Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

i know its the angle bro but your tris make your delts look tiny in that pic
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

i know its the angle bro but your tris make your delts look tiny in that pic

sneakerking, i have no clue.....i dont even care right now, dont know my weight either. i def got some ways to go, i slacked off this year cuz of so much nonsense so im in that zone now though.

oct 1 to dec 1st i hope to make huge improvements

In Yo.......

lol when this is all said and done im gonna get me some legit photos.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Originally Posted by amel223

I'm looking to buy some rolled oats from amazon (they don't sell rolled oats in my local stores).  Anyone recommend any specific brands.  I want the tastiest one I don't really care about the price or whatnot. 
Do you live in the mountains? lol No rolled oats, huh? I go to Costco every month and bu the 10 lb Quaker Rolled Oats. IMO, oatmeal is in the top 2 tastiest things one can eat (the other being [(])
 @ oatmeal and poon being on your top 2 of tastiest things to eat. If he lives in the mountains, you must inhabit a wheat farm...
Haha I don't live in the mountains but everytime I go to the grocery store all I see are instant oatmeal or it'll just say regular oatmeal.  I ended up buyin the regular oatmeal.  I get hungry in 2 hours though and I hear rolled oats keep you filled up for a little while longer. 
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Originally Posted by amel223

I'm looking to buy some rolled oats from amazon (they don't sell rolled oats in my local stores).  Anyone recommend any specific brands.  I want the tastiest one I don't really care about the price or whatnot. 
Do you live in the mountains? lol No rolled oats, huh? I go to Costco every month and bu the 10 lb Quaker Rolled Oats. IMO, oatmeal is in the top 2 tastiest things one can eat (the other being [(])
 @ oatmeal and poon being on your top 2 of tastiest things to eat. If he lives in the mountains, you must inhabit a wheat farm...
Haha I don't live in the mountains but everytime I go to the grocery store all I see are instant oatmeal or it'll just say regular oatmeal.  I ended up buyin the regular oatmeal.  I get hungry in 2 hours though and I hear rolled oats keep you filled up for a little while longer. 

yea i prefer rolled oats myself

i mean you either have a crappy grocery store or you are not looking.........

I only went to the gym once this week.  With work and home obligations, it's been tough.  Next week, I'm off though.  So I'm going hard all week long.
Second day of deadlifts since my 7 weeks break.

felt so good
. Didn't want to max out and be unable to finish my other exercises.

also did:
3 sets of 12 reps 225lb shurg
3 sets of 8 reps 115lb T-Bar row
3 sets of 12 reps 55lb DB row
5x5 body weight pullup
3 sets of 15 rep 100lb underhand pulldown.
I just recently started doing DL's and was wondering how many sets/reps I should start at
this past tuesday was my second time doing them seriously
the first was probably 2 weeks ago, my back felt like crap for like 4-5 days after but the second time doing them it didn't so I guess my lower back is getting used to them

Any suggestions would help.
In my opinion, start off with higher reps (12-15) and not your heaviest weight. The idea here is to build up a little bit of stamina whilst perfecting your form.
Don't start with lowere reps (meaning higher weights) until your form is dead on
^^DL's is such a hard exercise to master.  Little did I know but I was doing them wrong for 4 years.  I've only been doin it properly for the last two months. 

If your back hurts doing DL's I suggest you recheck your form cuz you might be doing it wrong. 

I find the person who explains deadlifts best is Mark Rippetoe so I suggest you look his book up.  His writing is really long winded, but he really helped me.  He only goes over the traditional dl form though.  There are different styles, so if you're interested in others you have to take your research else where. 
I actually just gave up vitargo, too. I need to cut costs lol. I need to sell some shoes to keep my supp stack afloat.
My NT new to this thread but im lookin to improve my fitness game..
lemme start off by saying that im a small dude..about 5'8 135 lb, not scrawny tho.. i have a relatively healthy diet, nothin too strict, but i rarely drink sodas, juices, fats..etc..due to my lifestyle i havent been able to exercise regularly for the last year or so, so im pretty out of shape..i have no definition whatsoever and my arms have become really i was wondering what the best way to get my body more defined? would px90 be the route? or would that just make me more skinny?
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

I actually just gave up vitargo, too. I need to cut costs lol. I need to sell some shoes to keep my supp stack afloat.

yo its legit though right?!!

yo is the most well known but they are def not the best when it comes to prices. i only get the 4lb tubs of vitargo.........45-50 is what you should be payin sell it for 69.99
Originally Posted by amel223

^^DL's is such a hard exercise to master.  Little did I know but I was doing them wrong for 4 years.  I've only been doin it properly for the last two months. 

If your back hurts doing DL's I suggest you recheck your form cuz you might be doing it wrong. 

I find the person who explains deadlifts best is Mark Rippetoe so I suggest you look his book up.  His writing is really long winded, but he really helped me.  He only goes over the traditional dl form though.  There are different styles, so if you're interested in others you have to take your research else where. 
Yeah I think I did them wrong the first time but the second time I was working out with a friend whos been doing them for over a year now and he was telling me I was doing them with good form. The next day a had no back pain compared to the first time doing them alone.

brettTHEjett: yeah thats pretty much what I did. I did 185 x20, 205 x10 and my last set I struggled and got 225 x5
You can expect the last few sets (of heavier weights) to be a struggle, because that set of 20 exhausted the helllll outta you I bet.
you'll find when you start with lower reps you can put bigger numbers up.
DL is actually my favorite exercise...........for a while now

i dunno it just feels so rewarding when youre done, an the fact that i see VERY few people perform them in my gym.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

In my opinion, start off with higher reps (12-15) and not your heaviest weight. The idea here is to build up a little bit of stamina whilst perfecting your form.
Don't start with lowere reps (meaning higher weights) until your form is dead on
IMO it would be better to go with 4-8 reps with DLs with LIGHT weights when starting off. We all know that form in DLs is crucial, maybe more so than most other exercises. When you get to the point where you are going heavy on this exercise there is little room for error or else you may injure yourself badly. Thats why its very important to get your form nailed down when starting off so that you dont hurt yourself down the road when you start advancing in weight. The reason why I suggest low reps with light weights is because I dont care who you are (beginner, intermediate, advanced), it is almost impossible to keep strict DL form when you do sets of 8+ reps. You begin to fatigue a bit and your form becomes compromised.

The truth is, almost everyone has terrible form when they start DLing. Look around your gym and you'll see guys DLing 95, 115, 135 pounds with very poor form and they do high reps which makes things even worse. I think when starting out you should stick with light weights, but do low reps to ensure that you are using as good form as possible. Even if feels easy you shouldnt do high reps because eventually you'll lose your form and these bad habits may stick with you later on.

Anyways, watch some instructional videos on youtube and takes things slowly. The key points usually are:
-keep the bar over the middle of your shoes when you start off
-when you are crouching down to hold the bar, your shins should touch the bar
-stick your but out, keep your chest and head up with your hands on the bar, abs tucked in, back straight at around a 60 degree angle
-use your butt, hips, hamstrings to lift the weight, DONT BEND YOUR LOWER BACK WHEN YOU STAND UP
-use your butt, hips, hamstrings to bring the weight down, let the weight rest for 1 second on the ground before bringing it back up (bouncing the weight on the ground makes it easier)

I didnt realize how important DLs were until last year when I stopped doing them for 3 weeks because I had some lower back pain (unrelated to DLs). My strength went down by like 10-15% in such a short period of time. Even if you hate DLs or dont want bigger legs I suggest that everyone does a few heavy sets on a regular basis because they improve your overall body strength (they're also excellent for working out almost every single muscle in the body).
great post carlos

its true though, DL will improve your overall strength.

thats why they are the most rewarding to me........i went up in everything when i started taking my DLs serious. they are a staple
Anyone have back problems? What would going to the chiropractor REALLY do? I was in a boating accident, recievied a concussion and I guess also hit my lower back, tailbone. It cracks a lot and it never used to. I had back pain prior to that though.

Also, I pulled a muscle near my shoulder blade. I've pulled it before and it's always been very vulnerable. I've been resting for about 5 days, no drastic improvement. What should I do?
^sounds like something you need to go to a doctor for, bro.  good luck with that. 

and that mark rippetoe vid was good but I feel like his book is better.  he really broke down the deadlift in his book and since then I've come to enjoy dl's. 

squats are a diff story for me even after following mark's squat instructions i still get knee pain.  it's a mystery. 
I def agree when I did the set of 20 reps I probably only did 10-12 with actual good form
the last 8 were killer
I think I'm a do deadlifts every tuesday with my back workout. should I do it first or last?
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