(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

So @HybridSoldier23 whats that theory you wanted to post?

So Martin talks about food at length and in great detail often. Casual book readers think this is because Martin just loves food and talking about food because he's a gluttonous fat dude. However, I have a theory that it is because he wants to continually show how prosperous of a land Westeros is. Once the Winds of Winter comes out we're about to see a drastic change. Now that theres been a massive war at the end of fall there isn't going to be any food left. You can already see this start to manifest when we see how terrible the conditions are for Stannis' army outside of Winterfell.

So instead of hearing about massive feasts with turkeys and mutton we are going to hear about people eating bugs and bricks once winter comes. No more feasts when lords arrive at houses, instead it will be lord whoever ate the last of the rotted bread while the men supped on dead grass and the occasional earth worm. It's going to be be a huge contrast to the previous 5 books. People will be dying from starvation, some may turn to cannibalism leading into or acting as a companion to the Skagos storyline.
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just finished reading the catcher in the rye. as an adult...i can see why they had us read it in hs. wasnt great.
So @HybridSoldier23 whats that theory you wanted to post?

So Martin talks about food at length and in great detail often. Casual book readers think this is because Martin just loves food and talking about food because he's a gluttonous fat dude. However, I have a theory that it is because he wants to continually show how prosperous of a land Westeros is. Once the Winds of Winter comes out we're about to see a drastic change. Now that theres been a massive war at the end of fall there isn't going to be any food left. You can already see this start to manifest when we see how terrible the conditions are for Stannis' army outside of Winterfell.

So instead of hearing about massive feasts with turkeys and mutton we are going to hear about people eating bugs and bricks once winter comes. No more feasts when lords arrive at houses, instead it will be lord whoever ate the last of the rotted bread while the men supped on dead grass and the occasional earth worm. It's going to be be a huge contrast to the previous 5 books. People will be dying from starvation, some may turn to cannibalism leading into or acting as a companion to the Skagos storyline.

I don't care for Sam

Wouldn't mind seeing him die really
Well damb :lol:

He's Sam The Slayer though. Maybe he'll turn into a boss, probably not.

Not sure how people will eat bricks. Even crumbled bricks sound painful to eat. The lands in the north will already have a tough time because of the brutal winter. The previous war already has the south and other areas in bad shape. The further down The Others move the more the Seven Kingdoms are screwed. Massive amounts of people will die and resources will be scarce.
So @HybridSoldier23 whats that theory you wanted to post?

So Martin talks about food at length and in great detail often. Casual book readers think this is because Martin just loves food and talking about food because he's a gluttonous fat dude. However, I have a theory that it is because he wants to continually show how prosperous of a land Westeros is. Once the Winds of Winter comes out we're about to see a drastic change. Now that theres been a massive war at the end of fall there isn't going to be any food left. You can already see this start to manifest when we see how terrible the conditions are for Stannis' army outside of Winterfell.

So instead of hearing about massive feasts with turkeys and mutton we are going to hear about people eating bugs and bricks once winter comes. No more feasts when lords arrive at houses, instead it will be lord whoever ate the last of the rotted bread while the men supped on dead grass and the occasional earth worm. It's going to be be a huge contrast to the previous 5 books. People will be dying from starvation, some may turn to cannibalism leading into or acting as a companion to the Skagos storyline.

Didn't they already mention in the books how famine played a big part of life once winter comes?

Not to mention the natural correlation between how it used to be in Middle Ages once the seasons changed.

No offense, but not much of a theory there
Famine is discussed low key in the book and the show. I mention the theory because Martin has been criticized by book critics and fans for his over use of vernacular concerning food items the ought the series. Many people I know people who've read the books complain about food being more of a character than people in Dorne. There's blogs dedicated to pointing out that food mentions outweigh character interactions. There's youtube videos making fun of the food mentions.

I think that it will end up being great writing in the long run when famine hits. It's obviously not much of a stretch to say that food is going to get scarce but I feel that casual readers/watchers and critics haven't seen the whole picture into why Martin is going into such great detail when he writes about food.
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Not much of a stretch indeed

It's mentioned numerous times how they won't be able to feed the people in kings landing when winter hits

Multiplied by of the damage to the storm lands by the mountain, if I'm not mistaken

This is off the top of my head

So basically far from low key in the books, and the show hasn't really hit that point yet
My friend always mentions the lengthy food descriptions in the book. I think people do understand some of the purpose. Whether it was a banquet hall for the king / lord, a campfire meal, dinner at an inn or something Hot Pies baked; people were enjoying food and it was available. It will serve as a sharp contrast to what it will be like when the area is in chaos from the ongoing fighting and harsh weather. I'm not sure I would say it's a great writing element. Maybe he's into food porn and loves to describe stuff.
Not much of a stretch indeed

It's mentioned numerous times how they won't be able to feed the people in kings landing when winter hits

Multiplied by of the damage to the storm lands by the mountain, if I'm not mistaken

This is off the top of my head

So basically far from low key in the books, and the show hasn't really hit that point yet

The show has talked about how long they can feed the kingdoms once winter comes, Margaery's mentioned the plight of flea bottom, there's been the small pieces of dialogue like during the riot in KL where people complain about being hungry, the decimation of the crops in the Stormlands was mentioned, I'm sure Craster's stores will get raided this season, people will complain about the PW feast, and later on the "hound" will raze villages as well. It's there in the text and in the show as well but I think it's far from in your face with X-Y-Z is happening in the next book/season.

I don't think I tried to push that this is an amazing theory that no one has ever thought about. I'm not sitting here with some jaw dropping prediction like the "Mel is undead" theory, it's just something that I feel casual readers/show watchers generally overlook or criticize because they're shortsighted and/or don't see the foreshadowing. CHAOSE57 CHAOSE57 hadn't really thought about it so at least someone benefited from discussion/thought of it.
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I'm halfway through ADWD and I'm finding Dany's storyline boring as hell. I'm seriously contemplating skipping her chapters. I have NO interest in her and her freed slaves
hers gets better at the end coupled with selmys.
but yes shes rather drawn out
I'm halfway through ADWD and I'm finding Dany's storyline boring as hell. I'm seriously contemplating skipping her chapters. I have NO interest in her and her freed slaves
hers gets better at the end coupled with selmys.
but yes shes rather drawn out

Yeah, the good parts of the book are towards the end. He did that on purpose to make us fiend for the next book even more.
He already told the hbo showrunners how everything will play out. Not sure how general or specific he was. I wonder if he told anyone else.

He told them how everyone's story ends in case he croaks :lol: so they'll still mold the story around how it ends.

I really just want the book this year. A fools hope :lol:
The guy is really crazy with his editing. Takes him forever to organize all the stuff he writes and decide what parts will go in which book. Wish he had like an editing partner he trusted to help out.
I wonder why he doesnt do that either. just like how he helps with those novellas. like dangerous women
Maybe he's into food porn and loves to describe stuff.

Well he is fat :lol:

I just finished the Princess and the Queen novella from the Dangerous Women book. Pretty good read, it was interesting to read about the dragons fighting and how prevalent they were compared to "now"
I need to find that chapter. Reading about Targaryen history is always a good read. I was bored one night and read info about Aegon The Conqueror all the way up to Dany.
I need to find that chapter. Reading about Targaryen history is always a good read. I was bored one night and read info about Aegon The Conqueror all the way up to Dany.

one of my facebook groups had the whole Targareyon Lineage.
with story behind it

but I dont know if a lot of it was cannon or fan made. or the info from the back of the books compiled up
so from :29-:30 what was happening in that trailer, I've asked a few people who dont know..

they think its when the Sons of the Harpy were attacking random freed slaves

Jaime's golden hand :pimp:
The dragons growing up :pimp:

I'm curious to see who that horse is charging at seeing as how Strong Belwas isn't a show character
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