Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Through out all the years of training and taking supps. Ive come to the conclusion that shakes are a waste compared to actual food. I havnt taken a shake in over a year and i see better gains now. I think too many shakes are bad for you. Ever smell your blender not too long after mixing a shake? +%$$ stinks. Just seems like a future for intestinal issues. I think alot of you guys are getting too caught up with supps and shakes and forget about the most important thing which is whole foods. If your consuming more shakes tham actual food on a daily basis, then you should consider reco structing your diet.
That's what i'm saying..

I have two a day. One at mid-day and one immediately following my workout. I used to do 4 a day..but it's a waste.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Through out all the years of training and taking supps. Ive come to the conclusion that shakes are a waste compared to actual food. I havnt taken a shake in over a year and i see better gains now. I think too many shakes are bad for you. Ever smell your blender not too long after mixing a shake? +%$$ stinks. Just seems like a future for intestinal issues. I think alot of you guys are getting too caught up with supps and shakes and forget about the most important thing which is whole foods. If your consuming more shakes tham actual food on a daily basis, then you should consider reco structing your diet.
This. Supplements are just that. They supplement your diet, not replace it
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Through out all the years of training and taking supps. Ive come to the conclusion that shakes are a waste compared to actual food. I havnt taken a shake in over a year and i see better gains now. I think too many shakes are bad for you. Ever smell your blender not too long after mixing a shake? +%$$ stinks. Just seems like a future for intestinal issues. I think alot of you guys are getting too caught up with supps and shakes and forget about the most important thing which is whole foods. If your consuming more shakes tham actual food on a daily basis, then you should consider reco structing your diet.
I can agree for the most part. That is why I'm slowly phasing out that extra scoop of protein with an addition of a serving of raw almonds or something else that's high in protein. My issue is getting all the calories I need while eating whole foods though, especially since my goal is not to gain lean as muscle as possible. Not only that, but since i'm in my own apartment with 4 guys, it's a ##%%% doing dishes with the sink constantly just gives me more incentive to take the convenient route. 
But about the shakes, if you're taking in at half of your daily intake of protein in just shakes, that seems a bit excessive to me (1g/lb.) But whatever, Grimm, keep doin it if works for you...but thats a lot of !##% in your body. I can't really harp on you though, I'm taking WF and PW before and intra-workout. 
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU
You should start researching nutrition.  4 shakes is way too many.
son im 6 years strong in this game....i know what I should be taking

Well please tell me why you should be taking 4 protein shakes a day. 
what u fail to understand is that training and the entire process that lies behind it is 100% subjective...what may work wonders for one guy might do absolutely nothing for the other guy....i've been on the same routine as far as shakes go for about 3 years now and MY results have been steadily increasing......thats why i always throw out the caveat of "results may vary" because i know my body is completely different from urs or the next guy....

my style of training calls for the high protein intake, in order for me to maximize my results both in the gym and on my body.
Talk to your doctor.  No one here can tell you without question what you're doing is right or wrong.

That being said, depending on your size, work out regimen, and your diet, you may or may not be doing serious damage to your kidneys with such high protein intake.
durden how many cups of whey u take a day? jus curious

0.  I get more than I need from food anyways.

like i said...this works for im not deviating from it
Who says that's whats causing the difference?  You can easily get the same results taking in less and make your body healthier at the same time.
Through out all the years of training and taking supps. Ive come to theconclusion that shakes are a waste compared to actual food. I havnttaken a shake in over a year and i see better gains now. I think toomany shakes are bad for you. Ever smell your blender not too long aftermixing a shake? +%$$ stinks. Just seems like a future for intestinalissues. I think alot of you guys are getting too caught up with suppsand shakes and forget about the most important thing which is wholefoods. If your consuming more shakes tham actual food on a daily basis,then you should consider reco structing your diet.
We agree on something.
1) nah son i need my sleep lol....i dont rely on the shake...i just like to wake my system up with it...

2)Lunch when im on a lean turkey sandwich, bag of almonds anda bottle of water...when i have the time tho..i usually buy a packet ofchicken breasts..grill em then put em in the fridge in a container..iusually just grab one and bring it to campus with me and microwave it

3) dinner usually varies...last night i had rice with salmon and brockley
....palette is usually breasts, cube steaks, tilapia/salmon with brown rice and veggies

4)i run a endurance/fatigue program - simple sugars immediately postworkout aid in the recovery process and actually spurn muscle growthbelieve it or not...

5) im single digits in BF...that rationalebehind that goal is so funny that i dont even wanna share...just knowit keeps me highly motivated.

im eating light meals/snacksthroughout the day....most of my protein consumption comes from a human dumpster when it comes to eating..the shakes are notbeing used as meal replacements at all


You can easily wake your body up with food and its actually better for you.

I dont understand why the reason for a goal is funny, but thats your reasoning so I wont question it.

Let  me math something out for you quickly.  Im going to underestimate all the numbers.    You weigh roughly 200 lbs.  Assuming youre doing an incredibly intense training program youd need to consume around 163 grams of protein a day.  Lets say each scoop is 25 grams of protein.  Minimum of 1 scoop per shake and 4 shakes a day.  Thats 100 grams right there without eating or drinking anything else in the day.  You also say that the protein from meals exceeds the artificial stuff so youre at  minimum of 200 grams of protein when the maximum youd need is 160ish.  You also wouldnt be able to do this every day because of the intensity.
Durden, with a 3 day on/1 Off push/pull split routine, how do you break up a larger muscle like chest?

I always put chest on the push day.  It roughly breaks down into chest/shoulder/tri and legs/back/bi.
Originally Posted by Durden7

1) nah son i need my sleep lol....i dont rely on the shake...i just like to wake my system up with it...

2)Lunch when im on a lean turkey sandwich, bag of almonds anda bottle of water...when i have the time tho..i usually buy a packet ofchicken breasts..grill em then put em in the fridge in a container..iusually just grab one and bring it to campus with me and microwave it

3) dinner usually varies...last night i had rice with salmon and brockley
....palette is usually breasts, cube steaks, tilapia/salmon with brown rice and veggies

4)i run a endurance/fatigue program - simple sugars immediately postworkout aid in the recovery process and actually spurn muscle growthbelieve it or not...

5) im single digits in BF...that rationalebehind that goal is so funny that i dont even wanna share...just knowit keeps me highly motivated.

im eating light meals/snacksthroughout the day....most of my protein consumption comes from a human dumpster when it comes to eating..the shakes are notbeing used as meal replacements at all


You can easily wake your body up with food and its actually better for you.

I dont understand why the reason for a goal is funny, but thats your reasoning so I wont question it.

Let  me math something out for you quickly.  Im going to underestimate all the numbers.    You weigh roughly 200 lbs.  Assuming youre doing an incredibly intense training program youd need to consume around 163 grams of protein a day.  Lets say each scoop is 25 grams of protein.  Minimum of 1 scoop per shake and 4 shakes a day.  Thats 100 grams right there without eating or drinking anything else in the day.  You also say that the protein from meals exceeds the artificial stuff so youre at  minimum of 200 grams of protein when the maximum youd need is 160ish.  You also wouldnt be able to do this every day because of the intensity.

like i said, i've been doing this since '04...i came in blind as hell..but through research and personal experiences, i know what works for your math

thanks for the advice. if you need me

Anyone here know where (West Coast) I can get those steel cut oats? Seems safeway doesn't have it. Tried Target, no luck.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Durden, with a 3 day on/1 Off push/pull split routine, how do you break up a larger muscle like chest?

I always put chest on the push day.  It roughly breaks down into chest/shoulder/tri and legs/back/bi.

My plan looks like this (varying exercises each workout, etc.):

Day 1:  Pull
Day 2: Push
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Off

Essentially hitting each muscle group twice in a week.  When hitting them twice in a week how would you go about hitting the larger muscles, like chest.  Would you break that up amongst the 2 days, like say focus more on lower chest one day and then middle/upper the next push day?

Sorry if I am not making sense.  Trying to be as efficient and effective as possible with my lifting moving forward.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^Yeah and look what happened to your shins.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]No pain, no gain...Plus he's not doing roman deadlifts, so i dont see why he would use him hams more[/color]

Don't change your form that just means your form is right. What you were told was right the correct form is keep it as close to your shins as possible.

Try doing suspended deadlifts which isolates your back, so it starts at your shins instead of the floor.

I got a buddy that does crazy deadlifts with good technique. He has no hair on his shins and his shins bleed every time he does deadlifts.
Originally Posted by 35KD

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

Ok new poster in this thread..

Work out 4 days a week... VERY slow results.. CREATINE yes/no?? Opinions/thoughts/pros/cons? Thx
increase your calories. dont know what you mean by slow, but a 1 lb gain/week is ideal. and creatine along with protein shakes are the only supplements worth having imo. and maybe glutamine.
I've heard bad stuff about creatine...
yea i heard it makes your @!+% smaller.. pause

but the dude at the vitamin store didnt know @!+%..

hope i get more info in this thread..
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by Durden7

Durden, with a 3 day on/1 Off push/pull split routine, how do you break up a larger muscle like chest?

I always put chest on the push day.  It roughly breaks down into chest/shoulder/tri and legs/back/bi.

My plan looks like this (varying exercises each workout, etc.):

Day 1:  Pull
Day 2: Push
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Off

Essentially hitting each muscle group twice in a week.  When hitting them twice in a week how would you go about hitting the larger muscles, like chest.  Would you break that up amongst the 2 days, like say focus more on lower chest one day and then middle/upper the next push day?

Sorry if I am not making sense.  Trying to be as efficient and effective as possible with my lifting moving forward.
Yeah since I only do 2 exercises per part, I normally do different exercises each time in that week span.  Theres really no rhyme or reason to it.  Ill do db flat bench and a crossover, (a major compound and a less intensive exercise) on the first day and then db incline and maybe db decline or something similar the 2nd day.  Ive split them up differently before, so its all just personal preference.

like i said, i've been doing this since '04...i came in blind ashell..but through research and personal experiences, i know what worksfor your math

thanks for the advice. if you need me


If you think it works for you and want to be stubborn, go right ahead and continue but science says otherwise.

yea i heard it makes your @!+% smaller.. pause

but the dude at the vitamin store didnt know @!+%..

hope i get more info in this thread..
That's not even close to correct information.
Anybody know a good online calorie counter? I have a feeling I'm just not getting the amount I need to get gains
Durden7 wrote:

like i said, i've been doing this since '04...i came in blind ashell..but through research and personal experiences, i know what worksfor your math

thanks for the advice. if you need me


If you think it works for you and want to be stubborn, go right ahead and continue but science says otherwise.

son how am i being stubborn....i appreciate ur input & all....i even thanked u

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Durden7 wrote:

like i said, i've been doing this since '04...i came in blind as hell..but through research and personal experiences, i know what works for your math

thanks for the advice. if you need me

If you think it works for you and want to be stubborn, go right ahead and continue but science says otherwise.

son how am i being stubborn....i appreciate ur input & all....i even thanked u


You're being stubborn because you're not opening your eyes to biologically/physiologically proven SCIENCE.  Like he said, you're justifying your own methods because you think the protein is what's been causing your gains when it is more likely that other variables are causing the changes.  You say you do your own research, but if you've researched the correct areas, you'd find that what Durden is saying is proven by science.  If you want to continue with your O.D. (yes, it's scientifically OD) protein, that's fine and completely up to you, but don't do so under the guise that your body NEEDS that protein. Your mind may need it psychologically because of your stubbornness/ignorance, but there's a 100% guarantee that your body doesn't need that much protien physiologically.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Anyone here know where (West Coast) I can get those steel cut oats? Seems safeway doesn't have it. Tried Target, no luck.
Whole Foods & Ralph's both have em.

target isnt a real grocery store though

any real grocery store should have them, usually in organic section

so i dont do protein shakes at all period.

i been switched from the myofusion etc to all natural or pure unflavored but i dont even do those anymore its all about 100% liquid egg whites
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