-I wasn't completely happy with Finn's arc in the movie...was really hoping he would be a force sensitive. There could still be hope though so it'll be interesting to see where his character goes
-Captain Phasma was worthless
-the dialogue and scenes between Leia and Han was clunky and slightly cringe, especially when they were talking about Kylo. They could have found a better way to explain his betrayal
-Did not like Kylo getting washed by Rey at the end. It wasn't even close
-The final attack on Starkiller Base was wack to me. Zero tension and just felt tacked on because they needed their obligatory space battle. I was so checked out by the end that I didnt even realize Starkiller was destroyed.
They couldn't have at least had Phasma out there in a TIE fighter taking down some X-Wings and being some sort of threat to Poe like Vader was in ANH? Instead they had her being a joke