Soulja boy being ethered by a brooklyn girl. Vol. Twitter fam

Originally Posted by Lbruce89 - If y'all see me on a milk carton, forward this to Crime stoppers.
crime stoppers

peeps trippin

Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

im surprised soulja boy is wasting his time going back and forth with her

i'm not....dude was basically born on the internet
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by blkflipkid

twitter is confusing to me.

I feel that. I made one for 2 hours. Twitted myself, and i erased it for life.

Twitter, facebook, myspace.....lame.
thank you, i thought i was the only one
LOL, I had no idea this thread would still be going up to now. Mami is talking type reckless and doesn't care if she gets her feelings hurt or not.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

bk girls ain't $@!% btw

and i fail to see how shorty is funny.. but igh

She isn't funny at all. Being mad vulgar for attention, especially for attention online is not a good look.Pathetic.
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