(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)


She did? I didn't remember her getting burned in that part. Maybe she's vulnerable to only dragon fire and not the regular kind.
There is nothing tying him to being a targ though. Got a bad burn from
Which we have no denying he is and I doubt Ned would have lied about so yes he is some starks kid we dont know who.
There is a running theory that it could be Arthur Dayne and thats why ned felt so bad and sent his sword back home.

we'll learn more i think when the world of ice and fire comes out this or next year.
Then there is still winds of winter

nothing really adds up. Roberts rebillion was nearly a year. Cat had Robb before that rebellion if jon was conceived months after Rob. that means (if this R+L=J is true) that They didnt do the deed until after Robert started the war.

Now if there was a war going on. when and why would Rhaegar had done that.????

That doesnt add up. especially with a wife and kids already. who btw are younger than Jon snow

nothing adds up. That would mean that Jon had to have been born BEFORE the rebellion NOT at the tower of joy as people are predicting..

that's where it gets confusing[/quote]

Cat got pregnant with Robb the first night her and ned were married. The war had already started. He married her after the battle of the bells.
Aegon and Rhaeneys were not younger than Jon. Rhaeneys was 3 when she was killed and Aegon 1.

It could have taken Lyanna months to get pregnant. We see this when Cat is talking to Jeyne Westerling. She tells her with Robb it only took once but it can take time.
If Jon was born before the rebellion he would not need a milk mother.
GRRM has said Jon is 9 months older than Dany who was born. Dany was born 9 months after Rhaegar's death and the sack of king's landing. That makes Jon's birth within a month of the sack. There is nowhere in that time line Ned can get Jon from any of the supposed mothers.
Cat got pregnant with Robb the first night her and ned were married. The war had already started. He married her after the battle of the bells.
Aegon and Rhaeneys were not younger than Jon. Rhaeneys was 3 when she was killed and Aegon 1.

It could have taken Lyanna months to get pregnant. We see this when Cat is talking to Jeyne Westerling. She tells her with Robb it only took once but it can take time.
If Jon was born before the rebellion he would not need a milk mother.
GRRM has said Jon is 9 months older than Dany who was born. Dany was born 9 months after Rhaegar's death and the sack of king's landing. That makes Jon's birth within a month of the sack. There is nowhere in that time line Ned can get Jon from any of the supposed mothers.

I still dont think its going to be that easy for it to just mean lyanna and Rhaegar equals jon.
There is both evidence for and against it, but as I've said before A LOT of that evidence is what people pieced together but not exactly what's in the books word for word.
Also when did they start typing people's parents in equation form like that? Always irked me for some reason.
Also when did they start typing people's parents in equation form like that? Always irked me for some reason.
I once saw a big Targareyon chart with pics and all, and i was thinking to myself where the hell did people get this from.
and it was the house thing at the end of books, plus i think some supplementary maps or stories (which i still haven't figured out was canon or not)

I did a bit more research and yea you're right, dany and jon are about the same age. and the events of the war and stuff does add up. but lyanna rhaegar im still skeptic mainly because she had the blood of the wolf. wild. i cant see her wanting to be locked down especially to someone who was married with kids of his own ..

also jons appearance maes me think other wise as well..
i think it will def be explained next book, whenever that will be.

but as when we first started this convo. R+L= J just bothers me the most because people take it as fact, which then sprouts more theories and wild stuff.

The ice dragon theory is awesome. and would make a good book desperately but I dont want that to happen.
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Hey if anyone wants PM me and I'll invite you on this really good GoT facebook group, not a lot of members but a lot of people that are really knowledgeable, i raised a question in there now and the debate going on it's great
The ice dragon theory is awesome. 
^ Thanks for posting, will read later.


Have you guys heard about the Baristan chaptrs that GRRM dropped? Pretty interesting. (don't know if im just late to find out about this) :lol:
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Yeah I don't buy Aerys and Lyanna. There is zero evidence to support that. It is known in Westeros that Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna with the help of Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser oswell whent. The white bull doesn't coming looking for Rhaegar until months later when sent by Aerys. For Jon to be Aerys son he would have had to rape and impregnate her at harrenhall. Jon would be much older if that were the case.
Yeah I don't buy Aerys and Lyanna. There is zero evidence to support that. It is known in Westeros that Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna with the help of Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser oswell whent. The white bull doesn't coming looking for Rhaegar until months later when sent by Aerys. For Jon to be Aerys son he would have had to rape and impregnate her at harrenhall. Jon would be much older if that were the case.

1. Robert is the one who spread the whole "kidnap" thing. so we don't know that to be truth we just know that was the motivation.
2. They are the Kings guard. sworn to the KING not the PRINCE guard..
3. there is a huge gap in time .we dont know about, so we don't know if lyanna was seen by Aerys ever again. with as loyal as the starks were to the crown before aerys had brandon and his pops killed there could have been a timelyanna was ther ewith them..

Ask yourself what reason would Rhaegar have had to "Kidnapp" her if they were supposdedly in Love.???
1. Robert is the one who spread the whole "kidnap" thing. so we don't know that to be truth we just know that was the motivation.
2. They are the Kings guard. sworn to the KING not the PRINCE guard..
3. there is a huge gap in time .we dont know about, so we don't know if lyanna was seen by Aerys ever again. with as loyal as the starks were to the crown before aerys had brandon and his pops killed there could have been a timelyanna was ther ewith them..

Ask yourself what reason would Rhaegar have had to "Kidnapp" her if they were supposdedly in Love.???

Robert did not spread the kidnap story. Brandon heard about it on his way to Riverrun to marry Caitlyn.
Aerys rarely left the red keep. The tourney at harrenhall was the first time he'd left since duskendale.
Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna shortly after harrenhall. I don't think she was kidnapped. I think she went willingly. Barristan does not believe Rhaegar kidnapped her.

I want to believe Rhaegar had a dragon egg and Lyanna sat on it until it hatched. The egg cracked and Jon crawled out.
No not this.......................................................

and this is what gets me about that "THEORY"

the evidence that is pulled out of thin air... people making theories off of theories. claiming as fact.
But its not pulled out of thin air. This is all things that are in the books or from GRRM. That Aerys theory has no evidence to back it up. The r+l=j theory has evidence.
No not this.......................................................

and this is what gets me about that "THEORY"

the evidence that is pulled out of thin air... people making theories off of theories. claiming as fact.
Of course its a theory since it hasn't been explicitly stated in the books, but don't you think there's more evidence pointing to the fact that Rhaegar is the father over Aerys?

Wasn't Aerys really old when the war went down? 
^^That's the most comprehensive collection of evidence I've seen before.

A few things in there that I hadn't read before
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