Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

music: speed metal

my bench press skyrocketed once my secondary muscles were improved. (triceps)

Ball second. You cannot target "stomach loss", however if you would like to REDUCE BODY FAT surrounding the midsection you must reduce your overall body fat.

..and my stretch marks are disgusting. any time I'm with a girl they ask about them, but I don't mind because in reality they ARE badges of honor

I was on that chewtoy workout doing 8-12 reps 3x for almost all myexercises for about the past ....3 months? Needless to say, resultshave been great and size-wise my arms have gotten a lot bigger, so havemy abs, my back...I swapped in some fat for muscle basically.

Recentlyi've reached a plateau with my lifts, so now I'm doing 5x5 or 5x4 forcompounds in the beginning for maybe 2 exercises and then the rest willbe the regular 8-12x3 with 30 sec. rest. Will this help me with mystrength gains and size gain or will I need to convert all my exercisesto lower rep range, greater sets in order to gain in strength...then from the ability to go heavier, will i be able to gain more size?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Ball second. You cannot target "stomach loss", however if you would like to REDUCE BODY FAT surrounding the midsection you must reduce your overall body fat.
What should I do to reduce my overall body fat? Just ball/cardio? I'm kinda following the P90x guideline as well.

And what protein do you guys recommend? I'm currently taking this after my workouts:

But one of my friends (who's gotten real good results after a few months) takes these: (before he goes to sleep or during meals);origkw=vapor&sr=1 (to get that extra boost)

Thanks for all the help. I'm trying to get big but also get abs. I'm currently 6"3, almost 6"4, and around 230 lbs
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by Vancity74

What's on everyone's iPod? I've been listening to the same mix since May and need to switch it up desperately.

Rock music and a little rap during lifting
Kurt Cobain, Linkin park, our lady peace, Korn, bush, clipse, slim shady

during cooldown
James blunt, mika, michael jackson
You listen to OLP?

Ive only talked to like half a dozen people who have ever heard of OLP outside of "Somewhere Out There"

You've obviously never been to Canada then. Naveed and Clumsy must have gone like 10000x platinum up here.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Finally joined the 225-bench press club today. It feels good to have finally made some progress...I was stuck at 215 since October. Thanks to the guys who suggested pylo push-ups and the smith machine speed training. I did two single reps of 225, my goal is to rep it easily sometime during the summer. I dont think that I'll ever get to 3-plates bench but I'll be more than satisfied if I ever get to 250+.   
Yo you too
...I just got 225 about 3 weeks ago after being stuck on 215 for a while...I felt like the biggest dude in the gym lol...them two plates on each side just look sexy 
Just got back from the gym after an off-day yesterday.... and boy did i put in work.
PR'd in deadlifts at 275. My bi's feel like they are about to crumble, my back is torn to pieces (in a good way, not injured)
today was a good day. Plus I've lost another 2 pounds.... down to 198
x8.... tryna hit 190 by February's end

Can anyone link me to a youtube video or article link on how to carry or lift the dumbells off the floors and rack safely, or give me an explanation? And if possible, more specificly, how to go about placing them on my thigh and getting it in the air without assistance and without screwing up my back? ( setting them up on the decline bench, and incline)

I was doing really heavy dumbell presses and I screwed something up... Not severely but I don't want this problem to worsen. ( or well I'm hoping) I'm pretty sure it was because I was either lifting the weights off the floor/rack wrong, or dropping/setting them down wrong?

Tried looking for something to no avail. It'd be MUCH APPRECIATED.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz


I was on that chewtoy workout doing 8-12 reps 3x for almost all my exercises for about the past ....3 months? Needless to say, results have been great and size-wise my arms have gotten a lot bigger, so have my abs, my back...I swapped in some fat for muscle basically.

Recently i've reached a plateau with my lifts, so now I'm doing 5x5 or 5x4 for compounds in the beginning for maybe 2 exercises and then the rest will be the regular 8-12x3 with 30 sec. rest. Will this help me with my strength gains and size gain or will I need to convert all my exercises to lower rep range, greater sets in order to gain in strength...then from the ability to go heavier, will i be able to gain more size?

whatever this workout Chewtoy was doin I need to be on that. Or maybe when I reach to a low enough bodyfat to start bulking....
Random but I seen some fat guy get into a fight with the personal trainer at a local gym today. The fat guy got tackled and was knocked unconscious. He seemed to be drunk.

Funny stuff!
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Random but I seen some fat guy get into a fight with the personal trainer at a local gym today. The fat guy got tackled and was knocked unconscious. He seemed to be drunk.

Funny stuff!
That's horrible.  The personal trainer should restrained at all cost...especially in the gym AKA his workplace. 
Originally Posted by DNeou20

for those nutrition dudes...
What is a good alternative to powerbar gels.
one that is more natural and not so much processed.
for those that aren't sure of what they are... the gels are like those of which distance/endurance athletes use to fuel in wiht carbs and electrolytes..
A lot of people make their own bars with whey protein too.  If you look at the content on those powerbars, the sugar is pretty high usually.
yeah that's true
my nutrition n performance teacher actually made us some power bars
they were more like granola bars but tasted soooo much better
but what are some substitutes for energy gels i guess to be more specific
Diet alot of Chicken and Fish. Cut back on Breads, French Fries and Pizza...those were killing me. I also worked out 5 days a week and lifted 4 days a week. Only supplement i took was protein drink 3 times a day.
yesterday i was bloated from some week old mayonnaise so while trying to hold in my farts I paid no attention to my squatting form and even though I was warming up with some light weight stuff I still messed up my knee
had to stop my leg workout and do cardio

now my right knee makes a popping sound if i try to go into squatting doesn't hurt today but still has a popping sound so ima try to do legs again today...shouldn't be nothing major I read that it could just be excessive fluids in my knee
Originally Posted by hadegbite

Diet alot of Chicken and Fish. Cut back on Breads, French Fries and Pizza...those were killing me. I also worked out 5 days a week and lifted 4 days a week. Only supplement i took was protein drink 3 times a day.
What sort of workouts were you doing? Lots of cardio or mostly weightlifting with cardio on the side? Congrats on the progress by the way.
I want to get into whatever Steve Nash is doing... 36 years old and still a top-3 NBA pg having a better year than the last!

I know nutrition is a big part of it, so no junk food!
but what are some substitutes for energy gels i guess to be more specific
Luna bars are amazing!  They're only like 180 calories, are 70% organic, have relatively low natural sugar, and taste GREAT!  I like the lemon ones.  I eat 2-3 per day as snacks as part of my 2 meal (breakfast & lunch), 5 snack daily eating schedule... 

Fellas, don't let the fact that they're marketed to women turn you off - they are a great tasting (way better than Clif bars), lower calorie energy bar made from quality ingredients.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

some people might recognize this dude

i just found out his name

dude must be paid.

$150 a sesh?

I wonder if normal non-award winning personal trainers make decent wage.
I figure if  the wheels come off my current track, i'd take personal fitness. only two years of college
Just started getting back into the gym. Started last Monday and it feels GREAT.

My friend is doing phys-ed stuff so he's helpin me find the right workout for me
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by Al Audi

some people might recognize this dude

i just found out his name

dude must be paid.
I think dude was on href="" target=_blank>Bigger Stronger Faster Movie, admitted use of steroids while shooting an ad for Oxycut
.  After the movie, Oxycut fired dude.  Could be the wrong guy though, not sure.

word lol??

yes i know that movie i still never got around to viewin it though.
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