Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I try to go on disclosetv and it won't let me. Can anyone try and see if they can get in.
Anyone know anything/have links about the lost two tribes of Israel? I searched and got some stuff for the lost ten tribes but supposedly there were 12. I am looking for the other two. I had a nice conversation with my barber about how he thinks they are the Celts and Anglo-Saxons. He was saying that people with English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh DNA are the bloodlines of these two lost tribes and many of these people emigrated to the US.

This is the case with my ancestors. I am on the search to find out about my bloodline. I want to know where I came from. I am mostly Irish and German. Richard Dawkins says, scientifically speaking, that we are all ancestors of Africans, which I think is very possible and likely. That would mean these ancestors of mine eventually moved from Africa into the Middle East then Europe then finally the US. Where did they come from before Africa? I am going to do some more research and get some circa dates to connect the dots as best I can
I've got a question. Before I ask I wanna preface it with I'm half black/ half white, and no prejudice in my heart.

Do you guys think it's possible that white people really are a "grafted" man and weren't included in the original design for "hue-mans"

There's some ancient texts that say the same in addition to the yakub story from Islam.

Here's why I think it may be true.

Everyone says that white started off as a mutation, which if is the case the theory falls apart because mutations are rare occurrences and a race of people wouldn't spawn from this.

Then they say they were Africans who were isolated during the ice age. I have hard time believing this as well because if these people built the pyramids I don't think they're getting trapped by ice. Furthermore, there are Eskimos who have for generations been in Alaska and are as dark as the people in Africa.

There's all the science to tell you what the original man is, but there's just theories about the in between and where white people come from.

I do believe the elite know this truth, and have chose not reveal because of the white superiority complex in America would turn over on its head and die.

Furthermore, it's difficult discussion to have because people have an attachment to the physical body as if it's something to covet.

From an objective standpoint I don't see it being any different then a lot of the modified food and stuff we eat.

""The ancient Egyptians worried about an immigrant-tribe of blue-eyed people among them that seemed to have a proclivity for trouble-making. They had red or blonde hair and blue eyes and lived at the edge of the desert. The Egyptians called them Tamahu—the created ones—a clear allusion to their unusual origins."
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Same. something I've been thinking is that adam and eve is a story of how white people were created. The snake in the garden that tempts eve is the kundalini energy. When she eats from the tree and has knowledge of self, the reason she recognizes she is naked is because she has no melanin. 
For some reason I feel like white skin existed before Yakub if he lived 6-7000 years ago. I understand there is a possibility these thoughts come from some type of programming from the elite. There was a book written in German mentioned in the hollow earth documentary that supposedly linked everything together. I was unable to find any info on it. Here is screenshot
For some reason I feel like white skin existed before Yakub if he lived 6-7000 years ago. I understand there is a possibility these thoughts come from some type of programming from the elite. There was a book written in German mentioned in the hollow earth documentary that supposedly linked everything together. I was unable to find any info on it. Here is screenshot
what was it that it linked together exactly
Supposedly connects the civilizations of the Indian people to the Atlanteans to the giant Blondes (Nordics?) to the Europeans

About 20 min mark he talks about

Edit: found this interesting
"By mixing the three primary colors of red, blue, and yellow together, the color black is produced. Black is the color from which all other colors are produced and is dominant. White, on the other hand, is the color of maximal lightness from which no other colors can be produced and is recessive. Just because white reflects all colors does not mean it is possible to get all colors from white. A little every day thing like the exalted Sir Isaac Newton's so called discovery of the color spectrum shows more validity as it points to an African origin than the many years of research and long drawn out scientific theories to disparage and dismiss Black culture and history."
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I've got a question. Before I ask I wanna preface it with I'm half black/ half white, and no prejudice in my heart.

Do you guys think it's possible that white people really are a "grafted" man and weren't included in the original design for "hue-mans"

i think i understand but please explain...
grafted from what by whom for what & when?
also - explain the original design: what is original design & why are whites not part of it?


PS - one thing i disagree with is an interpretation of eve's epiphany involving skin color...i believe it to be other knowledge
i think i understand but please explain...
grafted from what by whom for what & when?
also - explain the original design: what is original design & why are whites not part of it?


PS - one thing i disagree with is an interpretation of eve's epiphany involving skin color...i believe it to be other knowledge

Curious as to what your interpretation of the eve things was. I'm not sold on any one idea.

Here's a quote from that link. Hope it gets at what you're asking.

It is Mr. Muhammad who, in the face of much mockery and ridicule, taught that the white man first appeared 6,000 years ago on the Island of Patmos (or Pelan), in the Aegean Sea, where they had been “made” by a 600-year process of selective breeding called “grafting.” Under the command of a Black scientist named Yakub, the 59,999 Blacks who came with Yakub to the island were placed under a system of mating that was based on skin color, in which only lighter-complexioned babies were allowed to survive. Over the course of many generations the population of Patmos began to grow lighter and lighter until, after 600 years, the people became very pale with blue eyes and blonde hair. From this island-based tribe of white-skinned albinos came a behaviorally aggressive race of rulers—namely, the Caucasians—who then spread into every corner of the world and who now represent 9 percent of the world population (1 in every 11 human beings).
Pretty much. I think they're may have been a higher science to it, but from a principle standpoint that's it.

There's other theories, out there that says it happened because the original people started mating with cave men. There's also theories that suggest that the a melting pot of animal DNA was manipulated to the point a man could be produced.

I wish there was more info out there, but everything is hate driven so it's hard to find information that's objective.

One thing I saw a while back, that always stuck with me is a highly respected anthropologist said as a white man, knowing his history and origins he contemplated suicide.

Wish I could remember where I read it.
Pretty much. I think they're may have been a higher science to it, but from a principle standpoint that's it.

There's other theories, out there that says it happened because the original people started mating with cave men. There's also theories that suggest that the a melting pot of animal DNA was manipulated to the point a man could be produced.

I wish there was more info out there, but everything is hate driven so it's hard to find information that's objective.

One thing I saw a while back, that always stuck with me is a highly respected anthropologist said as a white man, knowing his history and origins he contemplated suicide.

Wish I could remember where I read it.
what history is that exactly??? :nerd:
please explain i pop back in and out and never ever fully read through this thread only like a page or 2
Am I the only one that called themselves in a lucid and nothing happened?
I swear that in my dream I woke up and I seen everything first person, I went to charge my phone because in my subconscious I knew my battery was low before I went to sleep...then when I woke up to this reality my phone was not charged.
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