Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Putting on muscle while losing fat is a slow process. You have to hit just the right amount of calories, and HIIT is highly recommended. I just started HIIT again and it's ridiculously effective for burning fat. I had to lean out before going to vegas, and I shredded body fat extremely quickly. I believe it's also much more muscle sparing than regular steady paced cardio. Diet is most important though if you want to lose bodyfat.
Another question about cutting up. I weigh 145 and I want to lose my fat.

How many calories should I eat to not lose muscle, but to lose fat?

Yesterday I ate about 2000 calories and I was hungry throughout the whole day and I already look smaller than I did yesterday smh.

I was eating about 3000 calories while bulking up btw.

Instead of counting calorie intake, you should be counting your Total Fat, Protein and Net Carbs intake. The right amount in each intake will make a significant difference to your body. If you want to lose body fat and retain as much muscle as possible, you should count those intakes.

Calories = Fat, protein and carbs anyways.

1g of fat = 9 calories. 1g of carb = 4 calories. 1g of protein = 4 calories.

Let's say you cap calories at 2000, but you don't count what type of calories you are eating. You eat:

300g Net Carbs x 4 = 1200 calories
100g Protein x 4 = 400 calories
45g of Fat x 9 = 405 calories

Total Calories = 2005 calories. But you are not eating enough protein or fat and you are eating too much carbs. This will cause you to lose muscle and probably increase your bf %.

I find that a low carb/high fat/high protein diet is the best diet for cutting down bf %.

I was just on facebook and noticed a p90x even about voting, so i took a peek since my friend was voting. Long story short, it's a really small world. How do you know my homie Kunal?
How does one go about losing their gut?
Originally Posted by Luong1209

How does one go about losing their gut?

well to start...
if you got a fat stomach you can't target fat loss there... what I mean is doing crunches and sit ups wont burn the fat there but it'll just make your ab muscles stronger.

In order to lose the fat you gotta burn more calories than you eat. And your body chooses where it loses fat so you might lose fat somewhere else on your body before it burns fat off the gut. That's why you gotta be consistent with it week after week burning more calories than you eat but its best to -500 calories from how much your body burns otherwise there's a high chance of you losing muscle which is also brings up the good idea to lift weights and have a high protein diet so your body keeps the muscle and not burn it off along with the fat.
^Appreciate it.

Today I had few handful of grapes, some almonds, broccoli and tea. Ran 4.5 miles, shot around and some other crap

I've been running 4 miles average the last three times I've gone to the gym.
I've looked over the p90x diet plan, and i think I'm going to start out in phase 1. Now I'm already in fairly decent shape, so if anybody who has done p90x can gimme a workout regiment for the first phase, that'd be appreciated. I'll integrate it into my current lifting plan.
anybody trying to lose weight find a sport with heavily activity basketball soccor etc and eat 3 meals a deal and i recommend getting p90x but i only use the chest part
Quick question, Ive been lifting more than ever the past two months and started benching more seriously, squating, deadlifting basically all the compound movements and I notice its working but Im also loosing fat which is my primary goal. Should I limit the amount of carbs to a certain amount of grams to ensure good weight loss too? I noticed that I have lost weight by looking but by the scale I weight practically the same I guess its the muscle gain.

I not sure because I want to intake more foods to lift heavier but not too much where I stop loosing fat.
Can you guys recommend me a good and affordable weight loss supplement?
I had Hydroxycut before they recalled it, but I wasn't focused at all. Don't know much about the reformulated Hydroxycut.
Now I've been hitting the gym hard for the past couple of weeks, but I want that extra push from a supplement.

Thanks in advance.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

^Appreciate it.

Today I had few handful of grapes, some almonds, broccoli and tea. Ran 4.5 miles, shot around and some other crap

I've been running 4 miles average the last three times I've gone to the gym.

It is pretty overwhelming trying to figure out where to start.  I think a lot of people just eat too less.. the best bet is to start cutting out the bad stuff, sodas, sweets, sugary, fatty foods.  Don't cut them immediately, chances are it won't work.  Instead, just decrease it iteratively and then you'll see progress.

After you felt you've accomplished that, take a look a what you ate on a regular day.. see where you can reduce the portion sizes. 

So you've now started to cut out the junk and recognised the portion sizes.  Here you can now identify what type of foods to eat and when, you'll understand how your body reacts to food as well.  Always make constant adjustments, keep the body guessing.

You should always always, be active.   Lift weights, run, take the stairs it all adds up.

Finally, be patient.  You'll see results, its a matter of hard work and determination. 
Originally Posted by iAllan

Can you guys recommend me a good and affordable weight loss supplement?
I had Hydroxycut before they recalled it, but I wasn't focused at all. Don't know much about the reformulated Hydroxycut.
Now I've been hitting the gym hard for the past couple of weeks, but I want that extra push from a supplement.

Thanks in advance.
EC Stack. I suggest you try it once you hit a fat-loss plateau though. Stick to a clean diet and try to incorporate HIIT.
Is it better to do HIIT or a 30 minute light jog after working out if youre tryna cut down? I was doing cardio at 7 mph on the elliptical for the past week after every workout and it seems like its affecting my muscle gains.
Had a pretty good back workout:

Chins: 4 x 10
Deadlift: 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 315 x 6, 405 x 5, 455 x 5, 495 x 3, 545 x 1 new PR

Hammer Strength Single Arm rows: 2 sets 12, 1 set 10, 1 set 8
DB curls, Bent Rows, Shrugs superset 10, 10, 10 for 3 sets

Didn't really think ahead though.  Just got home a little while ago at like 9:40.  It's now 10pm and I'm teaching a kettlebell class at 6:00am before I start training clients.  I'm gonna be ruined...
Hey guys, im kinda on the skinny side and is around 120 lbs. Im trying to gain weight and gain a lot of muscle.
Any ideas of a plan to do and what to eat?
yo i need some help with this soreness i had a hard time getting out the bed and even washing my neck i did arms monday why in the world are they still so sore
and is there anything i can do to cut down the soreness a lil bit
Originally Posted by k10e05h

Another question about cutting up. I weigh 145 and I want to lose my fat.

How many calories should I eat to not lose muscle, but to lose fat?

Yesterday I ate about 2000 calories and I was hungry throughout the whole day and I already look smaller than I did yesterday smh.

I was eating about 3000 calories while bulking up btw.
Instead of counting calorie intake, you should be counting your Total Fat, Protein and Net Carbs intake. The right amount in each intake will make a significant difference to your body. If you want to lose body fat and retain as much muscle as possible, you should count those intakes.

Calories = Fat, protein and carbs anyways.

1g of fat = 9 calories. 1g of carb = 4 calories. 1g of protein = 4 calories.

Let's say you cap calories at 2000, but you don't count what type of calories you are eating. You eat:

300g Net Carbs x 4 = 1200 calories
100g Protein x 4 = 400 calories
45g of Fat x 9 = 405 calories

Total Calories = 2005 calories. But you are not eating enough protein or fat and you are eating too much carbs. This will cause you to lose muscle and probably increase your bf %.

I find that a low carb/high fat/high protein diet is the best diet for cutting down bf %.

I agree 100%
Actually, the numbers up there are close to mine and I find that my bodyfat % is low (single digits) and I have pretty good strength for my size, even get complimented on it. It just depends. I should be eating more, though.
^iLL sir....

I just started P90x....Basically incorporating it into my lifting routine. I don't have an official copy so could you tell me what kinda things you do throughout the week? I'm also lifting by the way. So the back/biceps back/arms stuff arent gonna be used that much. I'm basically doing phase 1 to get leaner.

What I'm asking is, how often should I do Cardio X and Ken Po X? Are you supposed to do them every other day?
How long till I should be noticing weight gains... Im 150 5'9, consuming about 3000ish calories on a clean bulk...
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