Sonics' Defense on Michael Jordan (1996 NBA Finals)

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

I'm giving this thread another 30 posts max before it goes into full MJ vs Kobe mode.

called it
I watched this vid a few days ago and now whenever I watch a game on TV I can not believe how soft a lot of the fouls are nowadays compared to then. Especially in that Pistons vid.

I find myself constantly comparing the calls nowadays to the vids in this thread.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Kobe would retire if he had to face the same kind of defenses MJ did. He couldn't take it.
and this is why MJ fans are some of the most simple minded fans there are

Kobe is one tough mother @%. He grew up watching 80s basketball . He would have adapted to the 90s basketball plus he got the range to shoot over his defender

He would have retired ?
Seriously ? Another

What MJ fans don't realize is MJ played in an era of mediocre athletes and undersized perimeter player. GP probably was the best defender in term of moving laterally quick enough to keep up with Mj but he's still physically at a disadvantage compare to MJ in the low post

Mj had advantage 9 out of 10 times. 3 second violation don't mean crap.

Yup, MJ is the god but he was very much ahead of his time in terms of athletic guards. The league has since grown into the land of 6'4 + athletic guards who can do it all.
Mj said his toughest defenders were dumars and dennis johnson, two guys who while tuff and crafty were undersized and lacked athleticism. His last shot was against byron russel, so many of todays guards would absolutely fry him. Not attempting to discredit MJ but for all this defensive era stuff i hear , it dam sure wasnt the guards locking people up. 
Originally Posted by truthteller

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Kobe would retire if he had to face the same kind of defenses MJ did. He couldn't take it.
and this is why MJ fans are some of the most simple minded fans there are

Kobe is one tough mother @%. He grew up watching 80s basketball . He would have adapted to the 90s basketball plus he got the range to shoot over his defender

He would have retired ?
Seriously ? Another

What MJ fans don't realize is MJ played in an era of mediocre athletes and undersized perimeter player. GP probably was the best defender in term of moving laterally quick enough to keep up with Mj but he's still physically at a disadvantage compare to MJ in the low post

Mj had advantage 9 out of 10 times. 3 second violation don't mean crap.

Yup, MJ is the god but he was very much ahead of his time in terms of athletic guards. The league has since grown into the land of 6'4 + athletic guards who can do it all.
Mj said his toughest defenders were dumars and dennis johnson, two guys who while tuff and crafty were undersized and lacked athleticism. His last shot was against byron russel, so many of todays guards would absolutely fry him. Not attempting to discredit MJ but for all this defensive era stuff i hear , it dam sure wasnt the guards locking people up. 

wizard jordan cooked a little bit in this era.
A few weeks ago my girl and I were making breakfast with NBA TV on in the background, and they ran Game 2 of the 96 finals. We stopped so I could point out two things to her:
-the shoes on MJ's feet
-Glove's steal -> dunk -> stare

90's basketball man.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by scoop99

Originally Posted by KenJi714

MJ attempted 860 Freethrows back in 87.  Kobe, Lebron, Wade, Ai never attempted that many in One Season. Please read my original post. And these dudes play in less physical era

Although your comments are correct, Jordan in the 1980's drove to the basket relentlessly thus giving him more calls than Kobe, Lebron and Wade. Plus back then, teams will try to foul him so they would put him on the foul line through intimidation. Plus many of the fouls back then would be flagrants and some would be suspensions. I think if Jordan was playing today (1985-1993), he would be living at the line.
Fouling hard does not mean anything. As matter of fact most of the hard foul back then were overrated. This isn't football. You think 6'6 MJ would get intimidated ? There is no intimidation for player like jordan, kobe, lebron , wade etc.  My point is Jordan convert fouls aka from physical defense into freethrow which end up killing the opponent anyway. Fouling IS NOT consider as stopping. MJ is a 80%+ freethrow shooter. Kobe, Wade, Lebron etc aka today superstar perimeter players would have adapted to the defense that MJ faced . They would have gone to the line as much as MJ. So all these MJ homers saying that today superstar would have retired had they play in MJ era etc are idiots
Fouling hard does not mean anything??? Please. Of course fouling is not considered stopping. Plus when they played back then, the hand check rule was still in effect and he still went to the line as many times as he did. Teams like the the Bad Boy Pistons and the Knicks of the 1990's played that way. Even when the Lakers and the Celtics played like that during the battle of the 1980's. Today fouling hard would not matter as much because the league has that under control. No matter how you would put it, like I mentioned in my previous post, Jordan will be living on the line today more so than Kobe, Lebron, Wade because he drove MORE. To my knowledge of watching the NBA for many years, Kobe has not really dominated superior defensive teams like (Detroit in 2004 finals and Boston Celtics in the 2008 Finals and 2011 Finals... I can keep going, but you get the idea). Plus Kobe usually dominated the bottom 10 defensive teams in the league every year. Please don't bring the 81 points, 62 in 3 quarters against Dallas who had no defense at that time or even 61 at the Garden). While Jordan dominated for the most part. Although Detroit eliminated them for 3 straight years, Jordan still put up numbers in those series. Jordan also owns the Knicks and many others. Check the stats. This is coming from a person who saw most of Jordan's career (I was 4 years old when he was drafted in 1984) and Kobe's entire career. So please don't act like you do not know that the new rules cater to perimeter players.
Originally Posted by truthteller

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by JordanXI45

Kobe would retire if he had to face the same kind of defenses MJ did. He couldn't take it.
and this is why MJ fans are some of the most simple minded fans there are

Kobe is one tough mother @%. He grew up watching 80s basketball . He would have adapted to the 90s basketball plus he got the range to shoot over his defender

He would have retired ?
Seriously ? Another

What MJ fans don't realize is MJ played in an era of mediocre athletes and undersized perimeter player. GP probably was the best defender in term of moving laterally quick enough to keep up with Mj but he's still physically at a disadvantage compare to MJ in the low post

Mj had advantage 9 out of 10 times. 3 second violation don't mean crap.

Yup, MJ is the god but he was very much ahead of his time in terms of athletic guards. The league has since grown into the land of 6'4 + athletic guards who can do it all.
Mj said his toughest defenders were dumars and dennis johnson, two guys who while tuff and crafty were undersized and lacked athleticism. His last shot was against byron russel, so many of todays guards would absolutely fry him. Not attempting to discredit MJ but for all this defensive era stuff i hear , it dam sure wasnt the guards locking people up. 
By having great athleticism does not equate to great defenders. It helps but you need heart, discipline and anticipation to be a great defender. Many of these great athletes do not have it. An example from this era who was not considered athletic is Bruce Bowen who was the best perimeter defender for almost a decade.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Did this really turn into a Kobe vs. MJ thread.

Of course. It's gotten to that point any time you bring up MJ.
Originally Posted by DTruth07

I would like to see how Jordan would've done against a zone defense

MJ against zone
the background audio is hilarious. kobe fan commentary being overlayed on an MJ video made him looked stupid. 
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Did this really turn into a Kobe vs. MJ thread.

yes it did due to the Jordan Stans,   the 96 Finals had nothing to do with Kobe, Lebron, or anyone else that didn't play on the 96 Bulls or Sonics yet they felt the need to bring those guys into the conversation for whatever reason.

last i recall  Player A vs Player B posts aren't allowed on niketalk so the mods should just clean the clutter out of the thread and delete all the posts from the Jordan, Kobe, and Lebron stans and ban some of them for the sake of purifying the sports and training section.
Originally Posted by SMASH ADAMS

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

People acting like Jordan didn't get protected with calls that all superstars get? Nostalgia gets the best of yall sometimes...

This. Y'all are watching a highlight tape for gods sake.tony allen would have had Jordan's cookies
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

People acting like Jordan didn't get protected with calls that all superstars get? Nostalgia gets the best of yall sometimes...

Oh... Really?� Because these are just regular fouls... Show me where they were protecting him...
Cause one series is his whole career? Ok...
During the second title run Jordan was the benefactor of many calls, not saying it takes away from him in the slightest, just more getting at the�fact�that everybody likes to remember the previous era in a more positive light. �Like we're sweating over the D deservedly, but its the NBA finals...The defense always gets ramped up to another level and the whistles get swallowed at this time (unless your the {}).

Shows how much u know about that era..... series with the pistons weren't just only one....try try again
Originally Posted by Janitor

A few weeks ago my girl and I were making breakfast with NBA TV on in the background, and they ran Game 2 of the 96 finals. We stopped so I could point out two things to her:
-the shoes on MJ's feet
-Glove's steal -> dunk -> stare

90's basketball man.
Nowadays he would get a technical for staring
look at MJ and now look at this guy... supposedly one of the biggest elite stars of today. 
Originally Posted by mikedamz

look at MJ and now look at this guy... supposedly one of the biggest elite stars of today.�


Jesus Christ... the dude is a %#%@

My dude acted like he got ran over by a truck when Tyson hit him! I guess now he knows how Lucas feels.

But Lucas got back up and wanted to fight... LeBron got up and ran around the arena like a chicken with it's head cut off.
LBJ is not a good actor! i can't remember the last time i saw MJ flop like that. seriously...
This guy Lebron does the "head snap" for any contact made on the court....and the refs buy it.

Its just the state of the league today, the refs will by anything and its a league wide issue.
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