Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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I dunno why da driver INSISTED on tapping

Da back wheel of that biker

The guy brake checked him, dude.

And hitting da bike was da smartest course of

action? I hope defending your honor for a brake

Check was worth it :smh:

A 2 ton SUV aint gonna stop on a dime like a bike

Dude on the white bike started the whole chain of events

That **** is a range rover sport, joints come with

Brembos standard. He got da stopping power.

Strike 2 was leaving da scene of da accident...

You NEVER do that cuz it implies guilt.
End game is still LET IT cant win against

A mobb of bikers.
What video did you watch???

After he hit him, he stopped! The bikers started surrounding him! How was he supposed to let it go?

He was forced to leave the scene...
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Has Ninja ever admitted to being wrong?

Dumb question.

Let me try it again...

Has Ninja ever even ATTEMPTED to see something from a different POV? Or is what he says (to him) gospel?
Strike 2 was leaving da scene of da accident...

You NEVER do that cuz it implies guilt.
I'll just say it again.

After he hit him, he stopped! The bikers started surrounding him! How was he supposed to let it go? He was forced to leave the scene....
I am a motorcycle rider and I am in Camp RR. Here's why:

1. That is not an organized run. I've been on a few and we never took over the entire highway without a police escort. Google "Gooches Garlic run" to see what an organized run is.

2. The biker who got hit initially slowed way the **** down in front of the RR and got tapped after playing ***** of the road. We see him later on once he catches up so he's obviously fine.

3. The first time the RR is cornered, what was the reason for ripping the door open? Now as a father if I were in that situation I would have high tailed it outta there AND been on my cell calling the police. I don't see him run anyone over and that bike might have been layed down before to run up on the RR.

4. The bikers have held up an entire highway for their "run" yet display no lane etiquette, rider ability or order let alone courtesy to the other motorists on the highway which IMHO resulted in the first tap.

5. When they all sorta attempt to exit to the GWB ramp they nearly run into each other and again grind to a halt. Lucky the cages behind them didn't steam roll them.

6. When is it ok to start smashing on a car with anybody in it let alone with a family on board. Oh and BTW, you just destroyed your helmet in the act.

So, no I have zero sympathy for the bikers. They are lucky they are alive and that the guy in the RR didn't decide to actually run them all the **** over. Bikers like this give all the other majority of good riders a bad name so I hope we find out who the winners among them are and throw their ***** in jail.
I saw these guys yesterday, the bikers, and what a pack of ******** they were. Splitting lanes on the highway at speed (70mph between 2 cars), cutting people off. They had me boxed in so I couldn't get out of an exit only lane so they could get off. Not saying they deserve to be hit, but they had it coming.

I had my blinker on and was handsignalling I needed to get out of the exit only lane. everyone kept passing on the left to cut me off in front of the exit, 4-5 of them flipped me off. I tried rolling slow but they had no inkling of how to ride well. I ride myself, and this was just heinous.
Shoulda hit the gas harder and done one of these.

I don't think it was smart for dude to bump the biker, but we don't know what happened before that.

He may of not had a chance. All I know is if they're coming at me, I'm pulling out the piece and taking them down.
Ninja's logic: da range could've stopped in time, but even if he didn't stop in time and ended up hitting the dude he shouldn't have ran because he looks guilty if he dips out in an attempt to ensure da safety of his family. This just goes to show you dudes out there that underestimate the value of da hemi.
Broke losers who probably still live with their parents, jealous of an educated guy stunting in a Range Rover he worked hard for.

It comes as no surprise that a certain NTer is defending these goons.
So a gang of bikers surround your car and box you in on the highway...

then one of them starts walking towards your vehicle.

Yea okay, I'm just gonna sit there a hear the guy out

I'm mad he only ran over one of them.
"Hey pal, what seems to be the prob-lemo?"
yea, that goes for anyone thinking you running anyone over and not get whats yours....

100 "idiots" are still 100 people..when you're in a car you're supposed to drive defensively at all cost if you tagged someone by mistake

you apologize and dont make a scene...bikers sounded as soon as they saw homie was being a **** about it all bets were off.

You would defend them. Tag someone by mistake? The biker provoked it. What else is he supposed to do?

Edit: Just finished reading the rest of this post. I'm not even going to bother.
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actually now that I think about it, dude in the rover should have pulled over the first time. If they tried hurting him, then he should have ran everybody over.
That **** is a range rover sport, joints come with

Brembos standard. He got da stopping power.

Strike 2 was leaving da scene of da accident...

You NEVER do that cuz it implies guilt.
my dude. if the range didn't hit the bike intentionally, let's assume that.

and you got a MOB of bikers getting off their bikes and approaching your vehicle with your daughter in the back seat. What would you do?

I would do EXACTLY what the dude in the range did, and got the hell out of there for the safety of my family. 
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Strike 2 was leaving da scene of da accident...

You NEVER do that cuz it implies guilt.

I'll just say it again.

After he hit him, he stopped! The bikers started surrounding him! How was he supposed to let it go? He was forced to leave the scene....

He wasnt forced to leave da scene at

all.."surrounding me!" Sounds like a situation

happened & instead of seeing out you would have

Sped off & make it worse...

Some of ya lack BASIC common sense...
Ninja is that guy who always has that dissenting opinion that just defies normal logic and rustles jimmies profusely.
This. I respect it tho. He leaves himself vulnerable at all times. And I don't mean that as an insult. Vulnerability is a characteristic of a lot of great men. Leaders. They unapologetically stand by what they believe in knowing very well that people may oppose their beliefs, but stick to their beliefs anyways. Lack of logic makes it hilarious though. 
forced....once da motorcycle & truck tapped

He had to stick around.. Leaving made it worse.
Either way they were going to pull him out and beat him...

Why else would he stop and then take off, running over bikes knowing that 50 bikers would chase him down? He was scared for his life.

You act like the bikers were ready to exchange insurance info and then go for a cup of coffee when the RR floored it.

Get outta here with that garbage....
Ninja is that guy who always has that dissenting opinion that just defies normal logic and rustles jimmies profusely. :lol:

This. I respect it tho. He leaves himself vulnerable at all times. And I don't mean that as an insult. Vulnerability is a characteristic of a lot of great men. Leaders. They unapologetically stand by what they believe in knowing very well that people may oppose their beliefs, but stick to their beliefs anyways. Lack of logic makes it hilarious though. 

That's why I respect dude, because when he grows up he could be a good exec/politician.

But that logic :lol:
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