Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am looking to add 10 ibs of muscle this winter, over the course of 3 months. Around 3 ibs of muscle per month is a lofty goal, but I need the motivation.

As far as diet, should I mainly focus on the proteins?

As far as workouts, free weights are the way to go with gaining? Correct?
Good luck with your noob gains.

You should always make sure to get enough protein in. Carbs and fats are what you play around with, depending on what works for you.

And yes, free weights >.
Originally Posted by I3

Yeah i've found a combo of power cleans, shurgs (DB, BB smith) and deadlifts really hit the traps. I don't isolate them, but id like to grow them lol.

Tried to dealift 230 5x5 like last week, but could only muster like 2 sets of 3 fml.. back gets too sore - any help?

If you're feeling it in your back, more often than not your form is off.
I cringe whenever I see people use DLs for their backs.

I don't know. I've been used to mainly using it for legs. What kills me more is people who do it stiff-legged
My evil side just tells me "he's gon slip a disc on this last set"
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

Question about post-workout nutrition...

I eat a couple gummy bears after I workout as a form of simple carbs...mostly because I love gummy bears and wanted an excuse to eat them

What do you guys use post workout for sugar? I was looking at actual glucose tabs that come in 5g servings but I don't know if that would be a bad idea. I have like $200 on my flex health card that I need gone before 2012 so I was thinkin about pickin these up at walgreens
I usually go with a heaping scoop of straight up carbs, you can pick it up by the tub for fairly cheap. That, a bit of glutamine, and a bit of honey with my post protein has been pretty standard for me the past couple of years; done me well thus far
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

I cringe whenever I see people use DLs for their backs.

I don't know. I've been used to mainly using it for legs. What kills me more is people who do it stiff-legged
My evil side just tells me "he's gon slip a disc on this last set"
Stiff-legged or Romanian DLs are just as safe as any other exercise if performed correctly.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

I cringe whenever I see people use DLs for their backs.

I don't know. I've been used to mainly using it for legs. What kills me more is people who do it stiff-legged
My evil side just tells me "he's gon slip a disc on this last set"

The funny thing is, for me, the beginning of the regular deadlift motion is what really stresses my back. After I get past the initial lift off the floor, I can actually do straight leg deadlifts with 225 no problem.  My back hardly gets sore, but it kills my hammys.   I don't do regular deadlifts anymore and instead do the straight leg deadlifts, just because of the initial mechanics of the regular deadlift.  If I really want to do the regular deadlift then I have to use the hex bar.  Sumo deadlifts I can do fine though.  I really can't figure out why I can't do the regular deadlift without messing up my back.
I think the main thing with deadlifts is keeping your back straight and pushing through your heels. Also, you gotta make sure it is one fluid motion and not a rocking motion. If done correctly, they are incredible. They get you strong as hell
My gyms closed from the 19-26th

Been playing ball and doing pull ups at the park, but it's too cold for that nonsense
started insanity for the second time. the first time i said hell no to the second month. this time i intend on doing the full 2 months while lifting at the gym post insanity. goal weight is 180 by feb. im at 215.
Any students here got any input on getting a good workout routine amidst all the schooling?
And I'm talking, I stay up till 2-3am doing hw every damb weekday, life full of stress and deadlines type of life.

Working out during winter break/summer isn't enough to keep me in shape the way I want to be.
If I could've continued my summer workout, I would've been 150s by now no doubt.

(was 175, cut down to 163 during the summer but just couldn't handle working out + school so I stopped)
Originally Posted by KK Sl1der

Any students here got any input on getting a good workout routine amidst all the schooling?
And I'm talking, I stay up till 2-3am doing hw every damb weekday, life full of stress and deadlines type of life.

Working out during winter break/summer isn't enough to keep me in shape the way I want to be.
If I could've continued my summer workout, I would've been 150s by now no doubt.

(was 175, cut down to 163 during the summer but just couldn't handle working out + school so I stopped)
What I did was the following, which got me through four years with plenty of healthy progress (just graduated
Eat a hearty breakfast every morning before heading to campus

Prepare a big lunch (including snacks i.e. celery, carrots, greek yogurt, granola, etc.) and bring that with me to school

Don't eat out, ever

Bring a half gallon of water to campus every day, stay hydrated (could be any refillable container really, you'll end up refilling plenty of times, but carrying around an entire gallon makes you look like a tool
 i only say half gallon because i usually drink about that much while at the gym, so it makes things convenient)

At some point in the evening, leave the library and head over to the gym for about an hour. Have yourself a very productive high-intensity workout and don't think about school AT ALL; I always look forward to going to the gym and see it as a sort of reward system for doing work in the library

Go home and shower, eat, continue studying, blaze, eat, sleep
Just to clarify... Deadlifts are primarily a back exercise. Stiff leg deadlifts are primarily a hamstring exercise. 
Gummy Bears, glucose tabs and powdered carbs for post workout? ...whatever happened to a good ol' fashioned banana? 
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Just to clarify... Deadlifts are primarily a back exercise. Stiff leg deadlifts are primarily a hamstring exercise. 
Gummy Bears, glucose tabs and powdered carbs for post workout? ...whatever happened to a good ol' fashioned banana? 
I would say that a standard deadlift is really an overall body exercise and not just for your lower back; it helps with the strength of all your other lifts.  I'd argue it's the best indicator of strength in my opinion.  

As far as nutrition goes, the more information we know the more technical we get haha.  The banana just takes too long to break down in our bodies for the post workout insulin spike we're looking for.
Originally Posted by CDUNK

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Just to clarify... Deadlifts are primarily a back exercise. Stiff leg deadlifts are primarily a hamstring exercise. 
Gummy Bears, glucose tabs and powdered carbs for post workout? ...whatever happened to a good ol' fashioned banana? 
I would say that a standard deadlift is really an overall body exercise and not just for your lower back; it helps with the strength of all your other lifts.  I'd argue it's the best indicator of strength in my opinion.  

As far as nutrition goes, the more information we know the more technical we get haha.  The banana just takes too long to break down in our bodies for the post workout insulin spike we're looking for.

yeah, body needs those simple sugars post workout in order to aid in the muscle repair process
NT, I understand if the question is beat to death, but what is a good preworkout supp? I need a little spark to get me going before and during workouts.
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by KK Sl1der

Any students here got any input on getting a good workout routine amidst all the schooling?
And I'm talking, I stay up till 2-3am doing hw every damb weekday, life full of stress and deadlines type of life.

Working out during winter break/summer isn't enough to keep me in shape the way I want to be.
If I could've continued my summer workout, I would've been 150s by now no doubt.

(was 175, cut down to 163 during the summer but just couldn't handle working out + school so I stopped)
What I did was the following, which got me through four years with plenty of healthy progress (just graduated
Eat a hearty breakfast every morning before heading to campus

Prepare a big lunch (including snacks i.e. celery, carrots, greek yogurt, granola, etc.) and bring that with me to school

Don't eat out, ever

Bring a half gallon of water to campus every day, stay hydrated (could be any refillable container really, you'll end up refilling plenty of times, but carrying around an entire gallon makes you look like a tool
 i only say half gallon because i usually drink about that much while at the gym, so it makes things convenient)

At some point in the evening, leave the library and head over to the gym for about an hour. Have yourself a very productive high-intensity workout and don't think about school AT ALL; I always look forward to going to the gym and see it as a sort of reward system for doing work in the library

Go home and shower, eat, continue studying, blaze, eat, sleep

This pretty much.... A lot of times that workout during the days relieves some of that school stress and lets you work better in the class and gym. The snacks are key. Everyone knows there are those times where you feel your eyes getting heavy and need just a little boost. Props for trying to figure this out and good luck.
My gym finally got new equipment in. New cardio machines w/ LCD TVs and a ton of new equipment
. They even added a new large TRX rack (pic below). I wish I took pics, but I only bring my 2G Ipod touch into the gym and not my phone. The weight room remained the same though which is ok. They added a ton of other isolation machines as well. It's better now, but will suck next month due to the influx of resolutioners.
Edit: IMO, Romanian deads are better than Stiff legged deadlifts. It puts less strain on the back. I haven't done standard deadlifts off the ground in the gym in over 8 months. I'm not trying to become crazy strong since I've been training for hypertrophy. I might switch up to 5x5 or 5/3/1 next year so I can increase my lifts

Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Bring a half gallon of water to campus every day, stay hydrated (could be any refillable container really, you'll end up refilling plenty of times, but carrying around an entire gallon makes you look like a tool
 i only say half gallon because i usually drink about that much while at the gym, so it makes things convenient)

Nah man carry around the gallon of water
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Just to clarify... Deadlifts are primarily a back exercise. Stiff leg deadlifts are primarily a hamstring exercise.
No disrespect, but this is IMO why people hurt themselves.  Deadlifts are in no way primarily a back exercise.  As someone said, it's a basic compound core movement, but if one really had to categorize, it's a posterior hip exercise.  Yes it requires isometric strength to stabilize the spine but it's your hips that are lifting the 300+ lbs, not your traps, lats, or spinal erectors.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Gotta get back in shape 

Salad question: What's a good salad dressing that ISNT vinegar based? I can't take vinegar because it causes inflammation in my knee.
Anyone else?
What meats are good for breakfast?

What are good quick items you guys recommend for a grocery list, I pretty much do all my cooking on a george foreman and microwave besides cooking eggs
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by I3

Yeah i've found a combo of power cleans, shurgs (DB, BB smith) and deadlifts really hit the traps. I don't isolate them, but id like to grow them lol.

Tried to dealift 230 5x5 like last week, but could only muster like 2 sets of 3 fml.. back gets too sore - any help?

If you're feeling it in your back, more often than not your form is off.

I think I agree with you.  Will get a video up to critique. 

I need my problem lies on the descent or the way down.  I can get the weight off the ground, utilising the hip-thrust.  But when I come down, I think I activate my back as holding the weight rather than de-thrusting? the hips, bending the knees - do you understand me?
Is it wise to do a full body cleanse will I'm bulking?
I've been thinking about taking a week off from the gym the 1st week of the new year
I wanted to try to cleanse out my system to start the year off on a good foot, but currently I'm bulking.
Any suggestions?
I need to lose 70lbs as soon as possible. What is the best exercise and supplements? I want an exercise that is easy and doesn't make me sweat too much and short workout durations, preferably something I can do while I am laying in bed watching tv. Also, what's good foods that taste great and I can eat in great quantities and still lose all the weight possible. Thanks bros. I gotta get my sexy on in time for the summer
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