Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Fair enough but Jake Lloyd looked much younger than 9-10 in the films and Natalie Portman was no 14 year old. :lol:
she was 17 he was 10 when the movie came out. Maybe it looked s little weird cause they were kids but Adam driver & daisy Ridley are 9yrs apart. It’s same no big deal
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You know what I just thought of that would have been cooler than the dumb Hold/Poe thing?

What if SNOKE had introduced some VIP from the First Order high command to both boss around Kylo Ren and take full control of the "destroy the Jedi" project as punishment for Kylo Ren's previous failure, AND as a secret test to see if he would just bend over and let any dude punk him? And then Kylo kills HIM in the end instead of Snoke?

You would have had

A better, more believable secondary conflict than "purple hair won't tell me anything for some reason"

A stronger look at the dynamics and culture of the First Order, which as of right now is literally the cut and paste OT Empire as opposed to the fanatical fringe junta it was introduced as

An opportunity for Kylo Ren to develop as a character outside of the "he wants to **** Rey and is 'conflicted' for some unspecified reason" thing he has going on

A hurdle for Kylo to overcome that doesn't involve killing the Big ******* Bad

A chance to establish Kylo as "gray" and set the stage for a future turn as he comes to the realization that Snoke low-key acts like an *** towards him instead of random verbal taunting about his mask

Poe can be likable again

It removes the Canto subplot
she was 17 he was 10 when the movie came out. Maybe it looked s little weird but Adam driver & daisy Ridley are 9yrs apart. It’s same no big deal

You wildin' now fam. Driver & Ridley are both adults, the former were portraying kids. Fact that Lloyd was much younger and shorter than Padme did no favours either. Countless movie & TV shows portrayed kid romances better than Lucas did with TPM. :smh:
You wildin' now fam. Driver & Ridley are both adults, the former were portraying kids. Fact that Lloyd was much younger and shorter than Padme did no favours either. Countless movie & TV shows portrayed kid romances better than Lucas did with TPM. :smh:
I’m pretty sure if you read my post I said it maybe looked a little weird. This just more pointless complaint about TPM. You said they were much apart in years. I said they were not. Done
I went to go see the movie today and was hoping this movie would bring it like that last one and rogue one did...but I was let down.

There were too many cheesy disney parts, too much trying to be funny, not enough serious tension in the movie that really showcased how dark the darkside is, or even really go into why the light side of the force was not the real answer to bring about balance. Out of all the star wars movies i've got to rate this one as the worst. Is it watchable, definitely. But in the long line of Star Wars movies and lore, this one fell short for me because they played it too soft and didn't have any richness to it to flesh out the dark/light side.

Damn shame.
Well... they fought over Anakin's lightsaber, breaking it, before they both got KO'ed (but Rey woke up first). Rey also slams the door on their Force link... at least for now. Can't remember if they had much of a duel after Kylo asked Rey to join him, but before they broke the lightsaber...?

It's true that Rey's power and fighting skills are out of nowhere.
But so is she, right?

Making Kylo strong services Rey's storyline that she is stronger than him.
VALID points for sure. Hopefully they answer (most likely not) these Qs in 9
yeah because we have no clue about anything about Rey.
She was clearly trained before. We've theorized about this back in 2015.
She suddenly remembers how to do things and how to manipulate with the force.
But we already knew all of that.

And she keeps saying "it's been inside me all along" blah blah

edit: giphy ruined the quality :smh:

so sick.

Such a problematic scene and such a poorly-written character
I would agree that the whole chase plot is problematic. The character itself I think is a good addition, just a messy
little arc.

I disagree that the lightspeed "attack" is problematic. Because no one on this message board knows anything
about the physics and parameters of any of this. It was a desperate move and it's possible that this was never
done before in the galaxy... until Holdo.
In hindsight, it's a shame that Leia couldn't have taken Holdo's place in the story. But I understand why it just didn't work: her character was in a lot of shots/scenes after that, and Carrie didn't pass until after all her scenes were filmed (until that happened, the producers would have no way of knowing they might need to wrap up her story prematurely). But it would've been an epic way to go out and tie up the loose end of her passing away IRL.

You're right that no one knows how a lightspeed kamikaze should work, but I think most are concerned not with the science of it, but the precedence it sets as a military tactic, immediately trumping most of the traditional methods/weapons of attacking capital ships (or even planets).
that's true. they can definitely weaponize it some way shape or form into a cannon that shoots
baby space ships etc etc.
Again, the more we analyze this, the more it won't make sense. We just don't know the parameters.
Either way tho, this has to be viewed by the Galaxy as a game changer and should escalate future battles.

AGREED. Leia shoulda sacrificed instead but no one knew about any of that. If Leia did sacrifice herself then,
the Luke story arc would definitely change.
I didn't realize in the theater, but after watching the gif a few times, she wrecked quite a few normal Star Destroyers that were trailing behind "the Supremacy", as well. Also, there were more Star Destroyers back there than I realized. I guess that's the First Order's galaxy invasion fleet.
yeah that's like most of their fleet. should be an even-ish battle come ep 9.
unless they have another Starkiller under construction *facepalm*
I don't get why the characters on both sides act like the Republic Fleet was completely eliminated by Starkiller. Yes, everything in the Hosnian system got wrecked, but in the Aftermath series (which I admit I never got around to reading the last one), they talk about the new Republic decentralizing everything from Day 1, breaking up wartime fleets and redistributing those resources to local systems/sectors. Power to the people, more or less. So it seems to me like the bulk of Republic military power, while spread across the galaxy, would still be there, they just need to organize into a cohesive force to oppose the First Order. Maybe they finally do that in 9?
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