Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

im new to this work out thing. some advice would be appreciated.

im about 5'10 and around 165. im naturally skinny but do to bad habits ive been gaining weight. mostly fat, too much drinking and unhealthy eating.

im not concerned with losing weight just want to look and feel healthier. cut out the alcohol and have been eating better.

im trying to build up endurance and run 3 miles in under 25 minutes. i get to just under 2 miles before i cant keep going. averaging 9 minutes a mile.

any tips on improving? and what are some good ab workouts?

i know its most likely been discussed but a 300+ page thread and yuku search dont mix. i appreciate the help.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I finished my 2-week low carb diet yesterday. I went 3-days without any carbs and 1 day with moderate carbs and I'm very happy with the results. I dropped about 10-pounds (likely 3-4 pounds of water) and I feel much better overall. My upper body strength has decreased a bit (but only by 5-10%). My legs are noticeably weaker but the percentage drop in strength isn't too bad. I was doing 315 for 5-reps before, now I'm doing 275 for 5-reps (slightly more than a 10% loss in strength).

I found that my energy was very low but hunger was not an issue at all. I found it kind of strange that on the days I ate carbs, I was craving more carbs and was never really satisfied. On my no-carb days, I was rarely ever hungry...maybe because I filled myself up with a ton of vegetables. The only problem was I'd be very lethargic around early in the afternoon but my blood sugar would level when the evening came.

My concern now is controlling my carb intake so that I dont gain 2-3 pounds of rebound fat. I'm going to try to keep things moderate but the more I eat oatmeal, lentils, couscous, fruits, the more I crave them and want more.

This was my first time trying this no-carb thing out and I think its worth the pain. Losing 10-pounds in the past would take me like 6-weeks (moderate carbs), but I managed to do that in 2-weeks by pushing myself a bit this time around. Cardio was just walking on the treadmill while watching sports on tv...I didnt do cardio some days but I kept active...I lifted 2-3x a week and would eat 200+ grams so that I could go hard in the gym.
I've noticed this as well. When I eat low carbs during the day, it's easy for me to feel satisfied. But when I eat carbs, I crave them more. It's just a mental struggle really, and you've just got to get over it. 
If you want to drop weight, legs will burn the most calories. It will kill you at first...what am I saying if you do it right it will kill you all the time haha.

You should feel drained right after workouts and then hit your body with some protein and you will feel amped! Then when you go to sleep, you will sleep like a baby!

I think there are quite a few people that neglect the legs, I hit legs the first day of the week and go from there.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I finished my 2-week low carb diet yesterday. I went 3-days without any carbs and 1 day with moderate carbs and I'm very happy with the results. I dropped about 10-pounds (likely 3-4 pounds of water) and I feel much better overall. My upper body strength has decreased a bit (but only by 5-10%). My legs are noticeably weaker but the percentage drop in strength isn't too bad. I was doing 315 for 5-reps before, now I'm doing 275 for 5-reps (slightly more than a 10% loss in strength).

I found that my energy was very low but hunger was not an issue at all. I found it kind of strange that on the days I ate carbs, I was craving more carbs and was never really satisfied. On my no-carb days, I was rarely ever hungry...maybe because I filled myself up with a ton of vegetables. The only problem was I'd be very lethargic around early in the afternoon but my blood sugar would level when the evening came.

My concern now is controlling my carb intake so that I dont gain 2-3 pounds of rebound fat. I'm going to try to keep things moderate but the more I eat oatmeal, lentils, couscous, fruits, the more I crave them and want more.

This was my first time trying this no-carb thing out and I think its worth the pain. Losing 10-pounds in the past would take me like 6-weeks (moderate carbs), but I managed to do that in 2-weeks by pushing myself a bit this time around. Cardio was just walking on the treadmill while watching sports on tv...I didnt do cardio some days but I kept active...I lifted 2-3x a week and would eat 200+ grams so that I could go hard in the gym.
I've noticed this as well. When I eat low carbs during the day, it's easy for me to feel satisfied. But when I eat carbs, I crave them more. It's just a mental struggle really, and you've just got to get over it. 
I agree that it is a mental struggle. like with anything else if you plan ahead you will not leave what you eat up to chance. Plan ALL of your meals for the week that way you don't have any doubt about what you are going to eat.
I am a person who likes to eat, I love food but I know that if I eat certain foods over a period of time that are not good for me it will ruin all I have worked hard for. The quest for a nice body and to be healthy for most is LONG so try and find your motivators along the way that will make you think of it on a more short term basis. For example, if you play basketball or any sport look at the improvements you have made along the way and try and find places you have become stronger. That will keep you motivated to progress even further. If you are not into sports maybe get into some. So you can see all the hard work put to use.
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

So is C-Bol the best creatine pill out there?

i tend to only use Optimum products and the reviews for the ON creatine product and C-Bol are pretty similar

which should I roll with? pretty uninformed when it comes to creatine products

Lurk, i saw u praising's that working out for u?
all these are decent
Is it only me or is there something pleasing about going to an old school gym with hardly any machines just iron..makes you feel manly I get tired of seeing Atlantis everywhere I go.
Welp, i'm giving in. Going to give Presurge "Unleashed" a go.

We'll see how it works out for the booty daddy.
Few questions for everyone:

How many grams a protein do you guys eat (not including foods, just protein powder)

Do you decline bench press?

And does anyone just go 3 days a week or does everyone go 4 and 5 days a week?
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Few questions for everyone:

How many grams a protein do you guys eat (not including foods, just protein powder)

Do you decline bench press?

And does anyone just go 3 days a week or does everyone go 4 and 5 days a week?
I eat around my bodyweight. "Works for me" And I don't intake it all by protein shakes. *edit didn't even read your question all the way through just powder around 90gs

Yes I decline.

I would go 3 days if I was doing full body workouts at around 1:30 mins iron time. If I was going 4-5 it would be two muscle splits and avg out to about 45-50 mins.

I'm going to be working out 3 days a week & taking 150g's of protein powder when I start my routine...

I'll probably end up going a few extra days for cardio & ads...
I take protein about an hour before a workout, and right after one. I take it about 3 times a day on a gym day and 1-2 times a day on days in between. Before a workout I take two scoops and after I take 1 because about an hour after workout I usually eat dinner. My dinner will have protein in it.

A serving size is 1 scoop for most I believe. You will notice a difference in your strength during workouts if you take some before a workout. For a while I wasn't taking any and muscle endurance was weak, it's like trying to drive your car without fuel. Gotta gas up before you workout.

That's what I do, others may do different, you will find what works for you.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I take protein about an hour before a workout, and right after one. I take it about 3 times a day on a gym day and 1-2 times a day on days in between. Before a workout I take two scoops and after I take 1 because about an hour after workout I usually eat dinner. My dinner will have protein in it.

A serving size is 1 scoop for most I believe. You will notice a difference in your strength during workouts if you take some before a workout. For a while I wasn't taking any and muscle endurance was weak, it's like trying to drive your car without fuel. Gotta gas up before you workout.

That's what I do, others may do different, you will find what works for you.
Protein powder before a workout isnt necessary at all.  Protein is a very poor source of energy.  Your response was more mental than it was a physical response to the protein before the workout.
Originally Posted by wat are jordans

I was 318 when i started, and I am currently at 307 right now I've been going to the gym for about 3 weeks now. I'm 6'3 what weight should I be aiming for? I think my target weight should be around 220-230 any advice? thanks.

Good stuff man. We all support you. My max weight was 311. I am 280 no and been at it since Jan. Looking to get about 210-215 and I'm 6'1. Keep at it.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I take protein about an hour before a workout, and right after one. I take it about 3 times a day on a gym day and 1-2 times a day on days in between. Before a workout I take two scoops and after I take 1 because about an hour after workout I usually eat dinner. My dinner will have protein in it.

A serving size is 1 scoop for most I believe. You will notice a difference in your strength during workouts if you take some before a workout. For a while I wasn't taking any and muscle endurance was weak, it's like trying to drive your car without fuel. Gotta gas up before you workout.

That's what I do, others may do different, you will find what works for you.
I don't believe in this whatsoever, I used to be a guy who took 1 1/2 scoops post workout then another 1 1/2 an hour later and I just noticed how bloated I was getting.  I'm only taking 1 scoop post workout and for the day in general and I look better, feel better and I've actually made a little gain.

If endurance or energy is a problem, I just have half of a capri sun about 15 min before a workout and works great for me.  It might not be the gold standard as a pre workout energy booster but it works.

Also I take in about 24-30 grams protein just from the protien powder
And I don't do decline presses I stick to mostly incline presses and flyes with 1 or 2 flat bench excercises.  The only thing I do decline is decline push-ups
I used to do 3 days a week with multiple body parts each time but now I do 5 days a week with different body parts each day.

What i've been recently wondering is how guys in jail get built without any protein or supplements at all...atleast we got brett as our test subject...

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Welp, i'm giving in. Going to give Presurge "Unleashed" a go.

We'll see how it works out for the booty daddy.

Seems to be the NT staple
. is it a pre-workout or creatine or???

I've described presurge unleashed for you before, remember? Lol

it's a preworkout. A very good preworkout. Great nootropic components
and sweet energy. I only need 7g of the stuff, which is only a little more than one scoop. It's a good value.
Of your like me who wants a inimal STD as possible, this is good for you. Only 125mg of caffein per scoop.
I know I'm late, but thanks, bros.

Here's my current routine...

Monday: Chest/Tris
  • Bench Press (3x6, 8, 10...pyramid down in weight)
  • Inclined Bench Press (3x6, 8, 10...pyramid down in weight)
  • Overhead DB Extensions (3x8)
  • Cable Flyes (3x8)
  • DB Bench Press (3x8)
  • Bench Dips (3xfailure)
  • Abs
Tuesday: Back/Bis
  • Chin-Ups (30)
  • Bent-Over Rows (3x6, 8, 10...pyramid down in weight)
  • Lat Pull-Downs (3x8)
  • BB Curls (3x6, 8, 10...pyramid down in weight)
  • Inclined DB Curls (3x8)
  • Deadlifts (5x10, 8, 6, 4, 2...pyramid up in weight)
Wednesday: Shoulders/Legs
  • Military Press (3x6, 8, 10...pyramid down in weight)
  • Lateral Raises (3x8)
  • Bent-Over Lateral Raises (3x8)
  • DB Shrugs (3x8)
  • Legs Extensions (3x12)
  • Legs Curls (3x12)
  • Hack Squats (5x12, 10, 10, 8, 8...pyramid up in weight)
  • Toe Raises (3xfailure)
Thursday: Rest

Friday: Arms
  • DB Preacher Curls, BB Preacher Curls, and Hammer Preacher Curls (superset...2x6 full reps, 3 partial reps for each)
  • Close-Grip Bench Press (3x6, 8, 10...pyramid down in weight)
  • Skull Crushers and Cable Tricep Extensions (superset...1x10 for each)
  • Weighted Bench Dips (3xfailure)
  • Abs
Saturday: Legs
  • Leg Extensions (3x12)
  • Leg Curls (3x12)
  • Hack Squats (5x12, 10, 10, 8, 8 )
  • Toes Raise With DBs (3x25)
  • DB Lunges (3x8)
Sunday: Rest

I've always hated running cardio. During the 6 months in between both pics, I probably did cardio about 12 times, which included HIIT (which I hate) and basketball.

But I just started jumping roping this week and I love it! So, that's what I'll be doing 2-3 times a week for 30 mins.

I've been lifting for about 3-4 years, but serious for 2. All my working out was done on a Total Gym my first year.
And I didn't start to watch what I eat until the start of this year.

To whomever want before before pics, this is the oldest one I have. And I don't have any good back pics right now, but I'll try to snap some soon.


Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

So is C-Bol the best creatine pill out there?

i tend to only use Optimum products and the reviews for the ON creatine product and C-Bol are pretty similar

which should I roll with? pretty uninformed when it comes to creatine products

Lurk, i saw u praising's that working out for u?
I just started C-Bol and that #%%% does NOTHING for me. I don't feel a thing.
I used to read this thread a lot but I haven't been in here in a while so if this has been said before sorry. But I'm 16 playing basketball and football maybe a little over 6' and weigh about 163 pounds I lift and workout regularly and have for a while and I'm getting stronger but I can't gain weight at all. So I talked to a couple guys in football and they suggested me to get protien powder with weight gain in it cause I didn't wanna get straight weight gainer so I was wondering what are some good brands of that cause I really don't know what to look for
Originally Posted by lebrady23

I used to read this thread a lot but I haven't been in here in a while so if this has been said before sorry. But I'm 16 playing basketball and football maybe a little over 6' and weigh about 163 pounds I lift and workout regularly and have for a while and I'm getting stronger but I can't gain weight at all. So I talked to a couple guys in football and they suggested me to get protien powder with weight gain in it cause I didn't wanna get straight weight gainer so I was wondering what are some good brands of that cause I really don't know what to look for
Expensive powders aren't meant to replace food. Just eat real food. Nuts, oils, smoothies, etc. Whatever way you need to get in more calories. Most people that "can't gain weight" just don't eat enough to actually gain weight.
man..... some guy was razzing the females at my table at a club last night. He was YAPPPIN in my ear real close to my face. All I said to him was "this conversation is over". One girl got really uncomfortable and left the booth, so I got up to let her out. Then he stands up and gets in my face...

First time I ever felt like I could defend my self. I think self defense as a motivator to workout is often overlooked.

The bouncer grabbed him and threw him down the stairs. I guess he was a concern for a few people. Few guys came over to say thanks and whatever but I knew as soon as I left he'd be waiting for me with like ten dudes and knives.

Got outside and a cop had him pinned by the neck and the other cop was batoning the hell outta him

Stay in shape nt!
Originally Posted by iLLest

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Man i wish I had the metabolism that I had 3-4 years ago
me too man
mines slow as hell now

Mannnnnn. I feel you. In HighSchool I ate whatever I wanted every damn day. Went to football practice. And had a 8 pack easily. Then.... college happened. hahaha. 
 Never thought I'd see the day. It's cool though. I love working on my body now and trying to achieve my goal back to where I was. If it came easy for me I wouldn't feel as appreciative and just wouldn't feel the same. But the fact that I see results from going to the gym and you see your body transform through pictures it gives you a huge feeling of satisfaction. 


I feel u on that man, I for sure didnt appreciate it as much back then. I'd have a McD's pre-workout and get me some protein from KFC post workout
and I'd still be a cut skinny dude or before my bball game's I'd down a 2 liter soda
Now I definitely have to control what I eat and it's making such a huge difference, and that much more satisfying
Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Few questions for everyone:

How many grams a protein do you guys eat (not including foods, just protein powder)

Do you decline bench press?

And does anyone just go 3 days a week or does everyone go 4 and 5 days a week?

Just protein powder I probably take in anywhere from 40-80 grams a day.  I usually take about 30-40 grams post-workout, and sometimes I'll have a scoop of whey in my oatmeal or in the morning before I make a full breakfast.  Sometimes I'll take a 40 gram shake in the evening if it's late and I'm still hungry but I've had dinner already.  It varies.

I don't decline bench press.  I don't really feel that movement in my pecs very much.  I find doing parallel bar dips with my elbows out wide and my feet back a little with a forward lean targets my chest better, so I'll usually do those after incline and/or flat presses or sometimes early in the workout with weight added.

I generally train 4-5 days a week but there are times when I only get in 3 workouts.  I think I'm going to go to a 3 day split soon and just try to do cardio 4-5 days a week to lean out a little.  Not sure yet.
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