Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Wondering if whites were "created" or if blacks built the pyramids is irrelevant.

Racism isn't in the laws of nature. Mans ego created this. I know culture makes it easy to fall in their divide and conquer tactics but as the great. Terrence McKenna said "Culture is not your friend".

Hollow Earth, 9/11, Annunaki, Illuminati, etc. etc. although interesting and fun to research and discover, they are all distractions from the absolute truths of our planet. Only reason these things are interesting is because they should be our common knowledge of history but hey suppressed the information for one reason and one reason only.....
Anyone ever heard of the council of nine?

Highly evolved beings who control the earth.


God, trilateral commission, bilderberg group, illuminati, knights Templar, even just the government, only control the manipulation and distribution of information to keep you enslaved COLLECTIVELY.

The SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL is God. Everyone in this thread is god, just unrealized. They make you give your power to someone else, like a government or priest and obviously the "man upstairs" himself. But you hold the power yourself. All it takes to realize that is to enlighten yourself. Then once you find the absolute truth in all things (I know you can argue that compassion, empathy, sovereignty etc. aren't absolute truths because they are just expressions of humans consciousness but never the less consciousness is here and evolution is apart of absolute truth so it must be so) now youll have decisions to make. Yes, ignorance is bliss but my friends that phrase was coined by the ignorant. The absolute truth is as blissful as it gets. Reconnecting to nature is bliss in its purest form because it comes from and leads to love. That's that **** they don't want lol.
[COLOR=#red]A lot of us in this particular thread are ahead of the the curve, with that being said, when these dudes decide to do their next False Flag and a thread pops up here on NT, we'll know who the culprits are behind the attack... Gun confiscation, Financial collapse, cyber attacks, capital control, Martial Law etc.. all in the works.. Keep yall eyes open!

Anyway, I suggest subscribing to this dudes channel, been listening to him for about 4 or 5 months now.. just sharing [/COLOR]

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Wondering if whites were "created" or if blacks built the pyramids is irrelevant.

Racism isn't in the laws of nature. Mans ego created this. I know culture makes it easy to fall in their divide and conquer tactics but as the great. Terrence McKenna said "Culture is not your friend".

Hollow Earth, 9/11, Annunaki, Illuminati, etc. etc. although interesting and fun to research and discover, they are all distractions from the absolute truths of our planet. Only reason these things are interesting is because they should be our common knowledge of history but hey suppressed the information for one reason and one reason only.....
QFT for mother effing truth man. A lot of people who get into this stuff, are serving their ego at times, myself included just to seem deep.

There's probably very few who implement this stuff in their daily lives. 

I've always felt conspiracies were specifically "smoked" out the public to keep people focused on the external , and at no point do we ever consider the universe with in us
Do white people come from reptilian and/or Nordic cross breeding? I went to the beach and built a fire then took about 3/4 ayahuasca dose the other night. As I closed my eyes I saw geometric shapes (flower or life, circle of life, pentagons) and a snake that kind of looked like that purple snake from pokemon. My memory is cloudy besides those few things

:lol: I laugh at stuff like this honestly. "White" people are not some cross breed :smh:.. regular human beings but the "elite" of caucasians are prone to war and destruction (check the track record) ..

From a biblical perspective, they are the Edomites, "red" people.. seeing as how none of them are really "white," their blood shows forth through their skin (Genesis 25:25), the bible says they would represent themselves by the EAGLE (Obadiah 1:4) have a chance to rule the Earth and their blessing was to rule with the SWORD (Genesis 27:39-40...once again, check the track record.. nobody can take them down) & well, they've been ruling since Alexander the Greek up until now..

all of the chaos thats about to happen in this earth is because the (elites) are trying to hold on to that rulership, but their time is up... This to me (the biblical perspective) is waaayyy more plausible then some repitlian, half breed nonsense. The "elites" have gone on a media blitz for God knows how long to push everyone away from the bible because they're written in there.. those of you who gravitate towards the bible, peep this:

[COLOR=#red]Just sharing :pimp: [/COLOR]
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Interesting.....the third video talks about light being a solid, the inhale and exhale phase of platonic solids, and the interconnectedness of everything.

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book recommendations?

any and all subjects welcome, as many as you can name.

Behold a pale horse
Chariots of the gods
Disclosure: military and government witnesdes reveal the greatest secrets in modern history
A.D - After disclosure
Forbidden archaeology
Hidden truth, forbidden knowledge
The biggest secret: the book that will change the world
QFT for mother effing truth man. A lot of people who get into this stuff, are serving their ego at times, myself included just to seem deep.

There's probably very few who implement this stuff in their daily lives. 

I've always felt conspiracies were specifically "smoked" out the public to keep people focused on the external , and at no point do we ever consider the universe with in us

The end of the Baghavad Gita it simply says "I remember".

I don't believe there is such thing as obtaining Enlightenment, I think enlightenment is just all the lessons you learn on the path to achieving it. Which ultimately could be just living with absolute complete compassion for humanity, Mother Earth and self. Most revelations when realized have always seemed like "oh, duh!" Moments that it does almost make you think to yourself like it was something you've always know inside of you and haven't remembered since childhood. Our ability to be in the moment, have compassion and empathy for every living being, our natural beautiful ignorance to race or ethnic background where all you know is your friends are boys and girls not black brown or white, and our connection to earth. These are all traits of children. I remember it being that way and I still see it in children today, everyone can see it. At least this has all been so for me in my journey.

To talk about the path and to live it are two different things. So I agree there isn't enough people who "know" that implement it. But, if they aren't implementing it, then do they truly "know"? I don't think so. The truth lights a fire that burns for an eternity. Eating away at you every day you don't do your part. "Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act" - Einstein.

However, it mustn't bother us. Be the change you wish to see and let everything else that you can't control just be. It'll kill you if you don't. Nomsayin brahs.
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Wondering if whites were "created" or if blacks built the pyramids is irrelevant.

Racism isn't in the laws of nature. Mans ego created this. I know culture makes it easy to fall in their divide and conquer tactics but as the great. Terrence McKenna said "Culture is not your friend".

Hollow Earth, 9/11, Annunaki, Illuminati, etc. etc. although interesting and fun to research and discover, they are all distractions from the absolute truths of our planet. Only reason these things are interesting is because they should be our common knowledge of history but hey suppressed the information for one reason and one reason only.....

Just curious to hear your opinion, what do you believe these truths really are? How are you implimenting being closer to the earth and being on the path of knowing the truth?
ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger

The end of the Baghavad Gita it simply says "I remember".

That part right there almost makes me tear up. I feel like a lot of things in this world have happened because of that. Men knowing that most people won't remember, and using it as positioning to create financial gains, religion etc.
Then the benevolent ones who do remember are put in awkward positions cause most people are too lazy to put it in the work to do it themselves. They'd rather have Jesus die for them, the pope herd them etc.

It's difficult for me to have the "I remember" conversation with a lot of people because the answers you give them, are answers we already have. For example, "treat others as thyself" "love is the only thing that MATTERS"
So when that's not sufficient, they wanna know how you got there and how did you remember?
When most people are asking that question, they aren't really trying to remember, they're looking for a way to point out that's impossible for you to remember through that process. Not because of their own doing do they wanna shoot you down, but through programming of disbelief and negativity, it's hard for us to belive that it's really that simple to turn things around and fix it.

I can ramble on, but through knowledge of self I know "remembering" is obtainable for all of us.
book recommendations?

any and all subjects welcome, as many as you can name.

i always recommend these:


morning of the magicians will blow your mind - lot of stuff on hollow earth - its one of those secret gems

the real jewel tho:

Flying Saucers: Top Secret by Donald Keyhoe


If you're unfamiliar with Keyhoe - shame shame - he might be the godfather of modern ufology....I have so much respect for him...was put on to ufos through this book really gives the best behind-the-scene look at our governments reaction to ufo cases...and sheds light on things in a way books no long do imo

Flying Saucers: Top Secret by Donald Keyhoe should be mandatory reading for everyone in this thread imo slackin brah
ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger

I can ramble on, but through knowledge of self I know "remembering" is obtainable for all of us.

sometimes I feel like this "remembering" or this absolute "truth" is programming. At the very least, in the world we live in, programming would greatly affect our understanding or conceptualization of such a truth. In other words, how can I trust what is in me, or what appears to be in me when im a product of my environment? Its like the revolution or prophecy in the matrix, it was all put there by the matrix for the purposes of guiding or controlling opposition.
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