Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I find female MMA fighters a tad disturbing. Generally, I find MMA the way it's broadcast and exploited a bit disturbing, but with women it's like, man why are you so primal?
According to the Mail Online, a Chinese man went to his doctor complaining of stomach pains and itchy skin.

What he learned likely left him horrified.

Scans revealed that after eating too much sashimi, a delicacy containing raw fish, his body had become infested with worms, the Mail Online reported.

A picture posted online appeared to show the worms throughout his body.

The man was treated at a hospital in eastern China, according to the Mail Online. Doctors believe the sushi he consumed was contaminated.
Is anyone shocked by anything that happens. The more i look up or learn about random events and i look and think about interactions with people i've had or seeing others have and also stories i've heard or read about, it seems that every possible thing that can happen has already happend and it just continues to happen either on a micro or macro scale. At every moment every possible interaction a person or animal can have with either themselves or another person or animal is happening non stop. The only difference coming when that interaction increases in scale to include more people. Besides actual events that have yet to take place nothing new is happening that hasn't before whether positively or negativity. The only things here on out are variations of past events with different variables be it people or things and they result in different things. Also isnt it crazy that no one but yourself can have your experience of life and that experience lives and dies with only you.

thank you for sharing.

Alan Watts with the beautiful articulation.

learning things I already knew.

the words spoken in this video clip are worth more than anything within this world once you understand them.
United Arab Emriates' first female air force pilot took part in airstrikes against Islamic State group this week

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A senior United Arab Emirates diplomat says the Gulf federation's first female air force pilot helped carry out airstrikes against Islamic State militants earlier this week.

The Emirati embassy in Washington said on its official Twitter feed on Thursday that Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba confirmed the F-16 pilot's role.

Rumors had swirled on social media that Maj. Mariam al-Mansouri was involved in the airstrikes, but Emirati officials had not previously confirmed that was the case.

The government-owned newspaper The National reported in a June profile that al-Mansouri was born in Abu Dhabi and graduated from Khalifa bin Zayed Air College in 2007.

The Gulf federation is one of five Arab countries that have joined the U.S.-led coalition carrying out the airstrikes in Syria.
Iraq PM: Plot for an imminent attack on New York, Paris subways uncovered: 

NEW YORK (AP) — Iraq’s prime minister says his country’s intelligence operation has uncovered a plot for an imminent attack on subway systems in United States and Paris.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said he was told of the plot by Baghdad on Thursday, and that it was the work of foreign fighters of the Islamic State group in Iraq. Asked if the attack was imminent, he said, “Yes.”

Asked if the attacked had been thwarted, he said, “No.” Al-Abadi said the United States had been alerted.

He made the remarks at a meeting with journalists on the sidelines of a gathering of world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly
Just got back from a Bachelor Party in San Diego. Not your typical bachelor party, as all parties involved are "on the path less traveled", you could say. Anyways, as soon as we landed in SD we went straight to a Float Lab. This was my first experience with a sensory deprivation tank and I can firmly say that a float tank is something that I am going to save my money to purchase and have in my house. Amazing experience. Such an intimate and easier way to meditate and truly go within.

The best part however was my interactions with the owner of the float lab. Through knowledge that I've acquired and mind blowing experiences that I've been involved in, I KNOW that energy and the "oneness" can be felt between beings both disconnected and connected with their inner G. From the jump this guy pretty much skipped all the nonsense with me because he said that I already "knew", stroking my eGo if you will lol. But afterwards my friends and I ended up sitting down with the guy and getting lost in a 2 hour conversation that lead to him being the first guest on my podcast.

I know I've talked about doing it to you guys before, but I've done a few trial episodes already and now I'm going to get this guy booked to be my first guest. I promise it will be an amazing journey into spirituality and who knows where else it will go. Can't wait to share it with everyone.

Anyone ever try a float tank before?
Just got back from a Bachelor Party in San Diego. Not your typical bachelor party, as all parties involved are "on the path less traveled", you could say. Anyways, as soon as we landed in SD we went straight to a Float Lab. This was my first experience with a sensory deprivation tank and I can firmly say that a float tank is something that I am going to save my money to purchase and have in my house. Amazing experience. Such an intimate and easier way to meditate and truly go within.

The best part however was my interactions with the owner of the float lab. Through knowledge that I've acquired and mind blowing experiences that I've been involved in, I KNOW that energy and the "oneness" can be felt between beings both disconnected and connected with their inner G. From the jump this guy pretty much skipped all the nonsense with me because he said that I already "knew", stroking my eGo if you will lol. But afterwards my friends and I ended up sitting down with the guy and getting lost in a 2 hour conversation that lead to him being the first guest on my podcast.

I know I've talked about doing it to you guys before, but I've done a few trial episodes already and now I'm going to get this guy booked to be my first guest. I promise it will be an amazing journey into spirituality and who knows where else it will go. Can't wait to share it with everyone.

Anyone ever try a float tank before?


I haven't but have been wanting to and just found this spot the Lucid Dreams Denver Flotation Center, here in Denver. sounds like you had an awesome experience. Cant wait to get in there myself. Hallywoodxo was able to procure that Spirit Molecule for me too, so these are both in the near future. :nerd:

can't wait for the podcast. sounds like a perfect first guest, brotha.
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That was a crazy movie. Based on the cover I thought it was gonna go a different direction. Still worth the watch
-SILVER SPRING, Md. (AP) - Parents of football players at a Montgomery County school are furious after the boys suffered first- and second-degree burns from a powerful cleaning agent.

A Springbrook High student who suffered chemical burns from football equipment. (WJLA photo)
Springbrook High School Principal Sam Rivera says 15 players reported getting burns or rashes during practice Sept. 16. One student was hospitalized three days when his burns became infected.

When coaches suspected one of their players had a staph infection at the Silver Spring school, a trainer ordered the locker room to be sprayed with a cleaning agent meant only for floors and walls.

The chemical also was used on football pads and helmets that the players wore during practice, causing the burns. Though several players complained of feeling a burning sensation during practice, it lasted the full three hours.
-Restaurant owner admits serving opium-laced noodles to hook customers

(FOX News) - A Chinese restaurant owner has been arrested after allegedly lacing dishes with opium in an effort to keep customers coming back, BBC News reported.

The owner of the Yan'an noodle shop, known only as Zhang, admitted he bought 4.4 pounds of poppy buds in August. The buds contain the opium poppy seeds, from which the addictive narcotic opium is made.

Zhang allegedly crushed the buds into powder form and mixed them into menu items.

Police discovered the secret ingredient after one of Zhang's customers, Liu Juyou, 26, tested positive for drugs during a routine traffic stop.

Cops held Juyou for 15 days until he sent relatives to the restaurant to eat the noodles in question. After the family members tested positive for drugs, police launched an investigation.

Zhang was arrested and detained for 10 days.

An anti-narcotics police agent told BBC News that chemicals from poppy can build up in the body and create a positive result on an opiate drug test. Ingesting the food over a long period of time can even have an addictive effect.

Unprocessed poppy seeds used to be a popular ingredient in Chinese fare, but their use has since been banned, according to the BBC.


Three retired firefighters who worked at ground zero died on the same day from cancer, an illness that many fear might be connected to toxic World Trade Center dust released on Sept. 11, fire officials said Thursday.
Making Sense of Time
 A question I often ask people is: have you ever experienced a yesterday or a tomorrow? You can remember yesterdays, you can imagine tomorrows, but they are only ideas. In your experience, no such thing has ever happened. Your experience of life has always been right here and now. Your experience of life is happening in this very moment. So time is a human idea. There is no such thing in this existence.
Time and space are essential dimensions for physical creation. But if you touch a dimension beyond the physical, there is no such thing as here and there, now and then. Everything is here. Everything is now.

Once you aspire to be spiritual, it means you aspire to go beyond the limitations of the physical. In this pursuit, the biggest barrier is your resistance to death. This makes you cling hard to the physical which renders your efforts to transcend its limitations futile. It’s like putting your anchor down and rowing your boat. It will be just an enormous waste of energy and life. But once you go beyond the physical, you find time and space are merely creations of your conscious mind.

Physicists today are saying that a whole process of creation and destruction is going on in what is known as the vacuum states. In this culture, we have always talked of time in terms of time cycles. Modern physicists have been talking so far about an ever-expanding universe. But now they’re also saying for the first time that just as there was a big bang, it is possible that some day there will be a big crunch. This means that as this universe expands from something infinitely small into something infinitely large, a reverse process can happen and bring everything into the here and now.

This is something mystics have always known within themselves, experientially. When we talk nirvana, moksha, shoonya, this is exactly what we are saying: this universe came from nothing and if you take it through the full cycle then it will once again become absolute nothingness.

Because I am not a slave of human ideas, I have never been a slave of time. Only when your experience of right now is not enough, you want to go elsewhere. If this moment is big enough, where would you want to go? You’d find there is no such thing as time; there is only eternity. And yet, I am always on time, and our programs at Isha are always punctual! I see punctuality not as discipline or time management, but as a matter of simple decency. Because our lives are valuable, no one has a right to expend someone else’s life. So being on time at any cost is very important to me, sometimes at the risk of my life. I am very conscious of time when my eyes are open, but the moment I close my eyes, I’m completely timeless.

So where are we all going? If you have not gone to enough places, going somewhere is very exciting. Most people spend their lives trying to become like someone else. The constant comparing and aspiring to be someone different, the need to be one up on somebody, just wastes the fundamental possibility in a human being. This is why we talk of liberation. If you have not been around enough, being is exciting. But if you remember the antiquity your being carries within itself, then the only thing that is truly attractive for you is non-being. When you are not bound by the physical, when you simply disappear into space and time, you transcend their limitations. Then where do you go? When all going stops, that’s the endgame. You don’t go anywhere. That is ultimate liberation.
I think what ben ment by the post is that pretty much all big media is just bs, so don't waste your time. Its pretty about spreading an agenda, fear and making money off advertisement's. Focus and concentrate your energy on other better alternatives. Falling into the whole illuminati hoopla leads no where productive and end your dealing with alot of hearsay or also others trying to push some kind of agenda. Its just another medium to scare people and keep them from doing great stuff. Of course you can post as you please.
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Just got back from a Bachelor Party in San Diego. Not your typical bachelor party, as all parties involved are "on the path less traveled", you could say. Anyways, as soon as we landed in SD we went straight to a Float Lab. This was my first experience with a sensory deprivation tank and I can firmly say that a float tank is something that I am going to save my money to purchase and have in my house. Amazing experience. Such an intimate and easier way to meditate and truly go within.

The best part however was my interactions with the owner of the float lab. Through knowledge that I've acquired and mind blowing experiences that I've been involved in, I KNOW that energy and the "oneness" can be felt between beings both disconnected and connected with their inner G. From the jump this guy pretty much skipped all the nonsense with me because he said that I already "knew", stroking my eGo if you will lol. But afterwards my friends and I ended up sitting down with the guy and getting lost in a 2 hour conversation that lead to him being the first guest on my podcast.

I know I've talked about doing it to you guys before, but I've done a few trial episodes already and now I'm going to get this guy booked to be my first guest. I promise it will be an amazing journey into spirituality and who knows where else it will go. Can't wait to share it with everyone.

Anyone ever try a float tank before?

I know you said your no longer a fan of Rogan, but Crash if that's what he commonly goes by was great on two episodes he did with rogan. So im looking forward to your podcast.

Since watching that video on the page prior, about the theory of our true history, I've felt....more level. Little hard to articulate, but since watching it, things make more sense and I find myself closer and closer to love. I've been more aware of myself and I find myself struggling less. I just need to take this final step in my trading career to just trust myself, my intuition and what I've learned and hopefully that step gets taken today. I'm also working on being more patient with others and to always respond to people in calm and collected manner.

I used to have this big problem with fear. In a lot of different aspects of my life. And got illuminated like crazy when I started trading full time and fear overran logic and clouded intuition, but I'm moving past it and have realized that there's nothing to be afraid. Life is love.

Been meditating a little bit each day again. Have found that helpful and a good tool to prepare for the trading day, as well as staying positive and loving in general.
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