Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
1. Empire strikes back
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. A new hope
This I can interchange
4. Return of the Jedi
5. The force awakens
6. Rise of skywalker
7,8,9 any order you want the phantom menace, attack of the clones and the last jedi
mine were so long i almost forgot what i was in the movie theater for.
Past 3 weeks now i've noticed previews going over their usual time frame.

Its usually 15-20 min. Lately they've been 30-35min. Been a bit annoying especially when it's rarely anything new. I be falling asleep through the 1917 trailer and promo hype.
I didn’t read the criticisms or reviews so I went in blind. I liked it a lot despite the flaws. My favorite out of the new trilogy

The visuals were beautiful. The three main characters were utilized better. Finn wasn’t annoying as he was in the previous two movies. I thought the humor was done well. I guess I’m in the minority but I like Kylo’s arc although it wasn’t developed the best. I like that he’s a little emotional. It further adds to how bad *** Vader was and how Kylo will never be able to live up to him. I like the inner conflict within him, and wanting to abandon all the force business altogether. The Piru stormtroopers looked super dope.

My issues with the film:

1. The lack of development of new characters and ideas. This is my biggest issue with the film. There’s a lot going on in here and they forced some things in here because they wanted to wrap things up. An example of this is the ships being able to destroy planets. That’s a big deal that they kinda highlighted for a second and forgot about it.

I’m still confused on how the force bond between Rey and Kylo worked. Ok, they have a connection but them having this connection and also being present in front of each other but not really present is confusing.

Maybe I missed something but when Kylo turned good and threw the lightsaber, I was like “huh”. I get that his whole arc surrounds the conflict within him, but this felt weak and rushed on how a little small talk with Han did the job

2. The structure of these films are formulaic. Rebels jumping from planet to planet looking for something or someone.

Every time they go to a new planet, there’s always a musical number without any development of the inhabitants. Im sure many people thought the chick Poe was with looked cool and would’ve liked to know more about her.

The space fights just fill like filler at this point to add in minutes to the film

Overall, I had fun watching this. Good film to me. I’m curios to read the criticisms
I had more fun with this one than the last two. However, I’m glad this saga is ******* over and Feige can come in and bring in something new.
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Food for thought

Obviously I disagree with the first tweet but I thought it was hilarious how Rian gave a reply that made no sense :lol:

Food for thought

Obviously I disagree with the first tweet but I thought it was hilarious how Rian gave a reply that made no sense :lol:


Rian Johnson's response makes total sense and is 100% correct.

And the quality a depth of analysis in that essay is below like a 6th grade English student book report.
Rian Johnson's response makes total sense and is 100% correct.

And the quality a depth of analysis in that essay is below like a 6th grade English student book report.

So Rian Johnson’s reasoning for Luke regressing was having a dark thought/vision?
Let me say this to start. The Last Jedi is NOT a perfect movie, the Canto Bite sequence sucks, Finn's story line sucks, ect ect, but my point was never that TLJ was perfect but rather it was saddled with the problems that The Force Awakens created in its zeal to regurgitate the plot of A New Hope.

1. Finn is was and has always been a terrible character,

he's set up as a such a loathsome loser coward with basically no redeeming qualities or discernible skills half the things he does happen by pure accident, he has barley any agency other than to run and cower in fear. Thus saddling the Last Jedi with the task of totally rehabilitating him as a character.

2. Poe is such a thinly drawn character, that hinges basically entirely on Oscar Issacs square jaw.

the fact that he's MIA for most of TFA again sticks TLA with the task of actually making him into a character, a task that should have been don in the first film.

Canto Bite is terrible, Finn and Poe are bad characters,

but everything else Rian Johnson was 100% correct and is basically flames,

-Stoke is stupid, x-ing him out was the correct decision.

-Hinging anything on Rey's parentage is dumb, it's better if they are nobodies. im tired of bloodline BS, it's dumb. characters should have agency we shouldn't be basing their significance on their parentage like this is ****ing the Maurry Povich show.

- Luke's arc was FANTASTIC, totally tracks and is totally believably development, makes him an awesome more complex character
- killing the past, making the force, the difference between good and evil more complex it's all good and right.

JJ trying to reverse all that is stupid, and in his attempt he revealed he couldn't hold Rian Johnson's jock as a director.

Nothing in this film is close, the Holdo Run, The Red Room, even the opening bombing sequence. JJ's DOES NOT have the same command of visual story telling, his **** is often incoherent and chaotic.

RIAN WAS RIGHT, the Last Jedi is good and right and all who hate on it are bad and wrong. :lol:
I agree with some of your opinions and disagree with some. But it sounds like this trilogy could have benefitted from a story through line. The whole trilogy is one director trying to fix mistakes. Also the app stuff, he was originally only supposed to have a small role like in TFA. But people liked him, so they brought him back in a larger capacity. Thus, the lack of character development.
Past 3 weeks now i've noticed previews going over their usual time frame.

Its usually 15-20 min. Lately they've been 30-35min. Been a bit annoying especially when it's rarely anything new. I be falling asleep through the 1917 trailer and promo hype.

AMC is the worst at this. That's why whenever I go to see a "big release", I'll catch in in IMAX.

Two to three trailers at most.
AMC is the worst at this. That's why whenever I go to see a "big release", I'll catch in in IMAX.

Two to three trailers at most.
I typically agree. But with big releases like this IMAX can be longer. I saw it in IMAX and it was 30 minutes. Including a tenet clip. Typically previews are around 17-20 minutes for me. In time it every time lol.
The thing is a lot of what Rian introduced I can jive with on paper like Luke being messed up by something despite him walking away at the end of 6 practically jesus. Or the fact that Rey was a nobody. I think it's awesome you have Rey being a nobody and Kylo coming from a prestigious blood line duking it out.

But a lot of it fell flat. worse than flat. not getting a director to stay committed to 3 movies IMO was Disney's biggest problem.
So Rian Johnson’s reasoning for Luke regressing was having a dark thought/vision?

The idea that Luke achieves "mastery of his emotions" and forever is a perfect human being from that moment on is so totally stupid I question if the person who wrote that has ever actually read a story like literally ANY story.

It's dramatically inert, fanboy wants Jesus Luke and not human luke and the reality is humans are much more compelling characters than gods. real human beings despite the lessons they learn and the experiences they have are STILL flawed. The dark side is seductive that's THE WHOLE actual GOD DAMN point, it is ALWAYS there ready to seduce ANYONE in a moment of weakness.

The idea that Luke, upon witnessing a vision of the destruction of the Jedi order and Kylo, HIS Apprentice, cutting down younglings like tall ******* weeds in suburban lawn, that he wouldn't even be for a second tempted to end it all now, I think is ******* silly. Grow up, you aren't 9 years old anymore, the people you admire and look up to are complicated flawed people trying to figure **** out, not space gods who act perfectly at all times..

and it flys in the face of everything we know about the Jedi's....they are NOT perfect, they **** up CONSTANTLY. Yoda totally ****s up during prequels, he an all time great jedi master, 8 hUNNIT plus years old or something presides over the destruction of the jedi order, the massacre of the younglings, the rise of the empire, and the creation of Darth Vader all under his nose...and guess what he does

he puts himself into self imposed it soooooo...crazy...that Luke...trained by Yoda....a god danm 50 year old human...wouldn't make the same choice after his failures?

come on guys. COME ON...come ooooooon THINK


i saw it last night. it was A LOT to take in at once. they almost could have broken it up into a part I and II like Avengers did for their finale. but obviously, that doesn't work with the trilogy. maybe coulda made the movie a bit longer because it was jam packed and we were MOVIN through different plots and storylines. i'd like to see it again for sure just for that reason though, it was a lot to take in and a lot to pick up on in a little amount of time.

but high level, i liked where they took it. the grandkids of Vader and Palpatine...didn't see that coming. not one bit (maybe that was obvious or known to some of y'all, but as a casual fan I didn't have a clue). i love that Rey wasn't an actual Skywalker. everyone was expecting that, wanting that...and this was a twist that was out of nowhere but not one bit random at the same time. LOVED that. i've got plenty of questions but want to watch again as i'm sure i missed a couple things.
You know what, a Storm Trouper becoming a jedi, would have been a dope story arc... too bad they ****** Finn up so badly in the force awakens...

sucks for boyega, nigerian jedi would have been great

It was also weird that they all the black characters constantly together for no reason, like don't pander to me bro. Finn sucks,

and I if I were Hotep-ically inclined I could read Finn's pursuit of this white woman across the galaxy to certain death while ignoring the pleas of the black woman by his side in all types of problematic ways. :lol:
The idea that Luke achieves "mastery of his emotions" and forever is a perfect human being from that moment on is so totally stupid I question if the person who wrote that has ever actually read a story like literally ANY story.

It's dramatically inert, fanboy wants Jesus Luke and not human luke and the reality is humans are much more compelling characters than gods. real human beings despite the lessons they learn and the experiences they have are STILL flawed. The dark side is seductive that's THE WHOLE actual GOD DAMN point, it is ALWAYS there ready to seduce ANYONE in a moment of weakness.

The idea that Luke, upon witnessing a vision of the destruction of the Jedi order and Kylo, HIS Apprentice, cutting down younglings like tall ****ing weeds in suburban lawn, that he wouldn't even be for a second tempted to end it all now, I think is ****ing silly. Grow up, you aren't 9 years old anymore, the people you admire and look up to are complicated flawed people trying to figure **** out, not space gods who act perfectly at all times..

and it flys in the face of everything we know about the Jedi's....they are NOT perfect, they **** up CONSTANTLY. Yoda totally ****s up during prequels, he an all time great jedi master, 8 hUNNIT plus years old or something presides over the destruction of the jedi order, the massacre of the younglings, the rise of the empire, and the creation of Darth Vader all under his nose...and guess what he does

he puts himself into self imposed it soooooo...crazy...that Luke...trained by Yoda....a god danm 50 year old human...wouldn't make the same choice after his failures?

come on guys. COME ON...come ooooooon THINK


Still think TLJ wasnt good story and character driven wise but not about the complexity of the entire concept of using the force, the light side and dark side.

Thats been an issue I've had with the concept since the OT. It is juvenile thinking for things to be that black and white even if you limit it to force users. Good and evil cant work when you want to introduce human beings who have a spectrum of emotions. They play it off as discipline but to me the Jedi have always been wrong. You cant just shut off or ignore your anger and fear or truly master grief. This dude Yoda told Anakin to learn to let go when he had a premonition she would die :lol: Meanwhile the with are just emotionally power tripping on some goth devil worship type vibe.

Human beings cant operate like that unless you want your order filled with the mentally stunted and sociopaths.

Lucas never really committed to the concept like he was about to introduce Kant like absolutes to right and wrong.

So the goal, the truth that should be a revelation at some point in one of these movies is you need both sides to truly master the force.
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The idea that Luke achieves "mastery of his emotions" and forever is a perfect human being from that moment on is so totally stupid I question if the person who wrote that has ever actually read a story like literally ANY story.

It's dramatically inert, fanboy wants Jesus Luke and not human luke and the reality is humans are much more compelling characters than gods. real human beings despite the lessons they learn and the experiences they have are STILL flawed. The dark side is seductive that's THE WHOLE actual GOD DAMN point, it is ALWAYS there ready to seduce ANYONE in a moment of weakness.

The idea that Luke, upon witnessing a vision of the destruction of the Jedi order and Kylo, HIS Apprentice, cutting down younglings like tall ****ing weeds in suburban lawn, that he wouldn't even be for a second tempted to end it all now, I think is ****ing silly. Grow up, you aren't 9 years old anymore, the people you admire and look up to are complicated flawed people trying to figure **** out, not space gods who act perfectly at all times..

and it flys in the face of everything we know about the Jedi's....they are NOT perfect, they **** up CONSTANTLY. Yoda totally ****s up during prequels, he an all time great jedi master, 8 hUNNIT plus years old or something presides over the destruction of the jedi order, the massacre of the younglings, the rise of the empire, and the creation of Darth Vader all under his nose...and guess what he does

he puts himself into self imposed it soooooo...crazy...that Luke...trained by Yoda....a god danm 50 year old human...wouldn't make the same choice after his failures?

come on guys. COME ON...come ooooooon THINK



Luke reached the rank of Jedi Master the moment he threw down his lightsaber and resisted temptation of what his emotions told him he should do. Giving in to his emotions based on a thought/or vision is LITERALLY AGAINST what Luke Skywalker’s journey was about. Couple that with us seeing the parallel of his father’s story as to what happens when someone with Luke’s potential gives into emotion....based on a thought/vision ironically enough, then you see how centralized the theme of resisting becomes to the character of Luke Skywalker. If you’re trying to insinuate that Luke giving in makes him more human than you’re not understanding why there is a legend about Luke Skywalker across the galaxy in the first place. He becomes nothing but a less interesting version of his father the minute he gives in instead of being the HERO that we the audience and the galaxy saw him as. Not because we’re told that he is. But because we watched his constant progression in 3 films. Keeping Luke Skywalker away from the big screen for 30 years and then finally showing him and having him go backwards?? Who’s really going insane...

The only time my theater made a sound. And abundance of “What?!” and “Are you serious??” . I added the obligatory “Throw the whole trilogy away” :nthat: :smh:
If Finn is force sensitive why does he keep that a secret? Especially from Rey? I know he was trippin off her turning to the dark side but still doesn’t make any sense.

So far so good.

Next weekend will drop to 100+ Mil, standard 50-60% drop. Then however many weeks from there.

But it's going over a billion, just as I said it would.
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