Sooo ... how was everyone's New Year's Eve?

Nov 28, 2007
Mine was straight. No (()) to go home with though.

Let us hope this isn't a sign for 2009. Focused this year from here on out .. no drugs or alcohol to keep the signal clear.
Mine was fun, but we left quickly..Some drunk individual fell over and DOA'd( nasty scene). He fell from the second floor of a building to the first...Myfriends wife was freaked and we just left..

EPIC mom told me about my cousin who knocked up his gf and had a child, and about an employee of hers that got knocked up. Now she thinks thati'm next in line to smash and end up having a child, so she told me to stay home this new years (im 19). Ended up mixing songs with my new mixer
It was pretty bad. I crashed into a guardrail due to the horrible roads. My whole passenger side quarter panel is messed up. All I know is I crashed into theguardrail, backed up and kept driving.

The only thing that was alright was chilling with my neighbors and having a few beers and smoking with them.
Solid party with fam and friends...drunk people are beyond hilarious...i got the videos as proof.
VIP bottle service, poppin' bottles. Got a couple numbers. Pretty good. I hope 2009 will be as good to me as 2008 was
Booooring. Hienys all night, Mo-T at 12, more Hienys after....still going.
played isketch & watched the news..

i played nba live a lil earlier...
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Great. Went partying at the radio metroplex, and met mad skeezers with spandex leggings.
Trill, mad random I know but do you go to a small Catholic university in Memphis? If so I think I've seen you at one of their SAE parties atthe beginning of the semester. They rented out some bar near midtown.
Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Great. Went partying at the radio metroplex, and met mad skeezers with spandex leggings.
Trill, mad random I know but do you go to a small Catholic university in Memphis? If so I think I've seen you at one of their SAE parties at the beginning of the semester. They rented out some bar near midtown.
yeah, Christian Brothers University.

If I can remember correctly, we had two parties at the same bar for like two weeks. One was for Fall Fling, and the other was for our annual Margaritavilleparty.
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Great. Went partying at the radio metroplex, and met mad skeezers with spandex leggings.
Trill, mad random I know but do you go to a small Catholic university in Memphis? If so I think I've seen you at one of their SAE parties at the beginning of the semester. They rented out some bar near midtown.
yeah, Christian Brothers University.

If I can remember correctly, we had two parties at the same bar for like two weeks. One was for Fall Fling, and the other was for our annual Margaritaville party.
It had to have been fall because it was like 2 weeks after I got on campus at UofM. I knew like one person there and was just TRASHED the entirenight .. was definitely straight.
great, went to the club and pulled chicks. dudes was salty.
i am the official leader in 2009 drunk dials made - allllllllllready.
just got home, still kinda drunk. hangover hasnt came yet.

EDIT: hangover is here FTL...
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