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How long has everyone been working out for? Years? Months?
2 years. 1 year not knowing anything. I was doing full body every other day and benching almost everyday in my home "gym" 

after that i saw very little gains so I educated myself. 1 year doing it seriously and properly.
I feel like if i ever had my own gym in my house id prob yell a little. Or at least def make faces and breath louder.

But thats the thing about should be considerate of others around you.

got a squat rack in my garage, and i mos def grunt/yell at home when i'm squating. my wife always tells me to quiet down cuz the neighbors might hear me and think wtf is going on over there :lol:

i keeps quiet in the gym tho, don't wana be one of those fools :smh:
Only thing worst than someone doing curls in the squat rack, is when the same person is all in your space while you're doing deads. I like how nef used some 10lb bumper plates to make it look like he's curling "big boy" weight too.
How long has everyone been working out for? Years? Months?

Used to lift a lot in college about ten years ago. Just started seriously working out again (4-5 days/week) about 4 months ago. The last ten years I was running (20+/- miles/week) with no weight training but completely switched things up. Now only running about 6 miles per week.
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How long has everyone been working out for? Years? Months?

Been working out for 2 years since Dec 2013. Always learning new stuff to maximize these gainz.

My little brother's high school entrepreneurial project is now taking the next step. It's fitness-related so I thought I'd post it and get some feedback for him from the gym crowd here.

That's actually really cool. I see a lot of people, mostly beginners, have trouble with those traditional clips. There's definitely a market for this. Hope to see them on shark tank one day lol. Best of luck to your brother.
Tell your brother to push that product and take it as far as he can. That's an awesome product and I could see that doing really well. Especially with the customization options. Not something I'm personally interested in, but it's definitely worth something.
That's an interesting idea for a product

But tbh, most people don't have a problem with the regular collars/clips

It'd be a hard product to push
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My little brother's high school entrepreneurial project is now taking the next step. It's fitness-related so I thought I'd post it and get some feedback for him from the gym crowd here.

Nice job by those kids... personally ive never had any issues with the traditional collars. I think its an awesome project though and im jealous they didnt have that kinda stuff when i was in HS. Academically, HS was a total waste of time.
On those straps, i wonder how durable they are, with the non stick material. Will it stay effective after years of use? Also i always thought the weight bars have never been cleaned, ever. I figured theres mad diseases and **** on em :lol: im not a "germiphobe" but i dont think id want to use those straps and then put em on my wrist. They prob should get washed which brings me back to the first question on longevity/durability..
Great job and awesome project though. I could see it seeing a lil success.
Whats the hype with quest bars? Are they effective and get gains?
if anything they're good for cutting since they have a ton of fiber. You'd have to eat too many to get a decent amount of protein. Just eat chicken/beef, rice/pasta/potatoes, and veggies.
You can tell he kinda tries to take lifting seriously but just doesnt have what it takes so instead he makes fun of people that do take it seriously :lol:

:lol: no disagreements
But his sense of humor is on 100 so his entrepreneurial side is taking advantage of the youtube opportunity which is dope. But yeah youre prob right, the jokes stem from secretly wanting to be a serious lifter lol
I love Dom's videos :lol: Rear Delts....might as well be called legs...because you're skippin em

I def think that snap clip idea is great. Collar's are kind of annoying i wouldn't mind if my gym had snap clips instead just laying around every where.
Buy yourself some OSO collars. Worth the investment and you don't have to fish for collars ever again.

The snap collar idea is interesting. Saw something similar. Looked like a wrist wrap, I'll look for it later.

"They're not called upwrong rows!" :lol:
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How long has everyone been working out for? Years? Months?

Since 2010 for me. Started out weighing 270 @ 6'2, got down to 185 in 2013. Bulked up but still looked thin at 210, currently pudgey at 240.

Currently stronger than I have ever been but just trying to cut the fat down. That girlfriend/holiday weight hit me like a Mack truck.
I've followed Dom since before Bro Science. Wish he did some vids on the old channel. But he still funny to me. One of my favorite is in this video around 2:58. "Bicycle spokes" 

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