Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Im getting kinda down now that I think about how there was no lightsaber battle. Or a real X-Wing/TIE Fighter Battle, or a fight against Stormtroopers. I’m actually very disappointed thinking about this
oh my you’re right. Didn’t realize no stormtrooper battles. Wow
Things I liked about this movie :
1. Carrie Fishers performance as liea you could really tell she was settling into that role again compared to TFA total bummer she's gone

2. The pacing it didn't
Feel long even though it was 2 1/2 hours

3. Luke skywalker was great I lost it when he went god mode at the end hopefully we will see him as a force ghost in 9 , yoda was also dope but wtf was the props department doing he looked like he just got punched in the jaw by tyson

4. Fin , he easily my favorite character in this new cast

5. The fight with the penturion guards was dope

Things I didn't like
1: no back story on snoke he's all powerful and gets cut in half like no big deal

2. They don't touch on alot of things brought up in tfa like where maz got lukes saber and why kylo talks to his dead grandfather's melted helmet

3. The vice admiral staying on the ship to pilot it all by herself I mean it's
Star wars there are the ******* droids to do that ****

4. Kylo has no reason to stay evil in the end its like they just said f it we still need a bad guy

5. No shoot out with stormies

6. Rey being nobody is fine but then how is she so ******* powerful and able to use the force so easy that was a big let down, luke is the son of the chosen one and he could barley lift stones in esb

I'm sure I'll think if more but that's What I got for now
Just got back from seeing the movie.

Disappointed for sure.

Looking forward to open discussion in this thread.
Luke died but Leia is alive.

And there’s more movies ahead.

Carrie Fisher is dead (RIP princessa)

Mark Hammill is alive.

And there’s more movies ahead.

Uh, okay?

Enjoyed the movie but man what!? They killed Luke Skywalker?!

Daisy Ridley is bae. She just is.
why are they making a comedy??? They trying to hard on that end and the dialogue don’t even get me started smh just felt too corny
Seems like it went how I felt it would go the moment ol girl said "I know how the cheese is made" re the han solo flick.
loved the movie despite going in reading the spoilers.

its obvious Disney is going for future generation of fans.
Just came out. Disappointed by a few things y’all mebtioned in spoilers. Overall solid flick, but could have been better.
just saw it.

it was a decent movie but not a good star wars movie.

i’ll write more when i collect my thoughts but that basically sums it up for me.
Here are my thoughts on TLJ
I thought it was a pretty solid movie. I would put it under The Force Awakens. I left the theater not feeling the same way I felt after TFA.

I thought her performance in this movie was really good. Shes OP as hell, and I felt a little cheated about her parents just being junkers like her. After all the build up, and hype around who her parents were, for them to just be junkers was just meh to me. Guess she's going to have to teach all these younglings who have the force.

Kylo Ren
I also thought his performance was great. I honestly thought he was going to turn back to the light, but I was satisfied with how his narrative played out in this movie. I left TFA thinking that Kylo was going to turn to the Light, but after this movie, I believe that he's 95% on the dark side. I do believe that he has a sliver of light left in him, and I'm sure Leia will pull that out of him in Ep IX.

Really satisfied with his arc in this movie. I honestly thought that he was going to die in Ep IX, didn't expect it to be in this film. I thought they would off Leia in this movie, then Luke in the next movie. With him being gone, I'm sure he'll be a frequent Force Ghost in Ep IX, to continue training Rey.

This was a bittersweet movie for her. I thought she did a good job in the movie. I thought she was dead after those Tie Pilots bombed the bridge. Her floating back to the ship was just really weird to me. It just didn't seem right at all. But if they offed her like that, I would have been pretty disappointed. I am interested in how JJ will write her character in Ep IX. Like I said with Luke, I thought she was going to die at the end of this movie since she obviously will not be there to film Ep IX.

I liked that his character got a more shine in this movie. I wanted more action from his character in TFA, so seeing his role become bigger in this movie was awesome to see. I totally forgot that he and Rey never met. I'm sure he'll become the new General in the next movie, again, b/c of Leia most likely dying in the next movie.

Finn & Rose
This is where the movie really lost me. I thought their storyline was just boring, and didn't really connect well with the rest of the movie. They honestly didn't do anything at all to advance the story. They could have taken their mission, and made it a short film and it would have been better. It just didn't fit well with the story in this movie. And are they going to have a relationship? Finn seems to like Rey, but they also wrote in Rose to be a person of interest as well? I don't know.

Useless in the first movie, was expecting more from her in this movie. Still useless.

As for the ending of the movie, it left a lot to be desired. That broom kid was pretty lame, just showing us that there are others in the galaxy who do have force powers. I just didn't like how they ended the movie, that scene just felt like it was added in at the very last moment.

Solid Star Wars movie with some awesome scenes and with other scenes that leave you scratching your head. Definitely the best looking Star Wars cinematography wise but also with some dialogue that just makes you shake your head. I was expecting better but I still liked it overall.
I loved it and loved the risks and chances this movie took in regards to setting up IX. I’m on board with everything Jedi Council brought up in their spoiler review as well.

Y’all trippin for saying y’all don’t even want to see IX as you walk out of the theater for TLJ :smh:
Was waiting to hear "Hello there" during the scene where force ghost Yoda appeared. Was disappointed that force ghost Obi Wan didn't show up. :lol:
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