STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

You guys think you can get a good chest workout without benching? I decided to combine chest with shoulders instead of doing them on seperate days since my chest days are very well...less than stellar. Even at 135 my left shoulder hurts. I started my shoulder/chest day today with a lot of flys, front/side shoulder raises, cable raises, rotator cuff work, etc. I did do some dumbbell shoulder press which I was fine, mostly all the shoulder workouts I did didnt bother me, but man once I tried to bench it was a wrap.


Forgot to mention, this has to do with my left shoulder hurting when I try to bench, I mentioned it earlier. Its the front shoulder area, kinda where the armpit/shoulder/pec meet.
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picasso- you might want to space out you chest/shoulder workouts if youre having shoulder pain. as in maybe mon chest, thurs shoulders to allow more time to rest between workouts. ive had shoulder problems torn labrum,shoulder impingement. its sucks. also look into taking time off from lifting if it gets worse. i learned the hard way a week or two off > 6 months no lifting due to injury. also i stay away from bench. try all dumbbell work for chest development hope this helps
picasso- try 3 or 4 sets of incline dumbbell press followed by 3 or 4 sets flat DB press. 3 or 4 sets of cable flys and maybe some sort of decline machine maybe. also try and get your pushup game up. very underrated exercise imo. helps a lot with chest,shoulder and tricep development . its possible to throw some pushups in after a set of db presses.
Do switch up my chest workouts, I go on-off with Dumbells bench press and barbell bench press. One day I'll do Dumbell, next I'll do barbell. Seems to help
^ Do one, either barbell or dumbbell for 3 weeks, then when your body is getting used to it, switch to the other.
So I modified Starting Strength and my current routine is

A work out B work out

Incline Bench 3X8, 3X5, 3X3
Flat DB press 3x8,3X5,3X3
Squats 3x8,3X5,3X3
Deadlift 3X5
Elliptical for 35 min

B work out
Standing Military Press 3x8,3X5,3X3
1 arm DB row 3x8,3X5,3X3
Curls 3x8,3X5,3X3
Eliptical 35 min

I go this MWF in a rotation just like how Starting Strength is, on Tue and Thur I just do Elliptical 35 min, Sat and Sun Rest. and after each set of 3 I increase weight.
all it is is large amount of calories....
Indeed it is, eat your calories if you can of buy ANY protein and a jar of Quaker oats, blend, and you have something not only better but cheaper than any other "gainer"

Just made a nice little concoction.
total 0% greek yogurt
Organic PB
Choclate whey powder
dark chocolate chips
:pimp: try it

I've been doing FF GY, half scoop protein, and peanut flour. Add a spoon of splenda/stevia and/or sugar free pudding mix... FUUUUUU amazing!

Somewhat related... Quest bars now have Stevia, no more sucralose :smokin
Had a free session with a personal trainer yesterday

Did Chest + Triceps and Biceps...... All lifts had a superset

if you wanna get cut up just give up bread, period. no bread of any kind. trust me, i did this and ate crazy amount of fruit and protein and it got me a 6 pack.
 Does pasta count as well? What about rice. I eat pasta/rice every night for dinner
feels like i only post on this thread when i mess up...
ate good ALL week but last night i was craving pizza and had 2 slices of buffalo chicken cause i was like eff it.
this morning i felt bad and did an intense leg workout followed by 2 miles of interval training...
afterward was about to head to school but instead took a detour to yambs.. afterward we hit the pizza hut buffet (her choice) and i had like 6 slices + pasta.
...damb damb damb.
feels like i only post on this thread when i mess up...
ate good ALL week but last night i was craving pizza and had 2 slices of buffalo chicken cause i was like eff it.
this morning i felt bad and did an intense leg workout followed by 2 miles of interval training...
afterward was about to head to school but instead took a detour to yambs.. afterward we hit the pizza hut buffet (her choice) and i had like 6 slices + pasta.
...damb damb damb.

Dang that didnt even sound that bad till the buffet.
Just had the best shoulders/triceps workout in a long time.

Switched how I do Squats as well. I used to just go down to 90 degrees on Squats...265 x 5 reps x 3 sets.

Now, I go 195 x 5 reps x 3 sets but it's almost like I'm doing Olympic Squats because I do ATGs.

Did Dips for the first time in a long time today as well...didn't know I could do em that easily.

Proud of myself. :pimp:

All you other guys, stay motivated on your diet/workouts this weekend. :nthat:
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I got a personal best 10 reps with 100Ib dumbbells yesterday. At 6'0 185 I'm a hard gainer and never really looked as strong as I am; even when I worked out with pro trainers on my college team. I always tried to find/try different supplements to help me get over that plateau to 195-200 where I'd like to be, but my body brings me right back to my set-weight. I haven't taken a supplement in 2 years and I'm stronger than I've ever been so I guess that's all that matters lol. Keep pushing fellas. 
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I got a personal best 10 reps with 100Ib dumbbells yesterday. At 6'0 185 I'm a hard gainer and never really looked as strong as I am; even when I worked out with pro trainers on my college team. I always tried to find/try different supplements to help me get over that plateau to 195-200 where I'd like to be, but my body brings me right back to my set-weight. I haven't taken a supplement in 2 years and I'm stronger than I've ever been so I guess that's all that matters lol. Keep pushing fellas. 
Nice bro and even better avy! 
I got a personal best 10 reps with 100Ib dumbbells yesterday. At 6'0 185 I'm a hard gainer and never really looked as strong as I am; even when I worked out with pro trainers on my college team. I always tried to find/try different supplements to help me get over that plateau to 195-200 where I'd like to be, but my body brings me right back to my set-weight. I haven't taken a supplement in 2 years and I'm stronger than I've ever been so I guess that's all that matters lol. Keep pushing fellas. 

are you eating at a caloric surplus?
are you eating at a caloric surplus?
I've tried it man and honestly while I did get up to 200 my stomach was so damn big it had begun to poke out further than my chest haha. I was taking an ON weight gainer and mixed it with some creatine and that was the closest I've gotten to 200 but it just looked and felt weird man. I was slim everywhere else with a big *** stomach so it wasn't worth it.
Been staying on my workout grind. Still doing my jogging and recording my stats on Nike+. Days I cant run, I still do Insanity. Had a great workout last night, Body/legs were pretty sore from the 3 mile jog the day before, so i said F goin out last night and hit Insanity. I can honestly say, any pain i had in my muscles were gone mid workout and still gone today. Like my balance felt a little off when my legs were hurting lol My lungs alays feel 1000X better after the workout and it makes me not want to smoke. Trying to cut back on that too.

Still eating right, worse thing ive had lately was a part of a piece of banana nut bread. Didnt even want the ish what makes it worse. My girl came home from work and brought me it from Starbucks knowing im trying to stay healthy. Eating more Tuna, celery, and sardines lately. Not alot fo sardines, dont really like them. besides those two meats, white meat chicken and turkey are the only others I consume here and there. Try to eat 3-4 times a day with small amounts of calories/fats. Really staying away from sugars/carbs. I do feel better and want to continue this for the long run. Thinking of getting a nutritionist/personal trainer, but I want to do my own for a little and work my stamina to a respectful point.
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