Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

^ I love it.

Great job on the progress.

I just got a journal to consistently think about my reasoning for developing my body and mind. It's helped out my bodybuilding and additionally it has kept me mentally focused.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Originally Posted by NjCollector

question for hiit on treadmill:

i'm doing 10 speed 6% incline 1min, 2min rest 4speed 6%incline in 8 cycles... it says i burned 400-500 calories on the treadmill calorie counter so give or take that is 10-20% margin of error, so 300-400 calories.

Now my question is i used to burn 800-900(with the 10-20% margin of error) calories doing 5miles on the treadmill at a 5speed 6%incline for an hour.

Is the HIIT for me? I tried it yesterday and i completed the cycles in 24-26minutes, i was definitely exhausted and could barely finish the last cycle , but what surprised me was the calorie burnt was 50% less than running the 5miles.

Can someone HELP me out, Please? Should i stick with the 5mile run or stay with the HIIT; i definitely do not want to gain any weight by using a workout that burns less calories than what i am used to.

Another question: Can someone recommend me a pre-workout supplement, not for getting big just to give me a energy boost.
Thank you very much, for any response.
Help a dude out.
I have heard this is good, I am going to try it out starting next week with the same brand of protein.
So, I'm getting back n the gym next week and I'm trying to lose my beer belly and a-cup man boobs
. What routine do you guys recommend I do and how many times a week should I workout?
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Originally Posted by NjCollector

question for hiit on treadmill:

i'm doing 10 speed 6% incline 1min, 2min rest 4speed 6%incline in 8 cycles... it says i burned 400-500 calories on the treadmill calorie counter so give or take that is 10-20% margin of error, so 300-400 calories.

Now my question is i used to burn 800-900(with the 10-20% margin of error) calories doing 5miles on the treadmill at a 5speed 6%incline for an hour.

Is the HIIT for me? I tried it yesterday and i completed the cycles in 24-26minutes, i was definitely exhausted and could barely finish the last cycle , but what surprised me was the calorie burnt was 50% less than running the 5miles.

Can someone HELP me out, Please? Should i stick with the 5mile run or stay with the HIIT; i definitely do not want to gain any weight by using a workout that burns less calories than what i am used to.

Another question: Can someone recommend me a pre-workout supplement, not for getting big just to give me a energy boost.
Thank you very much, for any response.
Help a dude out.
Jack3d and PreSurge Unleashed are both
Originally Posted by sNc magic

Originally Posted by NjCollector

Originally Posted by NjCollector

question for hiit on treadmill:

i'm doing 10 speed 6% incline 1min, 2min rest 4speed 6%incline in 8 cycles... it says i burned 400-500 calories on the treadmill calorie counter so give or take that is 10-20% margin of error, so 300-400 calories.

Now my question is i used to burn 800-900(with the 10-20% margin of error) calories doing 5miles on the treadmill at a 5speed 6%incline for an hour.

Is the HIIT for me? I tried it yesterday and i completed the cycles in 24-26minutes, i was definitely exhausted and could barely finish the last cycle , but what surprised me was the calorie burnt was 50% less than running the 5miles.

Can someone HELP me out, Please? Should i stick with the 5mile run or stay with the HIIT; i definitely do not want to gain any weight by using a workout that burns less calories than what i am used to.

Another question: Can someone recommend me a pre-workout supplement, not for getting big just to give me a energy boost.
Thank you very much, for any response.
Help a dude out.
Don't trust whatever the treadmill says because everyone burns calories differently.  I started doing HIIT this year and to me it seems to be a better approach overall because of the less time spent and just basically how I look and feel.  For me personally I work with no incline at all.  I start out walking 4 mph for 3 minutes then I jump to 10 for 30 sec then walk at 3.5 mph for 1 min and half so its a ratio of 3 to 1.  If your more focused on fat loss just switch the ratio to 2 to 1 or 1 to 1.  I do this for 25 min

I prefer it a ton over a steady pace for half hour or more.  I've lost a bit of fat from it but that could also be due to my weight training.  I say go for the one that you see results from in the mirror and on the scale don't trust a treadmill to give you an accurate reading.

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Very nice SNEAKERKING757

Hopefully I will be like that soon..

Progress Pics:
Spoiler [+]
Spoiler [+]

I started working out when I graduated from high school in 2008. I signed up at the gym that summer, but since then I have not been consistent at the gym. I would consider those days, to be "strength" training, because I was on a weird exercise schedule and my routine was also very weird. I was basically doing, cardio and an upper body workout everyday. I then started reading this topic and, and became educated. I started to get serious and have went to the gym straight since late December 2009 until present day.

My stats:
Past Weight: I started at like 167lbs, dropped all the way to 151lbs, and slowly got back up to my current weight.
Current Weight: 158lbs
(lol, not much stats here)

Let me know how I am doing.. I wish I had pictures from before I started exercising. I sill want to drop some body fat, to make my abs pop out more,,


1. How am I looking? What should I be targeting the most?
2. How much would you say my body fat % is?
3. I am thinking about doing abs daily, would this be beneficial?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Very nice SNEAKERKING757

Hopefully I will be like that soon..

Progress Pics:
Spoiler [+]
Spoiler [+]

I started working out when I graduated from high school in 2008. I signed up at the gym that summer, but since then I have not been consistent at the gym. I would consider those days, to be "strength" training, because I was on a weird exercise schedule and my routine was also very weird. I was basically doing, cardio and an upper body workout everyday. I then started reading this topic and, and became educated. I started to get serious and have went to the gym straight since late December 2009 until present day.

My stats:
Past Weight: I started at like 167lbs, dropped all the way to 151lbs, and slowly got back up to my current weight.
Current Weight: 158lbs
(lol, not much stats here)

Let me know how I am doing.. I wish I had pictures from before I started exercising. I sill want to drop some body fat, to make my abs pop out more,,


1. How am I looking? What should I be targeting the most?
2. How much would you say my body fat % is?
3. I am thinking about doing abs daily, would this be beneficial?
1. people will tell you to bulk since your 158 is pretty light but totally up to what you want
2.I can't tell if thats a 6pack but if it is your around 10 if not your between 11-13% at most
3. idk lol
Thanks for all the responses.

Blaz3n i think your Abs look off, it's like you have a belly with abs(basically what you said in your OP); no offense, it might only be the lighting in the picture that causes it+ with the location of the shorts/sweats hiding your lower abdomen; either way, keep up the good work.
Originally Posted by LilTunechi85

So, I'm getting back in the gym next week and I'm trying to lose my beer belly and a-cup man boobs
. What routine do you guys recommend I do and how many times a week should I workout?

Any help?
Originally Posted by LilTunechi85

Originally Posted by LilTunechi85

So, I'm getting back in the gym next week and I'm trying to lose my beer belly and a-cup man boobs
. What routine do you guys recommend I do and how many times a week should I workout?

Any help?
Losing weight is 80% nutrition and 20% workout, i learned this the hard way. Work on your diet and then focus on losing fat. Like someone said before (1-10 pages)

You want to lose fat- run
You want to get abs- diet
You want to get big- bulk
I was 318 when i started, and I am currently at 307 right now I've been going to the gym for about 3 weeks now. I'm 6'3 what weight should I be aiming for? I think my target weight should be around 220-230 any advice? thanks.
So is C-Bol the best creatine pill out there?

i tend to only use Optimum products and the reviews for the ON creatine product and C-Bol are pretty similar

which should I roll with? pretty uninformed when it comes to creatine products

Lurk, i saw u praising's that working out for u?
What are people's thoughts on decline presses? Are they necessary? I have heard and read they arent', just wanted to get some feedback.
Originally Posted by wat are jordans

I was 318 when i started, and I am currently at 307 right now I've been going to the gym for about 3 weeks now. I'm 6'3 what weight should I be aiming for? I think my target weight should be around 220-230 any advice? thanks.

225 sounds good. Depending on your dedication, you can be there maybe later this year with losing 10 pounds a month or so. You're doing great though. 11 pounds in 3 weeks

Whats your weekly looking like?
Thanks RKO ,
My Weekly Workouts has been - Everyday i do 30-40 mins of eliptical at 10 resistance

Mon - Chest / Triceps
Tuesday - Biceps
Wednesday - Shoulders
Thursday - Squats No Weights / Deadlift
Friday - Back

That basically sums up my whole week i slowly started to do HIIT, this week i was doing sprints every 30sec sprints 3 min rest for 20-30 mins straight. I got burnt out pretty fast this week since starting HIIT or slowly progressing towards the real thing lol.
Any particular reason you do squats with no weights? Also, what kind of deadlift are you doing on that day? (i.e. romanian, stiff legged, conventional) You might want to add in a couple of other leg exercises on Thursday and do your deadlifts on either back or shoulder day depending on what other exercises you do for them. If you can't do top-loaded exercises like weighted squats try doing dumbbell squats, lunges, pull-throughs, and leg presses to balance out the workload through your body.

As for me, I hit quads/calves yesterday and I've been feeling great results using the Smith machine. I used to avoid it at all costs (I'll probably never use it for regular squats) but I started doing smith machine lunges and somersault lunges a few weeks ago each time I hit quads, usually as a 3rd or 4th exercise and I feel like my legs are filling out and I'm better able to connect to my muscles while training, especially my outer quads.
My bad when I said squats with no weights I meant regular squats, I'm 300 pounds lol.. I tried to do a squat with weights on but it basically destroyed me so i didn't try to attempt it again. I run everyday anyway I don't really think I need to use the machines to workout my legs, but my friend recommended me to do squats for legs, so when I'm doing a regular squat it feels like I'm getting the workout I need for my legs. For the deadlift like honestly I don't really know what kind of deadlift I'm doing, basically picking up the weight and putting it down rinse/repeat. I just started to go to the gym so Im not really on par with names of the workout etc lol.
Nah, it would be good to do just as much resistance training on your legs as you would with your upper body. Running is running, it's not strength training for your legs, although alot of people approach the gym that way and make that mistake, so you're not the first. Running without doing some functional leg training can tighten up muscles and lead to alot of knee/hip problems or possibly stress-fractures. I'm not saying don't run, but don't count that as your leg workout. Also if you're trying to lose weight, working your biggest muscle groups (legs, back, chest) on a regular basis will lead to faster results.

You may not have been squatting with the right form if doing it with some weight killed you, or you may have been going too heavy. Also, by "killed" you, that means it felt extremely challenging, it's supposed to. It's probably the most challenging lift you can do, which is why it's so effective at making your body get stronger. I would consider talking to someone who's an experienced personal trainer even a couple of gym members with alot of training time under their belt who squat and deadlift regularly to learn proper form and technique. They're great exercises if you do them right but it's so easy to do them wrong if you're not sure about them.
My bad again.. lol when I said I run everyday I meant to say I do eliptical, when I try to run my knees starts to hurt so yeah.. and what I meant by squats killed me I basically had like 40 pounds on, once I had it on my back I tried to go down but I couldn't I felt like I was going to tip over or something like that lol.. anyway thanks for the advice.
Yeah, you just need to learn form and practice. May take a while for your body to have the right flexibility and control to handle barbell squats, etc... but you've already started to get yourself on a routine and stick to it consistently which is the biggest challenge for a lot of people. You'll be fine, just continue to train hard and don't neglect any one muscle group in favor of another.
Attn: Carlos Tevez

Where in Toronto do you recommend getting some house weights, resistence bands, and a stand-alone pull it bar for good prices?

I was thinking National Sports for the best deals.

Much thanks man...
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