Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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a cyclist getting his leg broken is initiating something? oh...


speeding off instead of seeing if da guy is alright? oh...

i see everyone here would've been laid out right on 178street like that driver...

Did you miss the beginning of the video?
I guarantee you he wasn't acting like he had his family in the car.

And It looks like he had tinted windows, so I doubt they realized that.

He sure as hell didn't care if he killed or hurt someone with a 3,000lb vehicle.

And I bet you when they stopped, if he would have just said blahzay blahzay I'm just out with my family I'm in a rush they wouldn't have gone after him. They would have been cool about it, instead he probably was fussing with them.

Both sides were at fault.

How can you guarantee he wasn't acting in the interest of his family's safety? They stopped him twice and opened his door and beat him up in front of his family...

I'm not saying that driver handled it correctly, I'm just saying that bikers are cowards for ganging up on him like that.

To be honest, I do not disagree with your statement that it is partially driver's own doing that he ended up that way. At the same time, bikers shouldn't be driving willy-nilly, brake check, and then beat up someone driving down the freeway.
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I've disagreed with you plenty of times NH and up until this silly position of yours in this matter I always thought you were a chill dude, I'm beyond disgusted by the fact that you think a man is not entitled to do what he has to do for the safety if his family...talking about stop and exchange insurance as if this mob was about that life, dudes were confrontational from te jump by braking in front of the SUV, then they started getting off their bikes as they STOPPED ****** TRAFFIC and approaching the mans vehicle...common sense is, these dudes are about to kill us, I would have done the exact same thing if not worst for te safety of my family, it would have been real life GTA5 on the west side till I got to the GWB toll booth where authorities would be present to handle the situation....guaranteed at most dude would have caught involuntary manslaughter....I'd gladly taken that L to secure the safety of my family, these cyclist can hopefully learn from this that THEY DONOT OWN THE ROAD.
what are you watching? they slowed and STOPPED da rover cuz he broke da man's leg.

and he sped off and hit some more people.

and then he got his **** pushed in for his troubles.

What video are YOU watching?...obviously NOT the one where the first cyclist decides he's Highway patrol and stops traffic....
"Yes, I just hit a biker and broke his leg....what should I do next?...I know, let me run over 10 more members of his bike gang, then pull off of the highway and onto local Harlem streets for safety....that's definitely the best sequence of moves to keep me and my family safe."


Look at 00:23 - 00:29.

Dude in the Range straight up hits the biker from behind, he didn't mash the brakes, he kept moving at the same speed.

He does all of the initial assaulting.

That's the mentality of a hit and run driver and y'all are co-signing it.

So, we're going to ignore the brake light clearly going off?

OK, :lol:.
Wait so the first dude is justified to be a road troll and completely stop traffic on the west side because he got honked at by a car?....because of course he was with a clan of his buddies, he sure felt safe himself, that's before he ended up with an SUV on top of him...ya dudes defending this behavior must have never been on a highway and had a mob of these dudes ride like they own the damb highway, PUTTING EVERYONE AT RISK....

You never been stuck in traffic before? If it's a 100 people on bikes. I'm controlling my anger, tucking my pride and chillin. I'm talking to my wife like these ********. I know when I'm outnumbered. He didn't know if they had guns. He got off easy.

That pride and ego stuff will get you killed. You better be willing to go to the same extremes they are.
You better calm down and use your head before you get yourself involved in a situation you aren't ready for.

Say he was walking down the street with his family. They were on the sidewalk deep blocking his path, you think he would have just pushed them out the way and said move it? Naw, he would have said excuse me and faked being nice and talked **** when he passed to his wife.

Dude thought because he was in his car he was safe.
The first guy who brake checked him is lucky all he got was a tiny little tap. This is what can happen to tough guys on bikes who try to brake check cars.

Wait so dudes are saying that first little love tap caused a broken leg?

No way...the broken leg had to have occurred during the plow sesh.
NT logic

Only way to make sense of this is to think a man with a family in his car with a lot to lose wants to pick a fight with 100+ bikers....SEEMS LEGIT
The usual suspect is here defending the ratchetness and pure ignorance and lack of safety these bike clubs display....son stop it now.
da driver BROKE da guy's leg ..instead of stopping he SPED OFF....them dudes had EVERY RIGHT to give him that after *** whooping.

thats where's EVERYONE HERE is ignoring..that man caught probably da *** whooping of his life..and you think thats something

you would've repeated? :lol: ite.

The cyclist that broke his leg was not the man that initiated the confrontation and brake checked the RR.

The leg was broken after the driver was threatened when the RR plowed though the bikes.
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the cat on the bike only suffered a broken leg?

damn shame. wish he would've lost both his legs.

Some of you dudes are funny.

The only thing he had done wrong was stop...a traffic violation.

So a traffic violation was worthy of being hit by a SUV?
Stay in your car, shut up and let the bikers keep riding.

 Just let someone swing on you and your car? Nah, lessons need to be taught...the western district way.

He taught them, alright.

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a cyclist getting his leg broken is initiating something? oh...


speeding off instead of seeing if da guy is alright? oh...

i see everyone here would've been laid out right on 178street like that driver...

He got his leg broken when he approached the car with his buddies in a threatening manner, they were not looking for a friendly conversation they were looking to start something.

Who the **** told him to troll the road and stop his bike completely in the middle lane of a highway, and get upset when the SUV bumps his bike?

He didn't ask for any of that, he was going about his business with his family trying to get from point A to point B.

Point taken.

Yet you ignore the fact that these bikers are straight thugs. Not as much as a single recognition of the fact that it was a mob beat down of a man in front of his family...deserved or not.

Bikers should have followed, got the plate #s and reported to police. Not beat the **** out of dude.

But I guess reporting it is not the "hood" thing to do.
Some of you dudes are funny.

The only thing he had done wrong was stop...a traffic violation.

So a traffic violation was worthy of being hit by a SUV?

Not just stop. Brake-check on the freeway.

You do that? Yeah, you deserved to get hit.
Wife AND Daughter in the car? Best believe each and every one of those fools in the way would be seeing the AWD first hand
NT logic

Only way to make sense of this is to think a man with a family in his car with a lot to lose wants to pick a fight with 100+ bikers....SEEMS LEGIT

So why did they pick his car out of all the cars on the road and they had passed?

His lucky day?
NT logic

Only way to make sense of this is to think a man with a family in his car with a lot to lose wants to pick a fight with 100+ bikers....SEEMS LEGIT
da man hit a cyclist and sped off, family or no family he was WRONG, and he's lucky it was only HIM that caught a *** whooping

for da stupid decisions he made and putting his family in harm's way like that.
Range Rovers are quite possibly the douchiest vehicle on the road. I don't even know wanna know what the people driving them are like. And that's in California.... can you imagine a New Yorker with Range Rover taste? When I saw that animal run over a bike and skirt off with no regard for human life, that's when the gloves come off for me. I'm sorry his family had to witness his beating, but that guy had to be taught a lesson that day. When I'm driving I always give bikers the space they need. Share the roads and show courtesy, these are the fundamental laws of driving. If you are being antagonized then one of the fundamental laws of being a human is to be the bigger person. If someone brakes in front of you it doesn't give you clearance to react like an ape. You get what's coming to you after that and Super Dad got two black eyes. I don't even want to believe a biker just randomly stopped in front of that SUV on a highway on a lazy Sunday afternoon while on a pack ride. Even so, you should be wise enough to not engage them.
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da man hit a cyclist and sped off, family or no family he was WRONG, and he's lucky it was only HIM that caught a *** whooping

for da stupid decisions he made and putting his family in harm's way like that.

Yeah, you would have beat the little girl. >D
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