Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Is HIIT NECESSARY for weight loss? I find doing 30 minute cardio of gradual increasing levels works fine for me
yeah it works, but HIIT is effective in that it does less harm to muscle loss.
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

going to start my "training" for my half marathon not going to do individual muscle excercise anymore other than my legs and core since im going to be doing a lot of cardio...anyway i can prevent losing too much body mass? oh by the way here's my workout schedule for the next 8 weeks i got this from a running website:
monday: legs/abs/back - Sprint cardio 100 meters, 400 meters, 1200 meters (stamina)
tuesday: rest
wednesday: Upper body (Circuit Training) - Long distance Cardio 5 miles
thursday: rest
friday: Legs/abs/back - sprint cardio
Sat: Upper Body (circuit training) - long distance Cardio 5 miles
Sun: Rest

the training pattern im trying to use is emphasize resting A LOT and a gradual increase in miles per week till i hit my goal which is 14 miles which is a half marathon distance

has anyone gone through a kind of training like this? any food i should be eating constantly?

I've been running on and off for the past year ranging from periods of 6-7 miles a day to 3 miles a day about 4 days a week and now I want to get seriouswith that and my lifting again. I ultimately want to push my body to be able to do a half marathon then a whole marathon. What site did you use for thatschedule?
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Is HIIT NECESSARY for weight loss? I find doing 30 minute cardio of gradual increasing levels works fine for me
yeah it works, but HIIT is effective in that it does less harm to muscle loss.
Its not necessary, but is very helpful. Like the less scientific reasons mainly rid the boredom of cardio on a treadmill etc.. there is alsoresearch that HIIT burns more calories and EPOC gases have the responsibility to burn calories for 48 hours.

It is taxing on your legs though (running).. you should try and go all out. Ive been mixing it up with 20secs on 10secs off for 4 minutes. Or 30 sec sprintswith 60 secs rest for 6-8x.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I recently installed a pull-up bar on my door.. what are some good exercises?

pullups. and chinups. both of these, especially pullups, are excellent exercises.

for the pullups, you can mix up the width of your grip to change it up.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

The thing is, I'm not really looking to bulk up but to lose weight while still keeping muscle. Hence, the reason for the low weight on most of em

^^ Whenever I need motivation, I look at this:

And I get motivated by all the attention I would get in the summertime from all the girls if I beasted out and reshaped my body

To me thats a poor motivation source but it it works for you now, go ahead.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I'm assuming you're trying to lose weight? No offense man but that routine definitely needs some fixing. 90% of the dudes in the gym do workouts like that.

For chest, try to get rid of the machine lifts and do bench press, dumbell bench press, incline bench/dumbell presses, dips, etc. Rather than having an arm day on 'Day 3', just work out your triceps on the same day as your chest when you are done your chest exercises.

Separate your shoulder workout from your chest workout. Chest exercises work out your shoulders as well so you want some adequate rest between the two days before using your shoulder muscles again. Make your shoulder day on 'day 3' or 'day 4'. You can include seated or standing military press as well (maybe the best shoulder exercise).

Completely revamp day 3. Make this your back day. Do rows, barbell rows, lat pull down, chin ups, pull ups, etc. When you're done working out your back, you can work out your biceps if you have any energy left.

Day 4 is good. Focus more on working out your legs than your abs. Working out your legs will burn more calories and it works out your ab muscles anyways. Do barbell squat, deadlifts, lunges, etc.

Basically try to do more free weight exercises and focus more on your larger muscles (chest, back, legs). If you're trying to lose weight, I'd recommend circuit training where your basically working out all the muscles in your body everytime you go to the gym. You lift light weights, do them like 10 reps each and continue on to another exercise without stopping. It's like doing HIIT but with weights and you'll be completely exhausted after 20 mins.

Whenever the gym is empty and I feel energized I'll do...
-Bench press x 10 reps
-Squats x 10 reps
-bent over rows x 10 reps
-lunges x 10 reps
-standing dumbell shoulder press x 10 reps
-bicep curls x 10 reps
-Leg lifts x 10 (for abs)

Keep repeating until your too tired. Best way to lose fat while lifting IMO. Your heart rate will be 160+, you'll be dripping with sweat, your face will turn red, and you'll want to throw up after 10 mins. I like doing it because after 20 mins, the pain is done and you know you just completed a great and efficient workout that'll have your metabolism roaring for the rest of the day.

I agree with most of what your saying, except for eliminating machine excercises. I say just reduce them as much as you can or save them for the last. Likefor me I do incline dumbell flye's then dumbell presses, dips, pushups then machine bench press followed by machine flye's with leg excercise in themiddle. Free weight excercises are great because you can focus on your technique more and it requires more core strength especially if you suspend your legswhile doing them.

I totally agree with putting shoulders on another day than chest. I would put biceps along with my chest day though. Pairing biceps with your back day isoverkill for me, I can't do it.

Your cicuit training setup looks great, but I don't know how true it is though but I read that if you really want to step up the fat loss then you shouldrest 3 minutes between each circuit so that fatty acids are released and can burn fat. If you just keep going at it and never resting then when you do finishthe fatty acids are released and since your not working out anymore then they get stored again instead.

I probably over-stated the "eliminating machine exercises". They're fine to supplement your workouts but your main lifts should be with dumbellsand barbells.

I tend not to do bicep isolation exercises (curls, preacher curls, etc) since working out my back pretty much destroys my arms. However, I realize that mostdudes like to workout their biceps. I think you can pretty much do biceps on any day since they're such a low intensity exercise. I always laugh thoughwhen I'm at the gym and dudes are sweating their off and breathing hard after doing 20 sets of biceps. I cant imagine how beat up they must feel onchest, back or leg day.

The last part you wrote sounds really fishy. The whole point of circuit training, doing HIIT, etc. is to keep your heart rate elevated, which will boost yourmetabolism, thus burning more calories in a shorter period of time, and burning more calories over the course of the day. Resting 3 mins. will be completelycounter-productive as your heart rate will return to its resting rate (50-70 BPM) rather than being at (150+ BPM) if you're going non-stop.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

The thing is, I'm not really looking to bulk up but to lose weight while still keeping muscle. Hence, the reason for the low weight on most of em

^^ Whenever I need motivation, I look at this:

And I get motivated by all the attention I would get in the summertime from all the girls if I beasted out and reshaped my body

To me thats a poor motivation source but it it works for you now, go ahead.

I don't think so. Wanting others (especially the opposite sex) to see you as more attractive is good motivation in my opinion. You can argue that it shouldstart with the person themself wanting to change and be healthy, but if you look good, its likely others will think so also. Plus motivation is always gonnadiffer from person to person, whos to say whats good or bad as long as the end result is something they feel good about?
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

chewtoy, how long before your back recovered? You do any kind of leg/ab exercises or cardio when you were recovering?
I'm still recovering, probably at about 90% right now. I hurt it about 2 months ago, then it went away after 2 weeks, so I tried to deadlift again, and hurt it again. I still do my full workouts; deadlifts are the only thing I took out.
You do full body work outs every time you lift? If so how long are you in the gym for?

Also, has anyone tried doing German Volume training? I think it was lurkin/Al Audi that said he was doing it a while back...
Just wanted to know if its true that you may experience a decrease in strength while packing muscle.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

The thing is, I'm not really looking to bulk up but to lose weight while still keeping muscle. Hence, the reason for the low weight on most of em

^^ Whenever I need motivation, I look at this:

And I get motivated by all the attention I would get in the summertime from all the girls if I beasted out and reshaped my body

To me thats a poor motivation source but it it works for you now, go ahead.

I don't think so. Wanting others (especially the opposite sex) to see you as more attractive is good motivation in my opinion. You can argue that it should start with the person themself wanting to change and be healthy, but if you look good, its likely others will think so also. Plus motivation is always gonna differ from person to person, whos to say whats good or bad as long as the end result is something they feel good about?
True attraction comes from inside the person not outside. Being physically attractive helps, yes, but women will even say that the outside doesntmean much.

Its bad motivation because when 'that motivation' ends, the person resorts back to an unhealthy lifestyle.
i think im about to do p90x, i need to trim some fat so i can start working out hardcore like i did before and get the results i want.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

The last part you wrote sounds really fishy. The whole point of circuit training, doing HIIT, etc. is to keep your heart rate elevated, which will boost your metabolism, thus burning more calories in a shorter period of time, and burning more calories over the course of the day. Resting 3 mins. will be completely counter-productive as your heart rate will return to its resting rate (50-70 BPM) rather than being at (150+ BPM) if you're going non-stop.
If the only part of losing weight was just based on elevated heart rate then people would probably still be doing regular cardio like running on atreadmill at a fast setting for 20-30 min instead of doing hiit. But even when your doing hiit there are those rest periods between the sprints that wouldallow for the fatty acids to be released and since your doing hiit in multiple rounds, the notion of the fatty acids being released in the rest phase to burnthe fat makes sense and is maybe why hiit is so good at burning fat.

This idea of fatty acids not working for a non-stop workout routine would probably be because your doing everything without any rest so that when you do stopyour heart rate goes back to normal which drops the rate blood is circulating therefore not letting those fat burners to go to full use which they then getstored.

No doubt that a non-stop routine will burn fat, but to me its along the lines of a set time cardio regimen just at a more intensity due to the weights.

Don't shoot the messenger
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

The last part you wrote sounds really fishy. The whole point of circuit training, doing HIIT, etc. is to keep your heart rate elevated, which will boost your metabolism, thus burning more calories in a shorter period of time, and burning more calories over the course of the day. Resting 3 mins. will be completely counter-productive as your heart rate will return to its resting rate (50-70 BPM) rather than being at (150+ BPM) if you're going non-stop.
If the only part of losing weight was just based on elevated heart rate then people would probably still be doing regular cardio like running on a treadmill at a fast setting for 20-30 min instead of doing hiit. But even when your doing hiit there are those rest periods between the sprints that would allow for the fatty acids to be released and since your doing hiit in multiple rounds, the notion of the fatty acids being released in the rest phase to burn the fat makes sense and is maybe why hiit is so good at burning fat.

This idea of fatty acids not working for a non-stop workout routine would probably be because your doing everything without any rest so that when you do stop your heart rate goes back to normal which drops the rate blood is circulating therefore not letting those fat burners to go to full use which they then get stored.

No doubt that a non-stop routine will burn fat, but to me its along the lines of a set time cardio regimen just at a more intensity due to the weights.

Don't shoot the messenger

the thing is, the actual fat loss from HIIT comes after the exercise, and it's not due to fatty acid release. much more energy is used than can bemaintained by the aerobic pathway, so your body fuels HIIT mainly anaerobically. this leads to EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption), which can lastup to 48 hours. for that period of time, your metabolism is "overclocked" so to speak. the extra oxygen you take in is needed to burn fat andreestablish your normal energy reserves. so really instead of burning fat right away for a few minutes, you burn fat later, but for a much much longer periodof time. the fatty acid theory is the same thinking that has people doing cardio in the "fat burning zone," something like 50-60% max heart rate.true, most of the energy burned during this type of cardio is from fat, but you burn far less calories than you would at the 85-95% max heart HIIT would putyou at.
Originally Posted by picknroll24

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

chewtoy, how long before your back recovered? You do any kind of leg/ab exercises or cardio when you were recovering?
I'm still recovering, probably at about 90% right now. I hurt it about 2 months ago, then it went away after 2 weeks, so I tried to deadlift again, and hurt it again. I still do my full workouts; deadlifts are the only thing I took out.
You do full body work outs every time you lift? If so how long are you in the gym for?
No, I do a 5 day split.
Whats good with the holiday break?

I'll be away from the gym for about 10 days. What should I do to burn off some holiday calories? I have light dumbells and pull up bar. Should I just up mycardio like 3-4x for that period? Dont want to do damage, but I don't want to hold back - its a road trip after all.
Originally Posted by I3

Whats good with the holiday break?

I'll be away from the gym for about 10 days. What should I do to burn off some holiday calories? I have light dumbells and pull up bar. Should I just up my cardio like 3-4x for that period? Dont want to do damage, but I don't want to hold back - its a road trip after all.
Just do a bodyweight circuit. You don't need equipment to get a good workout.

-Pushups (Regular/Military/Decline/Plyometric/Hindu/Side Balance/Spiderman/One arm)

-Pushups (Diamond/Side lying one arm)
-Chair dips

-Pike press

-Squat (prisoner's/jump/goblet)
-Lunge (Regular/reverse/lateral/alternating/flying)
-Standing calf raise


-Crunches/leg raises etc.

-Dumbell swings
-Mountain climbers

There are so many more...
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by I3

Whats good with the holiday break?

I'll be away from the gym for about 10 days. What should I do to burn off some holiday calories? I have light dumbells and pull up bar. Should I just up my cardio like 3-4x for that period? Dont want to do damage, but I don't want to hold back - its a road trip after all.
Just do a bodyweight circuit. You don't need equipment to get a good workout.

-Pushups (Regular/Military/Decline/Plyometric/Hindu/Side Balance/Spiderman/One arm)

-Pushups (Diamond/Side lying one arm)
-Chair dips

-Pike press

-Squat (prisoner's/jump/goblet)
-Lunge (Regular/reverse/lateral/alternating/flying)
-Standing calf raise


-Crunches/leg raises etc.

-Dumbell swings
-Mountain climbers

There are so many more...
Is it possible for you to post up your workout regimen for the week Chewtoy?
Damn I couldn't find this thread for the life of me...

Does anyone use ON Pro Complex Natural? Would anyone recommend it over their Natural Whey for a post-workout shake?

I have to invest in another tub of something and its either I get a 5 lb tub of the Natural Whey or the Pro needed.
Originally Posted by I3

Whats good with the holiday break?

I'll be away from the gym for about 10 days. What should I do to burn off some holiday calories? I have light dumbells and pull up bar. Should I just up my cardio like 3-4x for that period? Dont want to do damage, but I don't want to hold back - its a road trip after all.
You can take the time off. I believe you're suppose to take a week off for every 8-10 weeks of training. I read that in a book, forgot thename though. It said even the most elite athletes do so.
^ sounds good, but I dont want to let myself off, especially during the Christmas break foods etc.. i'll have to do at least some cardio.

Pro Complex is like 60g of protein per serve isn't it? Thats a lot. I think the normal ON would suffice.
I was wondering what do some of your guys' meals looks like? Being indian I eat indian food and that doesn't seem very healthy too me anymore. I'venever really eaten anything else besides indian food and fast food and restaurants and stuff. So I just wanted to see what kinds of foods I should be eating.Please and Thank you.
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