(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

I think she still was. just it was all set up by jaime to get his rocks off


No Jamie confessed when he helped Tyrion escape that she really was just the crofters daughter. Tywin made him lie because Tyrion needed to be taught a lesson.
Yup. They offered up more money than she's ever seen before and she let all the Lannister soldiers take turns and pass her around. So messed up.
thats right thats right. damn i need to hurry and get my kindle so ic an load the 3rd and 4th combined book up
Aergryrtshryjrykyhdfvf rdcfdsbrgnsfgsngnytntybgfhstyjtgsbgrjdtybfgbhrstjetybrghteyjrgbrgjtyenfgbj c jjgrghtjktdhjjthdjthjjjhtjdtyjtykkfhjhjeyjtytjthjytjytjytkyrktlfhjfyjrgjgrjyffgrjrgjtytyjtyjthjtenetydtjdtrtktkeukyrkyukyukyukuykyukyudkkuykutkkkk

Yeah there's a theory going around that Tysha is one of the *****'s Arya meets in Braavos. Specifically the sailors wife.
I'm wondering what clues there were for people to come up with that idea. It's gotten to the point that fans come up with theories for characters that were briefly mentioned. If it is true then that's great storytelling of how little stuff connects. Must be a headache to keep up with all parts of this story.
Aergryrtshryjrykyhdfvf rdcfdsbrgnsfgsngnytntybgfhstyjtgsbgrjdtybfgbhrstjetybrghteyjrgbrgjtyenfgbj c jjgrghtjktdhjjthdjthjjjhtjdtyjtykkfhjhjeyjtytjthjytjytjytkyrktlfhjfyjrgjgrjyffgrjrgjtytyjtyjthjtenetydtjdtrtktkeukyrkyukyukyukuykyukyudkkuykutkkkk

Yeah there's a theory going around that Tysha is one of the *****'s Arya meets in Braavos. Specifically the sailors wife.

That would be crazy lol

It's so many theories out there that I never thought about lol
(question based on wiki reading, because i didn't have patience for the last two books):

I often wonder why a bigger deal isn't made of Val's eyes being a different color when she returned to the wall.
Aergryrtshryjrykyhdfvf rdcfdsbrgnsfgsngnytntybgfhstyjtgsbgrjdtybfgbhrstjetybrghteyjrgbrgjtyenfgbj c jjgrghtjktdhjjthdjthjjjhtjdtyjtykkfhjhjeyjtytjthjytjytjytkyrktlfhjfyjrgjgrjyffgrjrgjtytyjtyjthjtenetydtjdtrtktkeukyrkyukyukyukuykyukyudkkuykutkkkk

My gut says LS might not be shown this season

I hope I'm wrong
Aergryrtshryjrykyhdfvf rdcfdsbrgnsfgsngnytntybgfhstyjtgsbgrjdtybfgbhrstjetybrghteyjrgbrgjtyenfgbj c jjgrghtjktdhjjthdjthjjjhtjdtyjtykkfhjhjeyjtytjthjytjytjytkyrktlfhjfyjrgjgrjyffgrjrgjtytyjtyjthjtenetydtjdtrtktkeukyrkyukyukyukuykyukyudkkuykutkkkk

My gut says LS might not be shown this season

I hope I'm wrong


It's been confirmed that she will be the end of Brienne's storyline this season.

And whoever asked about Tysha.

There's a theory that the Sailor's Wife, a prostitute in Braavos, is actually Tysha, as evidenced by her trick of wedding the men who bed her, her fluency in the Common Tongue, and her daughter, the golden-haired Lanna (for Lannister?) who is the right age to be Tyrion's daughter. Keep in mind, if her daughter is Tyrion's (she could have well been pregnant even before the gang-rape) the girl is Tyrion's legitimate heir and Tysha could very well have spent the coins Tywin gave her on the first ship away from Westeros.

But if this is true, who's to tell Tyrion? No one in his immediate circle of acquaintances at the end of ADWD would know . . . except . . .

"Tell me. . ." [Littlefinger said to Sansa]"did your little lord husband enjoy my jousting dwarves?"

"Yours?" [said Sansa}

"I had to send to Braavos for them and hide them away in a brothel until the wedding."

Penny. She was performing in Braavos prior to Joffrey's wedding. Since she goes to Volantis after King's Landing, we can assume she's an experienced traveler. But since she's a poor foreigner, she might very likely have stayed at the same brothel--we know it's friendly to Westerosis, and judging by the way the ****** treat Arya, it's probably a pretty safe place to stay--Penny's stayed in brothels before, as Littlefinger tells us.

Tyrion hasn't told her about Tysha--only Sansa. If he did spill the tale to her, might she point him towards Braavos?
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^when was that mentioned??
When you first meet her, she's described as having grey eyes. When she returns to the wall with Tormund she's again described and this time they describe her eyes as being blue. In real life this would mean nothing because my girl's eyes change from grey to blue, but in a series as deeply detailed as this people think there's some significance to it. Or it could have just been GRRM showing his age and tripping up.



Is there a consensus on why Jeyne Westerling's descriptions are different? The 2nd one is a double while the original snuck out? GRRM is senile and forgets his own character descriptions?
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Aergryrtshryjrykyhdfvf rdcfdsbr
bhrstjetybrghteyjrgbrgjtyenfgbj c jjgrghtjkt

After seeing Ramsay become a Bolton in paper, it reminded me of Robb wanting Jon to be his successor if ever things go awry. I read a theory somewhere that the ppl who knew about it are still alive (i.e Blackfish), I don't know if the Northeners would buy into it though, a bastard ruling them but what choice do they have. Bran might become a tree and Rickon is still too young. It would be dope though to see Jon Stark ruling :smokin
I think they would accept it. He is still Neds son but I fully expect r+l=j to be revealed in the winds of winter. I want to see the reactions to that. The northerners will believe it if Howland Reed says he was there or has a letter from Ned. We all know Neds word is gold to them.
That was a very tempting offer from Stannis :lol: I personally would've accepted it. Anyways , hopefully the Starks would somehow end up on top, they've been the oppressed the whole time.
That was a very tempting offer from Stannis :lol: I personally would've accepted it. Anyways , hopefully the Starks would somehow end up on top, they've been the oppressed the whole time.

Jon Stark does have a ring to it, GRRM must be a Knick fan on the low.
Jon Stark does have a ring to it, GRRM must be a Knick fan on the low.
Hejwjwkwkkskskkekskekekekkekekekekkekekekekkekekekkdkeieieiekiekeidkkdkdkdkdkjdjdjdjjdjdjfjfjfjdjjdjeikdkeodkekodldldodkkdkdkdkkdodododoldldododoododododoododfoodooeoowkekekdkekekdkoeododkjfururikdj fr kdkdkdkdoododododkdkododdoodofofofofkkrkfkdkfkfokfkf

Lmao I'm always saying this.
Anyway don't you guys remember when Jojen told the Liddell that Bran and company ran into on the way north of the wall. He said the wolves would come again he dreamed it. I expect them to reign again but unfortunately I think Arya is going to die young. I hope I'm wrong but there is too much foreshadowing.
That was a very tempting offer from Stannis :lol: I personally would've accepted it. Anyways , hopefully the Starks would somehow end up on top, they've been the oppressed the whole time.

Jon Stark does have a ring to it, GRRM must be a Knick fan on the low.

He would probably write about a character named Reginald Miller who arrives and kills Jon's soul.
I'm wondering what clues there were for people to come up with that idea. It's gotten to the point that fans come up with theories for characters that were briefly mentioned. If it is true then that's great storytelling of how little stuff connects. Must be a headache to keep up with all parts of this story.
I'm not the biggest fan of this only because people start believing there theories as fact. which spreads and when people who aren't as well versed in the book as others. they start believing it to. (I.E. R+L=J, which makes me rage to hear in every FB group and forum) Is there a possibility yes, but there isn't that much evidence to it especially with GRRM coming up with more and more characters and more and more subtle hints every chapter of every book. In the first book you oculd say yes but with the events that happened after, and the story of jon snow we got from the rebels who were traveling with arya.

That would be crazy lol It's so many theories out there that I never thought about lol
Tysha being alive is super irrelevant, and even if she has tyrions kid (unless the dwarve he is with now is his kid) thats still irrelevant since Tyrion has no claims to anything.

I think they would accept it. He is still Neds son but I fully expect r+l=j to be revealed in the winds of winter. I want to see the reactions to that. The northerners will believe it if Howland Reed says he was there or has a letter from Ned. We all know Neds word is gold to them.

^almost what im talking about in the first quote.

the only thing with jon and his legitimacy is Sansa still being known to be alive/ escaped somewhere.
and the Fake Arya that Ramsay has.

but with jon taking the black and all the above. theres nothing that can really happen unless the true king Lord Stannis let's it happen. (assuming jon isn't dead, or still himself IF Melisandre awakes him).

P>S> The main reason im so against R+L= J (I feel i need to explain) is because I Never saw the point of it being such a big secret for so long.
The ONLY thing that can make it important is if the Ice Dragon Theory is real. or jons latent warging powers can control that Dragon or one of Dany's because he is half targ.
but I also don't believe that Grrm will go that deep in to the fantasy part honestly and still make it more about actual humans and houses other then a big zombie vs dragon vs little earth people (bran) story.
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Jdjkekdkekkekekekdlellelelkowksnsjksjshsksksmsnjejejsksksksllslslslslslslslslskskekdkdmhdhdhfhrjhfjdjrkelslwkshejkelele o elkejdhhdkdkdkeldlelleldmdkdkdmkdkdkdkdkdkdkdmnfnfkflrlrlelepelekirk dr l l dl dl

I n think r+l=j is important because of the prince that was promised/Azor Ahai. Aerys was forced to marry his sister to fulfill the prophecy.
Also three people need to ride the dragons. The blue flower growing from a ***** in a wall of ice in the house of the undying tells me he is important.
It was a secret to protect Jon. Come on Robert smiled at the bodies of Aegon and Rhaeneys. What would he do to a child he thinks was produced by the rape of his beloved Lyanna by Rhaegar.
I doubt the wall will be standing by the end of the series.
Also the only reason GRRM agreed to let D&D do the show was because they got the answer right as to who Jon's mother is. Add to that Alfie Allen referring to Jon as a luke Skywalker situation tells me Jon definitely is not Neds son.
o elkejdhhdkdkdkeldlelleldmdkdkdmkdk

Random but Jaime (pre maiming) vs Oberyn in a fight, who would you guys take? They can pick whatever weapon they want, bloodlust and in a trial by combat environment.
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