Socially awkward moments. Volume 3 * *Pictures full of Lulz Page 7**

Telling a really long story to a bunch of people that you think is funny/entertaining, only for them to have no reaction when you're done. Make me wanna hit em with the

Telling a really long story to a bunch of people that you think is funny/entertaining, only for them to have no reaction when you're done. Make me wanna hit em with the

Some of these got me LOL'in @ work...some moments I run into:

- Walking/Listening to your headphones and then that one banger drops; you proceed to bang out in a socially acceptable manner - but when you look around little do you know someone's right behind you being as lame as they want to be wrecking your flow.

- Seeing a bad breezie cross your path, but when you proceed to break your neck someone else is already staring in your grill...

- Being invited into convo with people who are already friends, then they proceed to talk about their own friends/associates that you dont know.

- Saying "Hey" or "wassup" to someone and they respond "Good morning/afternoon/evening!"

- Speaking on a joke you've seen but you can't remember it step by step...usually ends with "you've gotta watch it!/You had to have been there!"

- the "fist bump" some people look for after hand shakes.

- Having to repeat yourself for those who consistently respond with "huh?" and "what?"

- being approached by that person who doesn't seem to get the point. If my demeanor says "im not feelin you/it", you're human, notice and note. If I text back in short characters like 30+ mins later then maybe im doing something more important.

- Being the passenger in a wack mission.
Some of these got me LOL'in @ work...some moments I run into:

- Walking/Listening to your headphones and then that one banger drops; you proceed to bang out in a socially acceptable manner - but when you look around little do you know someone's right behind you being as lame as they want to be wrecking your flow.

- Seeing a bad breezie cross your path, but when you proceed to break your neck someone else is already staring in your grill...

- Being invited into convo with people who are already friends, then they proceed to talk about their own friends/associates that you dont know.

- Saying "Hey" or "wassup" to someone and they respond "Good morning/afternoon/evening!"

- Speaking on a joke you've seen but you can't remember it step by step...usually ends with "you've gotta watch it!/You had to have been there!"

- the "fist bump" some people look for after hand shakes.

- Having to repeat yourself for those who consistently respond with "huh?" and "what?"

- being approached by that person who doesn't seem to get the point. If my demeanor says "im not feelin you/it", you're human, notice and note. If I text back in short characters like 30+ mins later then maybe im doing something more important.

- Being the passenger in a wack mission.
I was at a party/book signing for skaters and was walking around trying to find people I recognized. I walk up to this (black) guy and said "can  you sign?" He looked at me and said "I'm not in the book." So I replied "aren't you the skater jamal". He hit me with the
and a said  "no"  and through up his hand to give me a high five as I walked away. I apologized so much. It sucks because Im black and know how it feels when people think your another black person.
even talking about it now still makes me feel embarrassed.
I was at a party/book signing for skaters and was walking around trying to find people I recognized. I walk up to this (black) guy and said "can  you sign?" He looked at me and said "I'm not in the book." So I replied "aren't you the skater jamal". He hit me with the
and a said  "no"  and through up his hand to give me a high five as I walked away. I apologized so much. It sucks because Im black and know how it feels when people think your another black person.
even talking about it now still makes me feel embarrassed.
Originally Posted by JHN2007

I was at a party/book signing for skaters and was walking around trying to find people I recognized. I walk up to this (black) guy and said "can  you sign?" He looked at me and said "I'm not in the book." So I replied "aren't you the skater jamal". He hit me with the
and a said "no" and through up his hand to give me a high five as I walked away. I apologized so much. It sucks because Im black and know how it feels when people think your another black person.
even talking about it now still makes me feel embarrassed.
did you mean this jamal?

When someone asks for directions from you and you can't give them street names or highway exit numbers
happens to me all the time.. somebody will ask for directions for a place i specifically know how to get to, and i'll be like "hell yeah, i know how to get there!".. but because i know the route by visual memory only i won't be able to give them proper directions. i can tell they're just being polite by listening to me, and that as soon as they walk away they'll find someone else for directions.
Originally Posted by JHN2007

I was at a party/book signing for skaters and was walking around trying to find people I recognized. I walk up to this (black) guy and said "can  you sign?" He looked at me and said "I'm not in the book." So I replied "aren't you the skater jamal". He hit me with the
and a said "no" and through up his hand to give me a high five as I walked away. I apologized so much. It sucks because Im black and know how it feels when people think your another black person.
even talking about it now still makes me feel embarrassed.
did you mean this jamal?

When someone asks for directions from you and you can't give them street names or highway exit numbers
happens to me all the time.. somebody will ask for directions for a place i specifically know how to get to, and i'll be like "hell yeah, i know how to get there!".. but because i know the route by visual memory only i won't be able to give them proper directions. i can tell they're just being polite by listening to me, and that as soon as they walk away they'll find someone else for directions.
Having just gotten out of some type of social situation, only to go to a mirror whether in your car or bathroom and see a big %#* booger or something on your face. Then you sit there pondering how long it was there and why nobody told you. "Man was it there when I was talking to Tamika, Damn! that's why everybody was laughing."

Anytime you go in the barber shop and they start speaking Mandarin or some other language. You know they are talking about you.

When you go in the bathroom and somebody, not you, stunk it up so you do your do and are at the sink and somebody else walks in and as soon as the smell hits them they look at you. You know it doesn't really matter but you want to be like, it wasn't me.

When you go to open the bathroom door, but somebody is in there and ends up opening the door and walking out just as you are at the door trying to come in.

When a female walks by and you're with your dudes and somebody makes a comment or looks all hard like, "damn yo, I'd beat those all day," and other dude' i like, "that's my daughter/wife/mom."

When you are holding the door open for someone a few steps behind you and then they stop to answer their phone or tie their shoe or something and you are waiting then like !@#$ it and turn around and walk off only to have them have finally resumed their approach and get hit by the door

When you are staring at some chic and somebody else is staring at you, then you finally make eye contact with them and they start shaking their head.

When you are at the light with your window down and some r'n'b on and some hood looking dudes pull up next to you and are staring a whole in the side of your head like +%* while you're sitting their head nodding like, "I can't help but waaaiitt, til you get..."

When dudes are cracking jokes on each, playing the dozens, and somebody busts one that hits a little too close to home because it's true, whether intentional or not, and a silence just breaks out while everyone is like "
that $@$+! daddy did leave him though for another family."
Having just gotten out of some type of social situation, only to go to a mirror whether in your car or bathroom and see a big %#* booger or something on your face. Then you sit there pondering how long it was there and why nobody told you. "Man was it there when I was talking to Tamika, Damn! that's why everybody was laughing."

Anytime you go in the barber shop and they start speaking Mandarin or some other language. You know they are talking about you.

When you go in the bathroom and somebody, not you, stunk it up so you do your do and are at the sink and somebody else walks in and as soon as the smell hits them they look at you. You know it doesn't really matter but you want to be like, it wasn't me.

When you go to open the bathroom door, but somebody is in there and ends up opening the door and walking out just as you are at the door trying to come in.

When a female walks by and you're with your dudes and somebody makes a comment or looks all hard like, "damn yo, I'd beat those all day," and other dude' i like, "that's my daughter/wife/mom."

When you are holding the door open for someone a few steps behind you and then they stop to answer their phone or tie their shoe or something and you are waiting then like !@#$ it and turn around and walk off only to have them have finally resumed their approach and get hit by the door

When you are staring at some chic and somebody else is staring at you, then you finally make eye contact with them and they start shaking their head.

When you are at the light with your window down and some r'n'b on and some hood looking dudes pull up next to you and are staring a whole in the side of your head like +%* while you're sitting their head nodding like, "I can't help but waaaiitt, til you get..."

When dudes are cracking jokes on each, playing the dozens, and somebody busts one that hits a little too close to home because it's true, whether intentional or not, and a silence just breaks out while everyone is like "
that $@$+! daddy did leave him though for another family."
As I walked during my university's big graduation this year, I shook hands with an administrator who was sending us off and the following conversation ensued:

Old Admin Dude: "Victor, congratulations!"

Me: Congratulations!

As I walked during my university's big graduation this year, I shook hands with an administrator who was sending us off and the following conversation ensued:

Old Admin Dude: "Victor, congratulations!"

Me: Congratulations!

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

-Cheating on a girl, her friend telling her about it, the girl dumping you, and then seeing the two of them staring you down in the cafeteria.
-Seeing the girl who you cheated with, and the two of you having mutual friends who try to introduce you to one another.
-When you're smashing, thinking no one is home, only to find out that people were chilling outside and could hear the entire time.
-When you're chilling at your house and feeling the music that you're listening to so you do a little jig or whatever, only to have your roommate/parent/friend see you from the other room and begin to do the same dance when you walk in. (Mom caught me cookin'.
-Being and RA and having your residents run into you while you're drunkenly stumbling back to your room. (Happened to me over the school year, my RA was trashed,
-Having a girl spit your semen in a friend's cereal bowl, and then telling him what happened after he's used the cereal bowl.

you purposely waited until after he used it to tell him?

Thats foul dude.

Nah, man. Not even. That dude is one of the coolest dudes I know. Story is in the spoiler.

Spoiler [+]
The guy was a relatively new friend. I had known him since the summer (thats when rugby practice started,) and we had recently started the semester. His house at the time was kind of a party house, so they'd have people over every now and then. This particular time I brought my girlfriend around, and got completely wasted because I knew she'd stop any attempts of me grabbing at other women and vice versa. Anyways, while I was trashed I talked her into going into the dude's room to give me a quick BJ. Me being wasted, I didn't give her the tap and she damn near threw up. She panicked while looking for a trash to spit in, and ended up grabbing his cereal bowl off his desk. I don't know if I saw her do it or not, I was too drunk. Then we left shortly after.

She asked me what I remembered, I told her I remember what she did, and she was like "yeah, you're a bastard. you didn't give me the tap and i spit it in a random bowl." I was like "oh crap." We had practice that day and I went up to him;

Me: "Hey man, you know that one bowl in your room?"
Him: "Yeah, that's my favorite cereal bowl. I use it every morning."
Me: "You wash it, right?" (he's a dirty guy in general.)
Him: "No, I usually just rinse out the dried milk and pour a bowl."
Me: "I don't think that was dried milk, my dude."

I thought I was actually going to get killed. I felt horrible about it, and was still apologizing like a week later. He eventually forgave me.

He still won't say "I love you" back when I say it to him, though.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by popcornplaya

-Cheating on a girl, her friend telling her about it, the girl dumping you, and then seeing the two of them staring you down in the cafeteria.
-Seeing the girl who you cheated with, and the two of you having mutual friends who try to introduce you to one another.
-When you're smashing, thinking no one is home, only to find out that people were chilling outside and could hear the entire time.
-When you're chilling at your house and feeling the music that you're listening to so you do a little jig or whatever, only to have your roommate/parent/friend see you from the other room and begin to do the same dance when you walk in. (Mom caught me cookin'.
-Being and RA and having your residents run into you while you're drunkenly stumbling back to your room. (Happened to me over the school year, my RA was trashed,
-Having a girl spit your semen in a friend's cereal bowl, and then telling him what happened after he's used the cereal bowl.

you purposely waited until after he used it to tell him?

Thats foul dude.

Nah, man. Not even. That dude is one of the coolest dudes I know. Story is in the spoiler.

Spoiler [+]
The guy was a relatively new friend. I had known him since the summer (thats when rugby practice started,) and we had recently started the semester. His house at the time was kind of a party house, so they'd have people over every now and then. This particular time I brought my girlfriend around, and got completely wasted because I knew she'd stop any attempts of me grabbing at other women and vice versa. Anyways, while I was trashed I talked her into going into the dude's room to give me a quick BJ. Me being wasted, I didn't give her the tap and she damn near threw up. She panicked while looking for a trash to spit in, and ended up grabbing his cereal bowl off his desk. I don't know if I saw her do it or not, I was too drunk. Then we left shortly after.

She asked me what I remembered, I told her I remember what she did, and she was like "yeah, you're a bastard. you didn't give me the tap and i spit it in a random bowl." I was like "oh crap." We had practice that day and I went up to him;

Me: "Hey man, you know that one bowl in your room?"
Him: "Yeah, that's my favorite cereal bowl. I use it every morning."
Me: "You wash it, right?" (he's a dirty guy in general.)
Him: "No, I usually just rinse out the dried milk and pour a bowl."
Me: "I don't think that was dried milk, my dude."

I thought I was actually going to get killed. I felt horrible about it, and was still apologizing like a week later. He eventually forgave me.

He still won't say "I love you" back when I say it to him, though.
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

How bout when you take a dump and come out of the stall only to see a co-worker/colleague washing their hands having just heard you flash lightning, drop bricks, wipe, and all that. Then comes the awkward "hey, whats up." You start having a BS convo while youre thinking, "dam, dude just heard me dump" and he's thinking "dam, I just heard dude dump." I SWEAR I NEVER take a dump at school/work when someone else is in the bathroom. It feels like they own a piece of your soul when they see you coming out of the stall.
IDK why but this *%%% had me
Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

How bout when you take a dump and come out of the stall only to see a co-worker/colleague washing their hands having just heard you flash lightning, drop bricks, wipe, and all that. Then comes the awkward "hey, whats up." You start having a BS convo while youre thinking, "dam, dude just heard me dump" and he's thinking "dam, I just heard dude dump." I SWEAR I NEVER take a dump at school/work when someone else is in the bathroom. It feels like they own a piece of your soul when they see you coming out of the stall.
IDK why but this *%%% had me
When someone says "Did you miss us" ...I swear this question stumps me everytime. Should I lie and say "yeah of course"
When someone says "Did you miss us" ...I swear this question stumps me everytime. Should I lie and say "yeah of course"
I don't know if it's been said but when someone says:

"nothing much" when asked "How's it going?"/"How are you?"


"not bad" when asked "What's up?"
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