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Originally Posted by KK Sl1der
Any students here got any input on getting a good workout routine amidst all the schooling?
And I'm talking, I stay up till 2-3am doing hw every damb weekday, life full of stress and deadlines type of life.
Working out during winter break/summer isn't enough to keep me in shape the way I want to be.
If I could've continued my summer workout, I would've been 150s by now no doubt.
(was 175, cut down to 163 during the summer but just couldn't handle working out + school so I stopped)
What I did was the following, which got me through four years with plenty of healthy progress (just graduated
Eat a hearty breakfast every morning before heading to campus
Prepare a big lunch (including snacks i.e. celery, carrots, greek yogurt, granola, etc.) and bring that with me to school
Don't eat out, ever
Bring a half gallon of water to campus every day, stay hydrated (could be any refillable container really, you'll end up refilling plenty of times, but carrying around an entire gallon makes you look like a tool
i only say half gallon because i usually drink about that much while at the gym, so it makes things convenient)
At some point in the evening, leave the library and head over to the gym for about an hour. Have yourself a very productive high-intensity workout and don't think about school AT ALL; I always look forward to going to the gym and see it as a sort of reward system for doing work in the library
Go home and shower, eat, continue studying, blaze, eat, sleep