Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

How bad is fried rice while dieting or eating healthier??

Chicken fried rice is quite possibly my favorite meal in the world, but I'm still trying to drop another 30lbs.. Reason I ask, I just found a spot that rivals my favorite chinese joint back at home..
Took 2+ years to find a good chinese spot down here, and I don't want to OD.
Just use your common sense, dude. Fried is bad. White rice is bad. Therefore...

That being said, I eat it when my mom makes it and if we have a family dinner out at a restaurant, but then again, I'm not trying to lose 30 lbs. If you must, eat it post workout so the simple carbs will actually be useful. But let's be real. It's impossible not to OD on fried rice, so I'd stay away if I were you and if I was serious about losing the weight.
No white rice?
....what do yall eat then? i gotta have myrice....then again i eat it in moderate portions
Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

How bad is fried rice while dieting or eating healthier??

Chicken fried rice is quite possibly my favorite meal in the world, but I'm still trying to drop another 30lbs.. Reason I ask, I just found a spot that rivals my favorite chinese joint back at home..
Took 2+ years to find a good chinese spot down here, and I don't want to OD.
Just use your common sense, dude. Fried is bad. White rice is bad. Therefore...

That being said, I eat it when my mom makes it and if we have a family dinner out at a restaurant, but then again, I'm not trying to lose 30 lbs. If you must, eat it post workout so the simple carbs will actually be useful. But let's be real. It's impossible not to OD on fried rice, so I'd stay away if I were you and if I was serious about losing the weight.
No white rice?
....what do yall eat then? i gotta have my rice....then again i eat it in moderate portions
brown rice or wild rice.
Eat any rice you like, but there are obviously differences.

To my understanding, White rice is considered a 'Simple Carb' and will not fuel your body as long as a 'Complex Carb' such as Brown rice will.There are apparently GI related effects, but the studies I have been reading over the last year indicate that this is a minimal factor at best and is hence notworth bothering about unless you eat MASSIVE quantities.

End of the day, as long as you meet your Caloric goals, EFA's and Protein, it doesn't really matter. Just remember the side-effects.. ie if you eatsimple carbs you'll have a bit less energy; if you get some calories from 3 slices of pizza(since it's so calorie dense) it may be hard to stop withouteating the rest and BOOM.. you've overeaten.

Personally, I did it the 'clean diet' way for a year and got sick of having to think about whether my meal was clean enough etc when eating out. On topof that, Brown rice and other staples of the 'Bodybuilder Diet' got old really fast. Now I eat a much wider range of foods(including White Rice) andmaintain the same results - I couldn't be happier.
I've had the craziest 3 weeks of training ever.

Preceding the past 3 weeks I caught some !!#+ and was sick for a little over 2 weeks. Fever, headaches, etc. I decided to still train using the same routine asif I wasn't sick. Things felt fine during those 2 weeks when going to the gym. Same as usual which really was a bit surprising since I initially thoughtI'd have a tougher time because of the fever and generally feeling crappy.

After I healed up, these past 3 weeks all my lifts have just been going crazy good. Plateaus that I used to have on some lifts were easily overcome that firstweek back when I wasn't sick and I've just been going up in weight across the board more than I ever have in a 3 week period.

I'm trying to think of an explanation but I can't think of a feasible one except that somethign obviously must've triggered during those 2 weekswhen I was sick. I didn't get any whacky meds during that period because I didn't visist a Dr. I wish I knew what the %!+! happened to produce the last3 weeks.
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

Originally Posted by i3allistic

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

How bad is fried rice while dieting or eating healthier??

Chicken fried rice is quite possibly my favorite meal in the world, but I'm still trying to drop another 30lbs.. Reason I ask, I just found a spot that rivals my favorite chinese joint back at home..
Took 2+ years to find a good chinese spot down here, and I don't want to OD.
Just use your common sense, dude. Fried is bad. White rice is bad. Therefore...

That being said, I eat it when my mom makes it and if we have a family dinner out at a restaurant, but then again, I'm not trying to lose 30 lbs. If you must, eat it post workout so the simple carbs will actually be useful. But let's be real. It's impossible not to OD on fried rice, so I'd stay away if I were you and if I was serious about losing the weight.
No white rice?
....what do yall eat then? i gotta have my rice....then again i eat it in moderate portions
brown rice or wild rice.
yes, it's white rice, but it's not fried in the same way most fried things are. it's usually just stir fried in a wok, which is a lotdifferent than cooking it in hot oil. that said, i'd avoid eating it as a meal unto itself. if you have a smaller portion with something else, you'refar less likely to OD it.

blaxoid, i wouldn't say the glycemic index is something to ignore completely. the effects take a while to kick in, and they're cumulative, so as longyou eat healthy, you'll be ok. problem is the western diet is loaded with high GI carbs, so there's been an explosion in diabetes and metabolicsyndrome. moderation is key. also, when eaten with good sources of fiber and fats, the high GI effects are decreased somewhat. that means mixing it up withlots of veggies, fruits, healthy portions of meat, etc. restricting most high GI carb intake to post workout should help too.

Originally Posted by cucumbercool

I've started working out again but when I do crunches/situps..say 20-30 my stomach hurts by the next evening and I can't do anymore for a couple days.
-Are there any other stomach exercises I can do?
-If I were to eat better and gradually loose the weight on my stomach would that help?
-Would doing an even lower number and gradually building up be a better option?
the soreness is to be expected if you haven't worked out in a long time. it sounds like you want a flat stomach/six pack... really you shouldadjust your diet first. once you've got your caloric intake under maintenance without sacrificing your macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc.,you'll lose bodyfat. that's the key. you can't lose fat selectively in your stomach area.

for the first week or two, it's easier to maintain your enthusiasm and motivation if you avoid training to failure for the time being and graduallyincrease your workload on a daily basis. work on your largest muscle groups (legs, chest, back) with some resistance work and get your cardiovascular onpoint. when you've got a decent level of conditioning, try some HIIT to really get rid of the extra bodyfat. you really don't even have to dositups/crunches... try some planks, twists, or leg raises.
Can somebody give me a split workout I could do throughout the week. I'm trying to switch up myroutine(always used to work out the whole body M/W/F).
I've actually become accustomed to brown rice now and if I ever eat rice, that's what I eat. Amazingly I used to eat white rice everyday before Istarted getting serious about shedding the pounds. (I'm Filipino, if that matters)

And just for the sake of posting progress: I've been at it for a good month and have lost about 10lbs, so I'm about 245lbs from 255 (with my goal being190). Got a long way to go, but I'm getting there.
school has straight up thrown me off my square.

My diet is as clean as its ever been, and im getting daily cardio (commuter cyclist), but I havent been supplementing diet with protein ( im vegetarian) orlifting consistently.
Originally Posted by 23legacy45

Can somebody give me a split workout I could do throughout the week. I'm trying to switch up my routine(always used to work out the whole body M/W/F).

I would but that purple font is terrible.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Brown rice is absolutely disgusting. The texture, the taste... Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

You'll get use to it, or you could mess around with seasoning it. I love wild rice.
Originally Posted by verynecessary

blaxoid, i wouldn't say the glycemic index is something to ignore completely. the effects take a while to kick in, and they're cumulative, so as long you eat healthy, you'll be ok. problem is the western diet is loaded with high GI carbs, so there's been an explosion in diabetes and metabolic syndrome. moderation is key. also, when eaten with good sources of fiber and fats, the high GI effects are decreased somewhat. that means mixing it up with lots of veggies, fruits, healthy portions of meat, etc. restricting most high GI carb intake to post workout should help too.

The GI index is basically worthless though. The GI is only in effect when that food is eaten by itself.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I've had the craziest 3 weeks of training ever.

Preceding the past 3 weeks I caught some !!#+ and was sick for a little over 2 weeks. Fever, headaches, etc. I decided to still train using the same routine as if I wasn't sick. Things felt fine during those 2 weeks when going to the gym. Same as usual which really was a bit surprising since I initially thought I'd have a tougher time because of the fever and generally feeling crappy.

After I healed up, these past 3 weeks all my lifts have just been going crazy good. Plateaus that I used to have on some lifts were easily overcome that first week back when I wasn't sick and I've just been going up in weight across the board more than I ever have in a 3 week period.

I'm trying to think of an explanation but I can't think of a feasible one except that somethign obviously must've triggered during those 2 weeks when I was sick. I didn't get any whacky meds during that period because I didn't visist a Dr. I wish I knew what the %!+! happened to produce the last 3 weeks.
Its not a bad idea..actually it is recommended that you take time off every 2 or 3 months after a few straight weeks of lifting and exercise. Aweek off will allow your CNS to rest up, and you can come back re-energized and better than before... Maybe u getting sick was your body letting you know thatyou were due for some rest anyways. Im sure working out, along with our other daily pursuits and lack of rest actually does alot to our body stress wise...
Alright brethren I need some help transitioning over to the dark side...I mean the supplement side.

I've spent a couple days looking at all the pre/post workout protein supplements just based on convienience and it saves me some time. What I wanted in asupplement was that it have the least amount of artificial substances, no artificial sweeteners like acesulfamate potassium (sp?) or anything else like thatfor the matter. So I found this:


For those who are supplement savvy, would this be a good decision for me, just based on it being whey protein...some of it hydrolyzed, it being as natural aspossible. Or is their anyone that could recommend me something else...I heard talk of pea proteins, rice proteins and etc. but I just want opinions from thosemore informed about this than me... Much appreciated.
Grimlock, I think that there are better whey proteins on the market. From what I've heard, when ON wasn't as popular as it is now, it used to be ofhigher quality. I originally bought that exact whey from them, but I gave it to a friend after I finished half of it. I just didn't like it.

If you want whey, look into organic whey protein. There aren't too many companies that make it. IMO, grass-fed, organic whey protein is one of the best outthere, but few people take it. Sure, it's more expensive than popular supps, but you're getting more quality. Higher nutrient density is worth it IMO.

Regarding other supplements, I don't know. If you want a preworkout supplement, I've heard good things about black coffee because of the caffeine init.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Finally got my Pea and Rice protein a few days ago. Good stuff. Rice is a bit chalky though.
You should've added hemp protein to it too. If you haven't read Thrive by Brendan Brazier, you should. Lots of good info regarding plantprotein.
Does anybody else basically eat what they want and work out and still have good results? I stay at 165lbs when I eat a lot and even those weeks when I only eattwice a day, my weight doesnt go up or down. I hit the gym 4 days a week for the past 8 months with results I am satisfied with.
Originally Posted by Seattle206

Does anybody else basically eat what they want and work out and still have good results? I stay at 165lbs when I eat a lot and even those weeks when I only eat twice a day, my weight doesnt go up or down. I hit the gym 4 days a week for the past 8 months with results I am satisfied with.

I thank my metabolism for that.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Grimlock, I think that there are better whey proteins on the market. From what I've heard, when ON wasn't as popular as it is now, it used to be of higher quality. I originally bought that exact whey from them, but I gave it to a friend after I finished half of it. I just didn't like it.

If you want whey, look into organic whey protein. There aren't too many companies that make it. IMO, grass-fed, organic whey protein is one of the best out there, but few people take it. Sure, it's more expensive than popular supps, but you're getting more quality. Higher nutrient density is worth it IMO.

Regarding other supplements, I don't know. If you want a preworkout supplement, I've heard good things about black coffee because of the caffeine in it.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Finally got my Pea and Rice protein a few days ago. Good stuff. Rice is a bit chalky though.
You should've added hemp protein to it too. If you haven't read Thrive by Brendan Brazier, you should. Lots of good info regarding plant protein.

I decided against it because of the price.
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I've had the craziest 3 weeks of training ever.

Preceding the past 3 weeks I caught some !!#+ and was sick for a little over 2 weeks. Fever, headaches, etc. I decided to still train using the same routine as if I wasn't sick. Things felt fine during those 2 weeks when going to the gym. Same as usual which really was a bit surprising since I initially thought I'd have a tougher time because of the fever and generally feeling crappy.

After I healed up, these past 3 weeks all my lifts have just been going crazy good. Plateaus that I used to have on some lifts were easily overcome that first week back when I wasn't sick and I've just been going up in weight across the board more than I ever have in a 3 week period.

I'm trying to think of an explanation but I can't think of a feasible one except that somethign obviously must've triggered during those 2 weeks when I was sick. I didn't get any whacky meds during that period because I didn't visist a Dr. I wish I knew what the %!+! happened to produce the last 3 weeks.
Its not a bad idea..actually it is recommended that you take time off every 2 or 3 months after a few straight weeks of lifting and exercise. A week off will allow your CNS to rest up, and you can come back re-energized and better than before... Maybe u getting sick was your body letting you know that you were due for some rest anyways. Im sure working out, along with our other daily pursuits and lack of rest actually does alot to our body stress wise...
The thing is I didn't take time off or go easier because that's what i usually did in times whenI got sick.
I def caught some type of virus though. I've got sick as a result of over training before and this time it def wasn't it.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Alright brethren I need some help transitioning over to the dark side...I mean the supplement side.

I've spent a couple days looking at all the pre/post workout protein supplements just based on convienience and it saves me some time. What I wanted in a supplement was that it have the least amount of artificial substances, no artificial sweeteners like acesulfamate potassium (sp?) or anything else like that for the matter. So I found this:


For those who are supplement savvy, would this be a good decision for me, just based on it being whey protein...some of it hydrolyzed, it being as natural as possible. Or is their anyone that could recommend me something else...I heard talk of pea proteins, rice proteins and etc. but I just want opinions from those more informed about this than me... Much appreciated.
whey is best for post-workout. ON is a solid choice and tasty. go for it. skip the other protein powders (pea, rice, etc.). not as effective aswhey post workout, and you can just get protein from real food the rest of the time.
Joe and Neal I appreciate the advice. I spoke to a couple people already regarding pea protein as well as rice protein and since I want to gain a bit of leanmass they told me those products were more for vegetarians who dont get an adequate supply of protein from not eating meat. I ordered a 2 lb tub of the ON Italked about just to see what it's like. Neal i'll keep my eye on the organic whey if I find this stuff not working.

Also can you guys refer me to a website I should use for ordering...I ordered last night from since they seem to have a lot of good feedback.

Also if anyone uses a power mixer for their shakes you dudes have a brand or model you use that works good for you? I found one at GNC for $15 and its BPA -free seems good but like with everything I buy I need some reviews or alternatives before making a purchase. Non-impulse buying FTW.

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