Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

hey guys i'm 5'7 236lbs. yea i know i'm fat. but i've been working out since march 1 cause i decided i hated being this way. i was about 245 before i started. the first week i lost like 6lbs. but all of a sudden it stopped. i donno if i'm eating right. what should i eat? i usually drink a shake after i work out. other than that i donno. any tips would help. much appreciated.
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

I just like eating protein tho.

Id rather eat chicken, turkey, tilapia etc than to eat potatoes, oats, breads etc

I've had good results eating ~1g/lb bodyweight, not to say that i wouldnt if eating 1g/kg bodyweight, i just prefer to eat protein
ya.. not saying it's a bad thing. but you dont really need to. unless you think you got enough mass to need it

i understand it's a preference for some people tho

my comment was more directed at people asking questions about how much they should consume
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Durden7

Its actually less than 1 gram per lb.  Thats a bodybuilding thing that transformed itself into a generalized exercise myth.  Its 1 gram per kg.

i agree with this also....

bodyweight by lb in protein is excessive

so you guys shouldnt feel you need to consume that much....

i dont think ive ever consumed my bodyweight by lb in protein in one day, and im still building muscle

Since, I weigh 154 lbs, which is about 69 kg.... How many grams of protein is good for me daily?

My goals are to put on more muscle mass, to get stronger, and bigger.
69g protein a day.
Increase clean caloric intake
make sure you are recovering fully before working out those muscles again (THIS INCLUDES INDIRECTLY i.e. chest on monday and shoulder on tuesday).
If you have $$, use recovery and health supplements such as L-Glutamine, CLA, ZMA, fish oils, Flax seed oils, etc will all help in recovery

I'm in the same boat.. trying to build muscle and get stronger+bigger.
I was in the gym 7 days a week, but it's counter productive if your muscles don't have two full days between stress (workingout).
Make your workouts more intense than usual to increase productivity. and remember that recovery is as important than actually working out
69G a day? I get 50G atleast per meal

I think you should consume more than 69G protein not just for muscle but for health reasons 69grams of protein is 276 calories...a typical male needs 2200-3000 calories so you'd have to get the rest from carbs and fat..
IMO 1G per 1lb of LBM is fine... thats ~150 for me not hard at all
Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Durden7

Its actually less than 1 gram per lb.  Thats a bodybuilding thing that transformed itself into a generalized exercise myth.  Its 1 gram per kg.

i agree with this also....

bodyweight by lb in protein is excessive

so you guys shouldnt feel you need to consume that much....

i dont think ive ever consumed my bodyweight by lb in protein in one day, and im still building muscle

Since, I weigh 154 lbs, which is about 69 kg.... How many grams of protein is good for me daily?

My goals are to put on more muscle mass, to get stronger, and bigger.
69g protein a day.
Increase clean caloric intake
make sure you are recovering fully before working out those muscles again (THIS INCLUDES INDIRECTLY i.e. chest on monday and shoulder on tuesday).
If you have $$, use recovery and health supplements such as L-Glutamine, CLA, ZMA, fish oils, Flax seed oils, etc will all help in recovery

I'm in the same boat.. trying to build muscle and get stronger+bigger.
I was in the gym 7 days a week, but it's counter productive if your muscles don't have two full days between stress (workingout).
Make your workouts more intense than usual to increase productivity. and remember that recovery is as important than actually working out
69G a day? I get 50G atleast per meal

I think you should consume more than 69G protein not just for muscle but for health reasons 69grams of protein is 276 calories...a typical male needs 2200-3000 calories so you'd have to get the rest from carbs and fat..
IMO 1G per 1lb of LBM is fine... thats ~150 for me not hard at all
You speak as though carbs and fat are bad.  Your body also has to break down the protein and excrete the nitrogen so its not like protein is some amazing nutrient that has no ill effects.

Just because you get 50 g per meal doesnt mean everyone should.  69 for him is a rough estime of what is a good amount to comsume.  90-100 is the upper level and anything else has a chance to be converted to fat.

You eat 3 meals a day?
Quick question, so if I take plain old creatine and maybe beta alanine, along with Whey post workouts and other times on days I dont eat much protein is that enough to build lean mass? Would you guys recommend White Flood or intra workouts like size on? Ive tried them they seem to help a lot at first few days but some say the difference isnt great. Also Im trying to avoid artificial sweeteners as Ive heard many negative things about Sucralose. Thanks
Today was my first day on White Flood, I felt a small difference in how I felt, not sure I noticed any enhanced work out as of yet. I only did 1 scoop though since its my first day and it reccomends 2. Taking 2 tomorrow.
If he's trying to build muscle mass and strength he needs more than 80-90 grams of protein per day or his carb and fat intake would be way too high to meet his caloric needs. I'd say closer to 120-130 grams a day of protein and then around 300 grams of carbs and 65-80 grams of fat. Depends on your metabolism and everything else, but if he's trying to bump up from 154 he just needs more calories overall and a good balance. Someone training for atheletic performance or to lose bodyfat would be good at around 80-90 grams of protein per day.

On another note, I was finally able to squat a decent weight again, but I just did box squats so I could keep my form right and have more control at the bottom of the rep. Just went to 275, but it's 50lbs heavier than last week with no pain afterwards and I was able to finish the leg workout. Knee should be back to a good 90% in about 3 weeks or so.
Originally Posted by Derek916

69G a day? I get 50G atleast per meal

I think you should consume more than 69G protein not just for muscle but for health reasons 69grams of protein is 276 calories...a typical male needs 2200-3000 calories so you'd have to get the rest from carbs and fat..
IMO 1G per 1lb of LBM is fine... thats ~150 for me not hard at all
no one advised against it... only said it was unnecessary for most people

obviously 69grams is a lil low, so by the 1 lb/1kg scale, no

and calm down, u sayin it like u eat calves every meal of the day. u not that swole
First day on Jack3d and I felt great. I was sluggish after work and took it 45 minutes before working out. Finished my workout with no problem
Front Squats 135 4x10
Deadlifts 135 1x10 185 3x5
Leg lifts 160 4x10
Good Mornings 80 3x10
Does muscle milk help with muscle gain or should I just try 'creatine'? I been working out steady for bout a month now and I just wanted insight on this topic
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Durden7

Its actually less than 1 gram per lb.  Thats a bodybuilding thing that transformed itself into a generalized exercise myth.  Its 1 gram per kg.

i agree with this also....

bodyweight by lb in protein is excessive

so you guys shouldnt feel you need to consume that much....

i dont think ive ever consumed my bodyweight by lb in protein in one day, and im still building muscle

Since, I weigh 154 lbs, which is about 69 kg.... How many grams of protein is good for me daily?

My goals are to put on more muscle mass, to get stronger, and bigger.
69g protein a day.
Increase clean caloric intake
make sure you are recovering fully before working out those muscles again (THIS INCLUDES INDIRECTLY i.e. chest on monday and shoulder on tuesday).
If you have $$, use recovery and health supplements such as L-Glutamine, CLA, ZMA, fish oils, Flax seed oils, etc will all help in recovery

I'm in the same boat.. trying to build muscle and get stronger+bigger.
I was in the gym 7 days a week, but it's counter productive if your muscles don't have two full days between stress (workingout).
Make your workouts more intense than usual to increase productivity. and remember that recovery is as important than actually working out
69G a day? I get 50G atleast per meal

I think you should consume more than 69G protein not just for muscle but for health reasons 69grams of protein is 276 calories...a typical male needs 2200-3000 calories so you'd have to get the rest from carbs and fat..
IMO 1G per 1lb of LBM is fine... thats ~150 for me not hard at all
You speak as though carbs and fat are bad.  Your body also has to break down the protein and excrete the nitrogen so its not like protein is some amazing nutrient that has no ill effects.

Just because you get 50 g per meal doesnt mean everyone should.  69 for him is a rough estime of what is a good amount to comsume.  90-100 is the upper level and anything else has a chance to be converted to fat.

You eat 3 meals a day?
Excess of anything can be converted into fat...if your going to eat more carbs to make up for your protein well than after your done using it as "quick energy" / glycogen it too is stored as fat

eating "high protein" doesn't mean I sacrifice my other macros its only 200 calories more...

yes I eat 3 meals a day I'm not home for most of the day

yes buddha I'm not swole
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

^no hamstring/calves/glutes?

My fault I did calve raises 90 3x12 no hamies or glutes today did a full body yesterday and included them.

M: Full body with cardio mix
T: Legs
W: Chest/Back
Thr: Cardio
Fri: Full body
Sat: Hiking
Sun: off
Trying something new.
Originally Posted by meabm2006

hey guys i'm 5'7 236lbs. yea i know i'm fat. but i've been working out since march 1 cause i decided i hated being this way. i was about 245 before i started. the first week i lost like 6lbs. but all of a sudden it stopped. i donno if i'm eating right. what should i eat? i usually drink a shake after i work out. other than that i donno. any tips would help. much appreciated.

in the first week you lose a lot of weight because its mostly water weight. after that aim for about 1-2 pounds a week, more than that and you'll be losing muscle too.
how many calories are you getting a day?
some good foods are oatmeal, eggs, chicken breast, extra lean ground meat, tuna, fruits, veggies, cottage cheese.
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

^no hamstring/calves/glutes?
proper good mornings destroy hamstrings... proper squats destroy glutes

i agree about the calves though
I agree. I hat good mornings but they are a great workout.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by d0njaye

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Just ordered from VitaminShoppe:
100% Whey Gold Double Rich Chocolate (5lb)
100% Casein Protein Chocolate Supreme (2lb)
Bodytech Shaker Bottle
For a total of: $66.47 (including shipping)

I think I got a good deal..

2 Questions..
1. Anyone feel as if the ON Whey Protein doesn't digest? For instance, as I started using the the Whey and, I found myself going to the bathroom daily as I used the Whey daily.

2. I weigh 154 pounds, how much protein do I need to intake daily according to my weight?
Yeah that's not a bad deal. Without any hookups, the lowest for price for the ON whey is usually $40 and casein is in the mid $20s. the casein only comes in three flavors i believe.

ON whey is some of the best out there. you probably just have the case of protein farts.

depending on your goals, you should aim between 150 - 180 grams of protein a day (roughly 1 gram per lb)
Thanks for that.. I do not see why people buy from GNC or any other retailer.. VitaminShoppe has much better prices in my opinion, except for when ON Whey went on sale at FitRx(2x5lbs for $60 shipped)..

I need to step it up, I usually only have 1 to 1.5 scoops of Whey daily, on top of the protein I get from my other foods, which is probably only 40-60 grams daily. How should I spread out my shakes daily, how many do you recommend taking daily?
at your size, i say at most twice a day (post-workout is for sure) and the casein at night before you go to bed. maybe a third one, if you get caught up and don't have any time to squeeze in a meal you can have a shake.

i prefer eating real food, plus when i start drinking too many shakes, it gets expensive!
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Quick question, so if I take plain old creatine and maybe beta alanine, along with Whey post workouts and other times on days I dont eat much protein is that enough to build lean mass? Would you guys recommend White Flood or intra workouts like size on? Ive tried them they seem to help a lot at first few days but some say the difference isnt great. Also Im trying to avoid artificial sweeteners as Ive heard many negative things about Sucralose. Thanks

beta alanine is gonna be the next "big" supplement to hit the market. i think it's still relatively unknown by most people, but so far everything i read about it has been good. but yeah 1.5-3grams of beta alanine and creatine preworkout should be good for gains.
Is it a bad idea to do Squats and Deadlifts on the same day? I'm thinking of doing 3 sets of 8 along with 2 warmups sets for each. I'll also probably be adding lunges and/or hamstring curls on the same day(legs).
Originally Posted by jigsta05

Is it a bad idea to do Squats and Deadlifts on the same day? I'm thinking of doing 3 sets of 8 along with 2 warmups sets for each. I'll also probably be adding lunges and/or hamstring curls on the same day(legs).
I do it on my leg day I do

5 min jog
Leg extenstions
standing calf raises
seated calf raises

But it's funny you post this because I was going to ask the question if it would be better doing hamstring excercises before quadricep excercises becuase when I finally get to deadlifts my legs are jello, I can barely stand up, if my knees bend I feel like i'm about to fall down so I usually take a breather and sit down until my legs recoup a bit 

so can anyone tell me if I should stick with my routine or would it not really matter if I put deadlifts before squats?

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by jigsta05

Is it a bad idea to do Squats and Deadlifts on the same day? I'm thinking of doing 3 sets of 8 along with 2 warmups sets for each. I'll also probably be adding lunges and/or hamstring curls on the same day(legs).
I do it on my leg day I do

5 min jog
Leg extenstions
standing calf raises
seated calf raises

But it's funny you post this because I was going to ask the question if it would be better doing hamstring excercises before quadricep excercises becuase when I finally get to deadlifts my legs are jello, I can barely stand up, if my knees bend I feel like i'm about to fall down so I usually take a breather and sit down until my legs recoup a bit 

so can anyone tell me if I should stick with my routine or would it not really matter if I put deadlifts before squats?


I personally like doing squats first because I feel more comfortable holding a heavier weight than I do having it on my shoulders. 
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