Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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Guys if we don't think popping wheelies on a motorized bicycle on the highway is cool, we are young virgin cacs who live with our parents and less than 1K in our bank accounts |I :frown:

I just wanna be one the cool kids, what do I have to do to fit in? :\

well to start you need to find the person who said that you're not cool, then find enough friends so that you outnumber him 30 to 1. then you can bash in his car and/or the person himself, but remember as long as you are in a large group and greatly out number the opposition you are allowed to break any law you want

and if any of them get hurt in the process, make sure to post videos online dry snitching and acting like a victim... make sure to edit video but still incriminate yourself anyways
he's trying to instigate us into making threats, then they can issue warrants over that cyber bullying law... straight entrapment
D#@n people need to control there kids
exactly what I would say to the parents of that 30 year old biker who still lives at home
yeah people really need to control there kids over they're or else their going to end up being an uneducated biker clown
as a canadian living in canada, please stay out of our country 
Bring a Canadian in here that has a track record with good mental health and the ability to know his head from his a22 and i will listen to him not you.
Ok bro I'm sorry I made fun of your biker gang. I've endured too many years on this earth and in college to be called a young flunkie. Forgive me please? With a cherry on top.
Nope i would have agreed until you said you were in college?Im sorry but I don't  belive that 2hit for 1 minute.
yeah people really need to control there kids over they're or else their going to end up being an uneducated biker clown
I will give you credit for trying on that one but it did not work out to well for you.Keep up your chats with your internet friends and maybe you will get inspiration from them and learn how to be a man.You don't even have to paypal me for that info that's my gift to you.
Ok bro I'm sorry I made fun of your biker gang. I've endured too many years on this earth and in college to be called a young flunkie. Forgive me please? With a cherry on top.
Nope i would have agreed until you said you were in college?Im sorry but I don't  belive that 2hit for 1 minute.

Dang bro I really wish you would forgive me. I would love your acceptance, I'm sorry you don't believe I'm college educated because I don't agree with motorized bicycles breaking laws :\ :frown:
we know how you guys run with undercovers... no need to try to entrap us with empty threats pig
entrap what a broke a22 high school kid that's destiny in life is to be the best janitor he can be?You think of yourself waaayyy to much.


Haven't read the last 80 pages. Has anyone on the pro biker side that have said something along the lines of "there's no evidence that the bikers were damaging the RR when he was stopped and the bikers just wanted to talk" directly addressed the fact that there was no evidence of tires on the front passenger side? How is that not evidence enough?
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Dang bro I really wish you would forgive me. I would love your acceptance, I'm sorry you don't believe I'm college educated because I don't agree with motorized bicycles breaking laws
1 semester at your local community college dosen't win you a nobel peace prize my man but I do recognize a valid effort on your part to not look stupid in front of your peers on here.O yeah forgot to mention BA from university of Vanderbilt Mechanical Engineering.What was your major and the truth please if you don't mind?
Dang bro I really wish you would forgive me. I would love your acceptance, I'm sorry you don't believe I'm college educated because I don't agree with motorized bicycles breaking laws :\ :frown:

1 semester at your local community college dosen't win you a nobel peace prize my man but I do recognize a valid effort on your part to not look stupid in front of your peers on here.O yeah forgot to mention BA from university of Vanderbilt Mechanical Engineering.What was your major and the truth please if you don't mind?

I actually did do 2 semesters at Borough of Manhattan CC before I transferred and got a BS in Chemistry from Syracuse Uni. You're right though, you've got me all figured out based on my stance on this particular issue, you win my brother.
Haven't read the last 80 pages. Has anyone on the pro biker side that have said something along the lines of "there's no evidence that the bikers were damaging the RR when he was stopped and the bikers just wanted to talk" directly addressed the fact that there was no evidence of tires on the front passenger side? How is that not evidence enough?
the guy recording the video conveniently edited / didn't record the damaging part and he also stopped recording when the bikers started smashing the window. 
Haven't read the last 80 pages. Has anyone on the pro biker side that have said something along the lines of "there's no evidence that the bikers were damaging the RR when he was stopped and the bikers just wanted to talk" directly addressed the fact that there was no evidence of tires on the front passenger side? How is that not evidence enough?

the guy recording the video conveniently edited / didn't record the damaging part and he also stopped recording when the bikers started smashing the window. 

yup, the video was uploaded for dry snitching purposes.... it was not meant to be an objective account of the whole event
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lol createdestroy thinks he's gonna go gta 5 with his truck, you come at my club like that and see how many bullet holes your truck ends up with

You're really convincing us how bike clubs are regular civilized harmless people :smokin :nthat: hats off to you cac
Nope im in dubai now jus got back from the office.Haven't been home which is Georgia in yrs usually hit up Philippines ,Australia at least once a yr .
Bruh i've been readin your post and by that I can tell your a stuntrider. Im a dragracer  myself and haven't street rode in yrs because of stuff like this.Anyways man you me truficc and a copule other guys in here live in a real world.Look at the majority of the guys on here defending the RR have over 10-15 thousand post on a sneaker site so now I see why they say some of the close minded things that they say.Anyways Bruh we are fighting a loosing case here with close minded pepole that live on the internet.Keep doing you and please ride safe in them streets im out can't take closed minded negative idiot comments in here.
zx, ill be fair with you...the only way to truly find out what happened from the start is if these rider would upload the entire trip the moment the RR came into view...then we can have a clear side as to what happened...but..we dont...we do however, have videos of these bikers breaking the law multiple times throughout their ride BEFORE they met the RR. now if we could pull up the 911 phone calls the RR is said to have made, then maybe we can truly say "that guy tried everything to avoid the situation"...but still, seeing hundreds of bikers surrounding your family and antagonizing you and trolling you knowing they are squad deep leading to somethin happenin cause they know its 100+ VS 1 MAN, you in instinct would do the same as the RR driver in that situation....
I actually did do 2 semesters at Borough of Manhattan CC before I transferred and got a BS in Chemistry from Syracuse Uni. You're right though, you've got me all figured out based on my stance on this particular issue, you win my brother.
I asked for the truth you gave it to me I have nothing else to say respect.

Bruh i've been readin your post and by that I can tell your a stuntrider. Im a dragracer  myself and haven't street rode in yrs because of stuff like this.Anyways man you me truficc and a copule other guys in here live in a real world.Look at the majority of the guys on here defending the RR have over 10-15 thousand post on a sneaker site so now I see why they say some of the close minded things that they say.Anyways Bruh we are fighting a loosing case here with close minded pepole that live on the internet.Keep doing you and please ride safe in them streets im out can't take closed minded negative idiot comments in here.

zx, ill be fair with you...the only way to truly find out what happened from the start is if these rider would upload the entire trip the moment the RR came into view...then we can have a clear side as to what happened...but..we dont...we do however, have videos of these bikers breaking the law multiple times throughout their ride BEFORE they met the RR. now if we could pull up the 911 phone calls the RR is said to have made, then maybe we can truly say "that guy tried everything to avoid the situation"...but still, seeing hundreds of bikers surrounding your family and antagonizing you and trolling you knowing they are squad deep leading to somethin happenin cause they know its 100+ VS 1 MAN, you in instinct would do the same as the RR driver in that situation....
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