Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

For those dieting, I have a question:

I'm 5'7 weighing at 150 lbs and i'm trying to cut weight and get toned up for the summer. According to those "calorie calculator" I need to have about 1800 calories to shed some weight.

I have class from 2PM - 7PM and work from 10-3AM (desk job).

As you can tell from my schedule, I usually don't wake up until 12PM.

I keep count of my calories and a normal day usually consists of this:

12PM - Cup of cereal with a fruit
3:30 - Brown rice with chicken breast and vegetables
6:30 - 1/2 can of tuna on one slice of wheat bread
7:30 - Brown rice with chicken breast and vegetables
9:30 - 1/2 can of tuna on on slice of wheat bread

1:00AM - 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites scrambled with a little bit of coldcuts. (this is the meal i'm most worried about. after eating this, I don't really do anything but sit at a desk and use the computer until I sleep)

At 4:00AM, sleep.

Is this eating routine more for "bulking" or "cutting?" I do go to the gym about 3x a week for some heavy lifting and cardio.
Originally Posted by Durden7

I always heard bad things about jumpsoles.

I used it for a few weeks.

It works.

I went from clapping to going up with the ball and touching rim. But when you stop working out, it goes away.
Originally Posted by retroflashbacks

For those dieting, I have a question:

I'm 5'7 weighing at 150 lbs and i'm trying to cut weight and get toned up for the summer. According to those "calorie calculator" I need to have about 1800 calories to shed some weight.

I have class from 2PM - 7PM and work from 10-3AM (desk job).

As you can tell from my schedule, I usually don't wake up until 12PM.

I keep count of my calories and a normal day usually consists of this:

12PM - Cup of cereal with a fruit
3:30 - Brown rice with chicken breast and vegetables
6:30 - 1/2 can of tuna on one slice of wheat bread
7:30 - Brown rice with chicken breast and vegetables
9:30 - 1/2 can of tuna on on slice of wheat bread

1:00AM - 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites scrambled with a little bit of coldcuts. (this is the meal i'm most worried about. after eating this, I don't really do anything but sit at a desk and use the computer until I sleep)

At 4:00AM, sleep.

Is this eating routine more for "bulking" or "cutting?" I do go to the gym about 3x a week for some heavy lifting and cardio.
cut down on the carbs. keep carb intake to once a day, twice at most. replace that with veggies when you eat.
i think youre pretty good with protein. I read that you eat the same amount of grams of protein as the weight you want.

ex: if you wanna be 140, eat 140g of protein.
stick to slow digesting carbs and you'll be fine. without carbs, where will your energy come from? you're going to need carbs in the morning, pre and post-workout at the bare minimum.

i don't know why you wanna cut though! 150lbs @ 5'7? you're better off bulking for 6-8 weeks, then cutting afterwards.
Originally Posted by d0njaye

stick to slow digesting carbs and you'll be fine. without carbs, where will your energy come from? you're going to need carbs in the morning, pre and post-workout at the bare minimum.

i don't know why you wanna cut though! 150lbs @ 5'7? you're better off bulking for 6-8 weeks, then cutting afterwards.

lol. I'm more on the tubby-side. I had the worst eating habits for a long time (fast food and drinking everyday) and I got a pretty nasty gut. I stopped eating junk food and alcohol for about a year now and I definitely noticed change. I started doing cardio about 3 months ago and I figured with the summer coming and all, it wouldn't hurt to try and diet better to build some lean muscle and get cut.
WARNING: Long read, only read if you are kind enough to put in your 2 cents. 

Finally joined a gym 3rd week of Feb to avoid all the new yrs resolutioners.  Read through a few pages here and I pretty much setup a 3 day workout routine.  I think my body is weird type, the scale reads 205 lbs, height is 5'8".  People usually guess my weight as 180-185lbs.  I'm fairly atheltic and play different sports, mainly basketball, football and sometimes tennis so I'm sure my body fat % is lower than someone who is my weight.

I've only been working out my upper body because my legs are good, quads , hamstrings, calves, are built/cut/toned as it is.  Not trying to bulk up or get brolic like how Dr. Dre and Timbaland did.  The objective is to get my gut nice and flat, heh. 

However heres the problem; I read that sleep/rest is VERY important; but I work overnight (11:30pm-7:30am).  So basically I get home at 8:30am, sleep till 12 afternoon, when I get a chance play some ball for an hour or so then workout hour & half.  Finish by 3ish, get home by 4:30 then sleep again until 9:30pm for work in the evening.

Before I workout I hit the stationary bike for 15 min on resistance ranging from 10-20.  The days aren't really set because I'm still getting my body used to the soreness.  So once my body is all rest up I do the next set of routine. 

Tue- Chest / Triceps

4: 10 Dumbbell Bench Press (20lbs, 30lbs, 25lbs,)
4: 10 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (20lbs, 30lbs, 25lbs,)
4: 10 Barbell Bench Press (45lb bar, 65lb)
2: 10 Machine Bench Press (70lb, 80lb)
4: 10 Cable Flyes (70lb, 80lb)

4: 10 Incline Cable Tricep Extensions (30lbs, 40lbs, 30lbs)
4: 10-15 Cable Tricep Push Down (40lbs)
4: 8-10 Rope Attach Push Down (30lbs)

Thur- Back / Biceps

4:10 Seated Cable Rows (50lbs)
4:10 Wide Grip Lat Pulldown (70lbs)
4:10 One-Arm Dumbell Rows (25lbs)
3: 5-8 Bent T-Bars Rows (60lbs) (Changing this one, I feel nothing when I do this, I feel like I can't get the form right)

4:10-15 Preacher Curls (30lbs)
4:10-15 Seated Dumbbell Curls (15lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs)
4:10-15 Standing Barbell Curls (15lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs)
4:10-15 Standing Dumbbell Curls (15lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs)

Sat- Shoulders / Traps (Honestly, I haven't consistently put this into the rotation because my body been aching from the other 2 days, which leaves me a big gap between back/bicep combo and the Chest/tricep)

Shoulder Press
Lateral Raise
Front Raise
Machine Press

Dumbbell Shrugs
Barbell Shrugs

I haven't been lifting heavier weights because 1. I'm a beginner at weight lifting and 2. I feel that'll bulk me up.  My gym membership is for 6 months and my goal is to become lean and tone and get down to 170,175lbs but realisticly in a healthier fashion, bring it down to 180, 185lbs by the 6th month.  Most likely I'm gonna extend my membership to a yr or so because it's becoming addicting working out.  In the coming months my plan is to definitely do more cardio (more cycling).  

Any advice on how to make my workout routine more efficient and knowledge whether me working overnight and workout in between is affecting me at all, making the process slower etc.  

I know you said you only want to work out your upper body (...) but I think it would behoove you to pay attention to your whole body. I'm not sure why you have the idea that working only the upper body will get you a flat stomach. Under that logic why not work out your lower body exclusively then? Anyway, don't neglect 1/2 of your body just because you think that would get you the very specific result of losing tummy fat.

The more muscle you build all over your body, the faster you will shed fat and the easier it will be to keep it off in the long run. It's not like your legs are getting built through playing basketball only. Cardio is nice, but it alone doesn't seem a sufficient enough cause for you to ignore your lower body.
Lifting heavier weights will NOT make you bulk up. Matter of fact it's the opposite, muscle burns fat. So the more muscle you develop the more your body fat drops.

After you lift, do cardio for 20 minutes at a reasonably intense level at whatever machine you feel comfy at.

It's Important to work out your WHOLE body. You might think your legs and calves are toned but that could just be fat that's muscled up a bit. If you work that out, your legs will become more trimmer and muscular.

Eat right. More water. No fast food, no junk food, I advise cookin your own meals too. More veggies and fruits and LOTS of protein rich foods.

I advise getting a protein and creatine powder to drink before and after workouts and as a meal replacement.

If you can do all that and be dedicated, you can do it. I was around 198 at November and I'm at 171 right now and cutting still.

Trust me, it might be hard and a lil confusing in the beginning but eventually youll be able to learn and get maximum output on it.
Good advice so far. just to add alil:'

Dont worry you wont get big overnight! It takes years and alot of hard work (or juice)to bulk up. Try to go hard in every workout and with as much weight as you can handle without losing good form. You will be burning calories and fat.

Post your diet, since your trying to loose weight Id recommend a high protein low carb diet. A proper diet will reduce your gut. The working over night thing isnt too bad since Im sure your used to it by now and plus you only have a 3 day split. Make sure you get your meals in and dont pay too much attention to the scale focus on the mirror!

To critique your workout plan, first I would drop a working set so it would look like 3 sets of 10. This is not counting your warmup sets. Make sure your working set weight is challenging enough to get 10 reps but you should feel like giving up by your 8th. Rest and repeat.

Would start off with dips or push-ups. Move to bench, then incline smith machine and end with cable flys. A better overall muscle workout.

I dont know the incline tri extension but i would switch the last rope pushdown with a Rope french press, since the last two are very similair, use either or.

Start to incorporate deadlifts. Since you wanna swith t bar rows, maybe try bent over barbell/dumbell rows or pull/chin ups.

I think you doing to many similar moves. Try incline hammer curls, Preacher curls and choose dumbell/barbell curls.

Stick to a plan make sure you hit all your exercises, shoulders. traps are very important to develop the chest/back. If you can't just sub the tuesday workout with the Saturday workout and bump the chest to Thurs and so on.

If you feel sore for that long, your nutrition seems off. Make sure you take in enough complex carbs before and after a workout.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Lifting heavier weights will NOT make you bulk up. Matter of fact it's the opposite, muscle burns fat. So the more muscle you develop the more your body fat drops.

After you lift, do cardio for 20 minutes at a reasonably intense level at whatever machine you feel comfy at.

It's Important to work out your WHOLE body. You might think your legs and calves are toned but that could just be fat that's muscled up a bit. If you work that out, your legs will become more trimmer and muscular.

Eat right. More water. No fast food, no junk food, I advise cookin your own meals too. More veggies and fruits and LOTS of protein rich foods.

I advise getting a protein and creatine powder to drink before and after workouts and as a meal replacement.

If you can do all that and be dedicated, you can do it. I was around 198 at November and I'm at 171 right now and cutting still.

Trust me, it might be hard and a lil confusing in the beginning but eventually youll be able to learn and get maximum output on it.

THIS ftw.  Biggest mistake you can make is to avoid training your lower body and think it's already good.  You'll create strength imbalances that can lead to injury and you're depriving yourself of a faster metabolism and a better anabolic environment for your body to grow muscle.  Do a leg workout at least 1 day a week.  Learn how to squat properly and learn how to deadlift, both conventional and romanian.  Train either your legs, back or chest first day of the week and try to work another big group of muscles next after that, i.e. Legs on Monday, Chest on Tuesday, rest, Back/Shoulders on Thursday, etc...
2nd week of p90 x... I'm 5 10 215.... Trying to drop down to 190 by June 1st . Cut out pork and red meat... Strictly fish and chicken....cut my sugar intake by 90%... no soda or French fries ... Drinking lots of water and eat lots of granola... Protein shakes help too... Recovery is key to working out daily
Originally Posted by Green Ice 05

WARNING: Long read, only read if you are kind enough to put in your 2 cents. 

Finally joined a gym 3rd week of Feb to avoid all the new yrs resolutioners.  Read through a few pages here and I pretty much setup a 3 day workout routine.  I think my body is weird type, the scale reads 205 lbs, height is 5'8".  People usually guess my weight as 180-185lbs.  I'm fairly atheltic and play different sports, mainly basketball, football and sometimes tennis so I'm sure my body fat % is lower than someone who is my weight.

I've only been working out my upper body because my legs are good, quads , hamstrings, calves, are built/cut/toned as it is.  Not trying to bulk up or get brolic like how Dr. Dre and Timbaland did.  The objective is to get my gut nice and flat, heh. 

However heres the problem; I read that sleep/rest is VERY important; but I work overnight (11:30pm-7:30am).  So basically I get home at 8:30am, sleep till 12 afternoon, when I get a chance play some ball for an hour or so then workout hour & half.  Finish by 3ish, get home by 4:30 then sleep again until 9:30pm for work in the evening.

Before I workout I hit the stationary bike for 15 min on resistance ranging from 10-20.  The days aren't really set because I'm still getting my body used to the soreness.  So once my body is all rest up I do the next set of routine. 

Tue- Chest / Triceps

4: 10 Dumbbell Bench Press (20lbs, 30lbs, 25lbs,)
4: 10 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (20lbs, 30lbs, 25lbs,)
4: 10 Barbell Bench Press (45lb bar, 65lb)
2: 10 Machine Bench Press (70lb, 80lb)
4: 10 Cable Flyes (70lb, 80lb)

4: 10 Incline Cable Tricep Extensions (30lbs, 40lbs, 30lbs)
4: 10-15 Cable Tricep Push Down (40lbs)
4: 8-10 Rope Attach Push Down (30lbs)

Thur- Back / Biceps

4:10 Seated Cable Rows (50lbs)
4:10 Wide Grip Lat Pulldown (70lbs)
4:10 One-Arm Dumbell Rows (25lbs)
3: 5-8 Bent T-Bars Rows (60lbs) (Changing this one, I feel nothing when I do this, I feel like I can't get the form right)

4:10-15 Preacher Curls (30lbs)
4:10-15 Seated Dumbbell Curls (15lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs)
4:10-15 Standing Barbell Curls (15lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs)
4:10-15 Standing Dumbbell Curls (15lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs)

Sat- Shoulders / Traps (Honestly, I haven't consistently put this into the rotation because my body been aching from the other 2 days, which leaves me a big gap between back/bicep combo and the Chest/tricep)

Shoulder Press
Lateral Raise
Front Raise
Machine Press

Dumbbell Shrugs
Barbell Shrugs

I haven't been lifting heavier weights because 1. I'm a beginner at weight lifting and 2. I feel that'll bulk me up.  My gym membership is for 6 months and my goal is to become lean and tone and get down to 170,175lbs but realisticly in a healthier fashion, bring it down to 180, 185lbs by the 6th month.  Most likely I'm gonna extend my membership to a yr or so because it's becoming addicting working out.  In the coming months my plan is to definitely do more cardio (more cycling).  

Any advice on how to make my workout routine more efficient and knowledge whether me working overnight and workout in between is affecting me at all, making the process slower etc.  

Hopefully I can help you out a little bit...I'm the same height as you and if your goal is to reduce your bodyfat and get more cut...from what you posted your doing a good job you just need to tweak it a bit.  My 2 cents are this:

Get more sleep when you get home from work...your body has probably gotten used to your night shift job but to me sleeping till noon is not enough...maybe it's just your body feels like getting up around that time, idk but if your still tired around noon then sleep a bit more. 

I would say for a warmup you should just stick to a 5 min jog on the treadmill and then go into your workout and afterwards do a bit of cardio/HIIT, or even on off days you should consider doing 15-20 min of HIIT when you get up from bed before you eat a meal, that would really help you with losing fat around the gut.  I would take out that machine press too, your doing alot of presses, if you really feel you need a 5th excercise for your chest do a couple sets of different push-ups (wide, regular, elevated..etc)  Same thing with your bicep curls, you should take one out and add a hammer curl or something else, or maybe work on partial reps for standing barbell curls.

Don't worry about cycling to help you reduce fat, consider doing HIIT on those off days, I think that would really help you's funny because i'm at 5'7 155 right now working my way up and your working your way down.  Everything else you have posted in terms of weight training looks solid and mirrors the same stuff I do.  And from reading this thread I think you should already know about cutting out junk food/fast food, drinking more water if your not doing that, taking a good protien supp. after workouts, no soda, and eating good natural foods too.

Hey someone please answer me this.

I did squats on saturday 135 4x20

Is it alright if I do a full leg routine today without squats? I dont have any soreness in my legs
you should be good.

they usually say to give a full day's rest before working on that same muscle
maybe you should go heavier? 4x20 of 135. seems like its pretty easy weight for you.
Originally Posted by crod6926

Hey someone please answer me this.

I did squats on saturday 135 4x20

Is it alright if I do a full leg routine today without squats? I dont have any soreness in my legs


Assuming your squat form is correct... I'm really not sure what you're going for with sets of 20. You should really be doing sets of 5 or 6 with squats.
I am 5'11 1/2 at about 175-180 lbs. I had been working out pretty strongly and doing cardio in anticipation of spring break/ a heavy week of drinking. I am now back and want to continue to cut and lose fat. I have Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex, Multivitamin and Flax Seed Gels.

I am looking to get a No Explode or White Flood like product for pre-workout, which one is better for me. Any any other tips for in the gym and losing weight would be appreciated.

Originally Posted by killaCAM237

I am 5'11 1/2 at about 175-180 lbs. I had been working out pretty strongly and doing cardio in anticipation of spring break/ a heavy week of drinking. I am now back and want to continue to cut and lose fat. I have Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex, Multivitamin and Flax Seed Gels.

I am looking to get a No Explode or White Flood like product for pre-workout, which one is better for me. Any any other tips for in the gym and losing weight would be appreciated.

Some people here use NO-explode, but many like I will tell you to go with white flood. People have complained about side effects with NO explode. Nobody that I know of on here has any sort of complaints against white flood. 
To the guys trying to help out Green Ice:  Absolutely correct that he should focus on lower body as well, but I definitely would not recommend deadlifts or squats to a beginner who has only been working out for three weeks, esepecially when most people in the gym (regardless of experience) don't do basic back exercises like lat pulldowns, or rows correctly. 

Build up your muscular strength slowly and allow your body to make the neuromuscular connections required for more advanced exercises like squats and deadlifts.  Also, your routine lacks core exercises (transverse abs, rectus abs, and obliques + lower back, i.e. erector spinae).  You need to MASTER your core exercises before even attempting deadlifts or squats.

You can get 2lbs of hey for 20ish bucks at

as for pre workout supps, I'm telling you guys just wait for pre surge unleashed. it's going to be amazing. It comes out this week on bb.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

To the guys trying to help out Green Ice:  Absolutely correct that he should focus on lower body as well, but I definitely would not recommend deadlifts or squats to a beginner who has only been working out for three weeks, esepecially when most people in the gym (regardless of experience) don't do basic back exercises like lat pulldowns, or rows correctly. 

Build up your muscular strength slowly and allow your body to make the neuromuscular connections required for more advanced exercises like squats and deadlifts.  Also, your routine lacks core exercises (transverse abs, rectus abs, and obliques + lower back, i.e. erector spinae).  You need to MASTER your core exercises before even attempting deadlifts or squats.

When will he ever be "ready" though? I say start now but just use very light weight to get the form down. Low risk of injury but he still gets acquainted with the mechanics and is able to incorporate them into his routine at normal weight sooner. Besides the fact that these exercises are beneficial to gaining strength overall, they're great at working out the core, which I'm sure thats what he wanted to focus on in his original post.
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