Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I'm on dymatize as well. Was an ON user until a dude at VS recommended me the dymatize. I gave it a try and the rest is history. on my 2nd 5lb tub. Aside from being really chalky though, the ingredients they have are really good. It's an isolate as well so I don't care. It even has less cholesterol than ON.
Which flavor dymatize do you use? I've been wanting to try some of their flavors after hearing some good reviews about them.
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

got a quick NOOB question you can call it, but whats the best type of protein shake to buy? I tried Muscle Milk today and wasnt that bad

I use dymatize whey and allthewhey protein. good quality stuff and isn't overpriced like ON gold standard. they got quality stuff too but they jacked up the price from years ago. i never try to pay more than 25-28 for 5 lbs of whey.
dymatize is trash...i pay for quality and results...and ON delivers both...i get it for half the price by ordering off

Abel i drink one in the morn, one pre & one post work out, one before i go to bed...along with my regular intake of meals
You should start researching nutrition.  4 shakes is way too many.

argueing over protein is pretty dumb. stick to ur ON it's good stuff and ill stick to mines. my bad i shouldn't get emotional over protein i was having a crap night yesterday
good to see this thread going so strong.

if anyone needs a good ab routine, i'd suggest the p90x ab ripper. i've seen some results in the last month or so, coupled with eating pretty clean.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

got a quick NOOB question you can call it, but whats the best type of protein shake to buy? I tried Muscle Milk today and wasnt that bad

I use dymatize whey and allthewhey protein. good quality stuff and isn't overpriced like ON gold standard. they got quality stuff too but they jacked up the price from years ago. i never try to pay more than 25-28 for 5 lbs of whey.
dymatize is trash...i pay for quality and results...and ON delivers both...i get it for half the price by ordering off

Abel i drink one in the morn, one pre & one post work out, one before i go to bed...along with my regular intake of meals
You should start researching nutrition.  4 shakes is way too many.
son im 6 years strong in this game....i know what I should be taking
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

got a quick NOOB question you can call it, but whats the best type of protein shake to buy? I tried Muscle Milk today and wasnt that bad

I use dymatize whey and allthewhey protein. good quality stuff and isn't overpriced like ON gold standard. they got quality stuff too but they jacked up the price from years ago. i never try to pay more than 25-28 for 5 lbs of whey.
dymatize is trash...i pay for quality and results...and ON delivers both...i get it for half the price by ordering off

Abel i drink one in the morn, one pre & one post work out, one before i go to bed...along with my regular intake of meals
You should start researching nutrition.  4 shakes is way too many.
son im 6 years strong in this game....i know what I should be taking

Well please tell me why you should be taking 4 protein shakes a day. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU
You should start researching nutrition.  4 shakes is way too many.
son im 6 years strong in this game....i know what I should be taking

Well please tell me why you should be taking 4 protein shakes a day. 
what u fail to understand is that training and the entire process that lies behind it is 100% subjective...what may work wonders for one guy might do absolutely nothing for the other guy....i've been on the same routine as far as shakes go for about 3 years now and MY results have been steadily increasing......thats why i always throw out the caveat of "results may vary" because i know my body is completely different from urs or the next guy....

my style of training calls for the high protein intake, in order for me to maximize my results both in the gym and on my body.
Anybody that wants to get in serious shape.. my advice.. is tried and true..

LIMIT YOUR CARBOHYDRATES SIGNIFICANTLY.. and avoid them point blank anytime within 5 hrs of bedtime.
CUT OUT ALL SODA (except for diet) & ALL FRUIT JUICE- Loaded with sugar (obviously this includes any type of sugary candy/snacks)

watch your waistlines drop a few pants sizes following these three golden rules.. more important than exercising and eating whatever the hell you want.
Grimm, have you tried not taking in the shakes or taking them as often within the past 3 years? Maybe you will see even more results. Just a suggestion.

4 shakes does SEEM like a lot though.
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU
You should start researching nutrition.  4 shakes is way too many.
son im 6 years strong in this game....i know what I should be taking

Well please tell me why you should be taking 4 protein shakes a day. 
what u fail to understand is that training and the entire process that lies behind it is 100% subjective...what may work wonders for one guy might do absolutely nothing for the other guy....i've been on the same routine as far as shakes go for about 3 years now and MY results have been steadily increasing......thats why i always throw out the caveat of "results may vary" because i know my body is completely different from urs or the next guy....

my style of training calls for the high protein intake, in order for me to maximize my results both in the gym and on my body.

It ertainly is not 100% subjective.  If it was subjective, it wouldnt be a science.  Theres certain things that happen within every single person.  The "everyone is different" is a cop-out that people use as a reason to explain their methods, right or wrong.  Your body isnt completely different.

Youve wasted so much money on protein powder if thats the case.

What kind of style of training do you do that calls for such massive amounts of protein?  How much do you weigh?
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

Ok new poster in this thread..

Work out 4 days a week... VERY slow results.. CREATINE yes/no?? Opinions/thoughts/pros/cons? Thx
increase your calories. dont know what you mean by slow, but a 1 lb gain/week is ideal. and creatine along with protein shakes are the only supplements worth having imo. and maybe glutamine.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

Ok new poster in this thread..

Work out 4 days a week... VERY slow results.. CREATINE yes/no?? Opinions/thoughts/pros/cons? Thx
increase your calories. dont know what you mean by slow, but a 1 lb gain/week is ideal. and creatine along with protein shakes are the only supplements worth having imo. and maybe glutamine.
I've heard bad stuff about creatine...
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU
You should start researching nutrition.  4 shakes is way too many.
son im 6 years strong in this game....i know what I should be taking

Well please tell me why you should be taking 4 protein shakes a day. 
what u fail to understand is that training and the entire process that lies behind it is 100% subjective...what may work wonders for one guy might do absolutely nothing for the other guy....i've been on the same routine as far as shakes go for about 3 years now and MY results have been steadily increasing......thats why i always throw out the caveat of "results may vary" because i know my body is completely different from urs or the next guy....

my style of training calls for the high protein intake, in order for me to maximize my results both in the gym and on my body.

It ertainly is not 100% subjective.  If it was subjective, it wouldnt be a science.  Theres certain things that happen within every single person.  The "everyone is different" is a cop-out that people use as a reason to explain their methods, right or wrong.  Your body isnt completely different.

Youve wasted so much money on protein powder if thats the case.

What kind of style of training do you do that calls for such massive amounts of protein?  How much do you weigh?

who says im the one paying for it

but nah i'm 5'10 206lbs

High intensity fatigue training is what i do
Grimm, what are you fitness goals? What are you working towards?

I would like to know why you take 4 scoops a day as well. Something had to inspire you to do it the first time.

I am not attacking you by any means so please don't be on the defensive end.
Originally Posted by HatchMo

Has anyone tried oxyelite pro? I have read alot of reviews and it seems to be working really well, just want to see if anybody on here has seen it.
I've been told to take a certain amount of protein per body weight..

I weigh 154 pounds, how much ON Whey Protein scoops should I be taking?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Grimm, what are you fitness goals? What are you working towards?

I would like to know why you take 4 scoops a day as well. Something had to inspire you to do it the first time.

I am not attacking you by any means so please don't be on the defensive end.
flatout im 206 working towards 212-215 solid fluctuation

The morning shake is to jumpstart the day...along with a multigrain bagel...i rush out the crib pretty fast (7:30)

Lunch (11:30 - 12:30)

The preworkout shake (powder, oats, peanut butter blended) - (ranges between 3:30 - 5 30 depending on the day)

Postworkout (mixed with Hawaiian Punch) - right after workout (5:30 - 730)

Dinner ( 8 pm-%@+)

Before bed (casein) - midnight

I actually just came off a 2-month injury stemming from last semester...been back on my regular workout routine since January...back to pre-injury form and actually seeing a growth in production...repped out 325x3 on incline yesterday...

like i said...this works for im not deviating from it
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Grimm, what are you fitness goals? What are you working towards?

I would like to know why you take 4 scoops a day as well. Something had to inspire you to do it the first time.

I am not attacking you by any means so please don't be on the defensive end.
Well for me, I take 2 protein shakes and a weight gainer shake before bed. I have a very high metabolism and my appetite is NON-EXISTENT. I'm not exagerrating when I say that if I eat a big breakfast, I can go the rest of the day without being very hungry at all, and this is after a day of class, basketball/gym, etc. I really only get thirsty, so the only way for me to reach the caloric goals I need to gain size and not throw up from eating is shakes. I try to eat meals at every chance I get, I actually force myself to eat chicken breast everyday, hungry or not. So I just said all that to say for SOME people, shakes are a very great way to help you reach the goals you have. I've already seen much better results than when I used to call it quits on eating once I was full. I've gained about 10 lbs. in the last 2 months at around 12% BF and I still have a long way to go to get to where I wanna be.
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

flatout im 206 working towards 212-215 solid fluctuation

The morning shake is to jumpstart the day...along with a multigrain bagel...i rush out the crib pretty fast (7:30)

Lunch (11:30 - 12:30)

The preworkout shake (powder, oats, peanut butter blended) - (ranges between 3:30 - 5 30 depending on the day)

Postworkout (mixed with Hawaiian Punch) - right after workout (5:30 - 730)

Dinner ( 8 pm-%@+)

Before bed (casein) - midnight

I actually just came off a 2-month injury stemming from last semester...been back on my regular workout routine since January...back to pre-injury form and actually seeing a growth in production...repped out 325x3 on incline yesterday...

like i said...this works for im not deviating from it
1. You say you rush out of the house in the AM. Would you be opposed to waking up a little earlier so that you can get real food into your system instead of having to rely on the shakes?

2. What do you usually eat for lunch?

3. What do you usually eat for dinner?

4. Where did you get the idea to mix it with Hawaiian Punch?

5. You say you are 206 now, and you want to be 212-215. Is there any reason you chose the last 2 numbers? Do you know what you will look like at that weight? Is this for cosmetic purposes? I ask because weight is just an arbitrary number that we SOMETIMES aim for but don't really have any method behind. Would you be opposed to losing body fat or do you have your mind made up that you want to be 212-215?

What I am seeing is you are taking more shakes than having actual meals. I know you might have faith in your system, but I would suggest getting more real food into your routine first and foremost. I am only seeing 1-2 meals in which you are getting real food and that depends on what you consume during lunch and dinner.

Much respect, thanks for not being hostile.
Through out all the years of training and taking supps. Ive come to the conclusion that shakes are a waste compared to actual food. I havnt taken a shake in over a year and i see better gains now. I think too many shakes are bad for you. Ever smell your blender not too long after mixing a shake? +%$$ stinks. Just seems like a future for intestinal issues. I think alot of you guys are getting too caught up with supps and shakes and forget about the most important thing which is whole foods. If your consuming more shakes tham actual food on a daily basis, then you should consider reco structing your diet.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by TheGrimm

flatout im 206 working towards 212-215 solid fluctuation

The morning shake is to jumpstart the day...along with a multigrain bagel...i rush out the crib pretty fast (7:30)

Lunch (11:30 - 12:30)

The preworkout shake (powder, oats, peanut butter blended) - (ranges between 3:30 - 5 30 depending on the day)

Postworkout (mixed with Hawaiian Punch) - right after workout (5:30 - 730)

Dinner ( 8 pm-%@+)

Before bed (casein) - midnight

I actually just came off a 2-month injury stemming from last semester...been back on my regular workout routine since January...back to pre-injury form and actually seeing a growth in production...repped out 325x3 on incline yesterday...

like i said...this works for im not deviating from it
1. You say you rush out of the house in the AM. Would you be opposed to waking up a little earlier so that you can get real food into your system instead of having to rely on the shakes?

2. What do you usually eat for lunch?

3. What do you usually eat for dinner?

4. Where did you get the idea to mix it with Hawaiian Punch?

5. You say you are 206 now, and you want to be 212-215. Is there any reason you chose the last 2 numbers? Do you know what you will look like at that weight? Is this for cosmetic purposes? I ask because weight is just an arbitrary number that we SOMETIMES aim for but don't really have any method behind. Would you be opposed to losing body fat or do you have your mind made up that you want to be 212-215?

What I am seeing is you are taking more shakes than having actual meals. I know you might have faith in your system, but I would suggest getting more real food into your routine first and foremost. I am only seeing 1-2 meals in which you are getting real food and that depends on what you consume during lunch and dinner.

Much respect, thanks for not being hostile.
1) nah son i need my sleep lol....i dont rely on the shake...i just like to wake my system up with it...

2) Lunch when im on a lean turkey sandwich, bag of almonds and a bottle of water...when i have the time tho..i usually buy a packet of chicken breasts..grill em then put em in the fridge in a container..i usually just grab one and bring it to campus with me and microwave it

3) dinner usually varies...last night i had rice with salmon and brockley
....palette is usually breasts, cube steaks, tilapia/salmon with brown rice and veggies

4) i run a endurance/fatigue program - simple sugars immediately post workout aid in the recovery process and actually spurn muscle growth believe it or not...

5) im single digits in BF...that rationale behind that goal is so funny that i dont even wanna share...just know it keeps me highly motivated.

im eating light meals/snacks throughout the day....most of my protein consumption comes from my a human dumpster when it comes to eating..the shakes are not being used as meal replacements at all

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