husband/gym balance was insane, so the obvious toss out was gym.

All balanced out now, wife stays at home and takes care of the baby - so that makes the 5am lifts easy.

Between the newborn and my business taking off (70-80hr work weeks) gym became difficult.

Finding that work/dad/husband/gym balance was insane, so the obvious toss out was gym.

All balanced out now, wife stays at home and takes care of the baby - so that makes the 5am lifts easy.

I'm in the same boat. Can't find the time to hit the gym ever since our kid was born
Im about to be a dad today. I lifted almost everyday until today. It was easy because she doesnt work so she was sleep from the time i left til the time i got back from work. She didnt sleep at night tho
Say bye bye to gains for a while and hello to maintenance
Then you’re being a good dad. I’m not saying people who do have time aren’t either before someone jumps on that boat. Priorities shift. Took me almost 2 years to stop feeling guilty even when I did have an opportunity

It's actually spot on when people said "Your life is going to change, you won't have time for anything" She's def my #1 priority. The gains will return, but lost time with her won't.
It's actually spot on when people said "Your life is going to change, you won't have time for anything" She's def my #1 priority. The gains will return, but lost time with her won't.
Yup. New a guy who was business as usual after having a kid. I asked him who takes care of the kid. He said that’s what moms a for. Lost ALL respect instantly. Dude leaves at 7am, for to work till 5, goes to the gym from 6-8, goes home to eat and sleep.

Between the newborn and my business taking off (70-80hr work weeks) gym became difficult.

Finding that work/dad/husband/gym balance was insane, so the obvious toss out was gym.

All balanced out now, wife stays at home and takes care of the baby - so that makes the 5am lifts easy.
I think i posted an article in here last year that was about this....when the gym is taking up time to real life. I feel that more than ever now. We cant be lifting so much chasing prs and cut bodies..

Say bye bye to gains for a while and hello to maintenance
This is exactly why i started my bulk in june instead of waiting til fall like i usually do. Im waiting to go maintenance. My wife and i plan on cutting by frb we have a wedding in brazil in june and one in canada in october

Then you’re being a good dad. I’m not saying people who do have time aren’t either before someone jumps on that boat. Priorities shift. Took me almost 2 years to stop feeling guilty even when I did have an opportunity
Theres a joke by akaash
" you cant be a good dad and a good husband and have a 6 pack. If you do youre cheating also. Dad bods dont cheat
Gonna try to have a small home gym by the time we have our first kid. Hopefully that will allow me to still do daddy stuff at the crib while still making gainz. Going to be buying our home around April/May time hopefully and my wife wants to have kids soon so I'm on the clock :lol:. As long as i can hit the big 3 and some accessories I'll be ok
I think ima go the cardio route. Ive been lifting for over 15 years now. Knees are cracking. Back is done. Shoulders are done.
Now with this kid i dont wanna be one of those dudes toonsore and injured to run play and jump with my kid. My dad was 45 years older than me. We dodnt have a lot of play ball moments. I wanna give ky kid more of me. Still be healthy. But with my wifes health problems and allergies and mine. We're more than likely going to start doing vegetarian days instead of meals.
Gonna try to have a small home gym by the time we have our first kid. Hopefully that will allow me to still do daddy stuff at the crib while still making gainz. Going to be buying our home around April/May time hopefully and my wife wants to have kids soon so I'm on the clock :lol:. As long as i can hit the big 3 and some accessories I'll be ok
What kills is the lack of proper sleep. Cannot be undone :lol:

Yo *** wanna lift and stay up all night AGAIN or take a nap?????? Everyday is like the saw movie :lol:
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Yup. New a guy who was business as usual after having a kid. I asked him who takes care of the kid. He said that’s what moms a for. Lost ALL respect instantly. Dude leaves at 7am, for to work till 5, goes to the gym from 6-8, goes home to eat and sleep.

:lol: bruh I know so many dudes in this category. Some guys straight up live in the gym and I know their old lady is at home with the kids. A lot of cats on the b-ball court that are there 3 hours a day, I’m thinking bro you must be single, then find out they’re dads :lol: ball is life though
Gonna try to have a small home gym by the time we have our first kid. Hopefully that will allow me to still do daddy stuff at the crib while still making gainz. Going to be buying our home around April/May time hopefully and my wife wants to have kids soon so I'm on the clock :lol:. As long as i can hit the big 3 and some accessories I'll be ok

Fax , this is the move

Also if ur a new dad or a parent in general and your wife is about that fit life then it’ll probably be all good and you’ll figure out a way to get it in. If she’s not about that life then that’s gonna be real tough. Either way get the home gym rack going , that’s the best plan
If I end up copping one of those folding racks and putting it in the garage I'll post up some pics and a review in here. I think that's what I'm leaning towards so I will still be able to park in the garage.
If I end up copping one of those folding racks and putting it in the garage I'll post up some pics and a review in here. I think that's what I'm leaning towards so I will still be able to park in the garage.
I gave up parking in the garage to make a home gym. My only advice is to not buy cheap. Spend the money and it will last a lifetime. Not done but I spent about 2G’s so far. Still go to a golds too
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Personally I don’t talk to no one in the gym.

Just don’t be a creep. There’s already more than enough of those at the gym.

I used to be like this but since my gym is such a small community, it's hard not to give a head nod or say what's up when you're seeing the same person/people 5x a week for 6 months str8. I never carry lengthy convos but quick small talk never hurts regardless of the gender.
Yup. New a guy who was business as usual after having a kid. I asked him who takes care of the kid. He said that’s what moms a for. Lost ALL respect instantly. Dude leaves at 7am, for to work till 5, goes to the gym from 6-8, goes home to eat and sleep.

LOL this reminds me of Chris Jones. someone commented about how he may need to cut back from going to the gym and clubbing and he insulted the dude and said his baby mama gon be at home taking care of the baby while he maintains his lifestyle since he pays the bills :lol: :stoneface: :smh:
shout out to the fathers in here.

this is da kind of talk i like to see.

inb4 popular crosstraining sport mention causes another wildfire
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