STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Amel came thru the fitness thread and cursed everyone and bounced.

Whats animal flex doe :nerd:

My ankles crack from time.
My knees go off like firecrackers. I need da antidote somebody help. I already take fish oil and glucosamine
My knees go off like firecrackers. I need da antidote somebody help. I already take fish oil and glucosamine
If it's crepitus, Astym treatment combined with stretching was highly effective for me. Glucosamine is trash. Does not work. Fish oil is good. Pure cherry juice helps with pain
Amel came thru the fitness thread and cursed everyone and bounced.

Whats animal flex doe :nerd:

My ankles crack from time.

Animal Flex is great when I was taking it never got DOMS or any aches anywhere. Flaxseed oil is great for your joints also.
Man I'm close to 40 and I will attest that recovery takes longer especially when you try to hit max each session, even with supplements and the various goodies to maintain strength and mobility
thank you. So i'm doing a year of sobriety into my 35th. gains shall be had and sacrifices made lol. lets get it
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Started to track my food just to make sure I'm eating enough protein. I knew it would look something like this. :lol: I eat a lot of damn carbs.


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This cut is going great so far.

Only lifting I'm doing is bench and wide lat Pulldowns. I would throw squats and DLs in as well if my back hasn't been fried from when I had that excruciating low back pain a month and a half ago. Any substantial weight on my back and it seizes up.

Still doing direct core work and basketball drills as well. Bench has gone up a little as well. Muscle mass has flatlined, but strength is up.
What exercises did you do and how many reps?

Close and wide grip lat pulldowns, close and wide grip seated rows, assisted pull-ups, trap bar deadlift rows (this is a good new one I like, I suggest you guys try it), shrugs and rear delt flies to finish.

I switched up rep ranges from, 10-15 then to 20-25 when I was getting towards the end of a set. The goal was 1000 reps with 5 movements at 200 reps each, I gotta prepare for that more next time :lol:
bro this is crazy to me. I'm in shock. Like..I knew him. this is crazy. All from the juice? What happened?
Rich Piana said:
While Piana was open about his drug use, he maintained that he was “not bragging” or encouraging steroid use to his 1.2 million Instagram followers — many of whom are young men. Instead, Piana claimed he used his platform to educate those on how to use the drugs “properly.”

“Is this a road I think you should take? Absolutely not. But in doing this for 25-years of taking anabolic steroids, obviously I know what the f— I’m doing,” he said in a December 2014 YouTube video. “Why do I have a full head of hair? Why do I have no acne scars? Why do I have a flat waist? Cause I know what the f— I’m doing. I’m not abusing this s—.”

“You need to be aware, educated, and willing to do whatever it takes to remain healthy and keep the body healthy. Remember this is longevity. We want to be doing this in our 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s,” he continued. “I’ll be doing this for the rest of my life. … It’s important for me to live a long life.”

He added: “Bodybuilding is not my main objective in life. It’s just something I do on the side. So I would never in a million years risk ruining my health or ruining my future do to bodybuilding.”

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