Socially awkward moments. Volume 3 * *Pictures full of Lulz Page 7**

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

When you are shopping with your girl in a strictly female type store, you don't know what to look at or do with yourself without looking weird.

At a car wash when the workers are cleaning the inside of your car and you notice that tip bin and don't put any money in it. But you gotta give them a thank you once they open the door for you to get back into your car

When someone asks for directions from you and you can't give them street names or highway exit numbers

During rush hour when you put in your metro fare card in the machine and it getting rejected because there's not enough money in it, and there's a line of angry office workers behind you tryna get through the gate.

Riding the metro and you got the window seat on a packed train and you make eye contact with the old woman who has to stand the entire ride
Yup I hate all of these except the car wash and tip jar, I always tip.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

When you are shopping with your girl in a strictly female type store, you don't know what to look at or do with yourself without looking weird.

At a car wash when the workers are cleaning the inside of your car and you notice that tip bin and don't put any money in it. But you gotta give them a thank you once they open the door for you to get back into your car

When someone asks for directions from you and you can't give them street names or highway exit numbers

During rush hour when you put in your metro fare card in the machine and it getting rejected because there's not enough money in it, and there's a line of angry office workers behind you tryna get through the gate.

Riding the metro and you got the window seat on a packed train and you make eye contact with the old woman who has to stand the entire ride
Yup I hate all of these except the car wash and tip jar, I always tip.
- when you're walking in a busy area that is split (one half of people going one way, the other half the other way) and you see someone you kinda know walking in on the other side towards you. you wave or say hi and they didn't even see/hear you at all and keep it moving. the other people around you saw you though.

it's even worse when you're with friends and that happens ...
- when you're walking in a busy area that is split (one half of people going one way, the other half the other way) and you see someone you kinda know walking in on the other side towards you. you wave or say hi and they didn't even see/hear you at all and keep it moving. the other people around you saw you though.

it's even worse when you're with friends and that happens ...
Gettin a boner (sorry i had to) when exiting your vehicle....and you try to hide it by sort of stumbling over, and eventually bending down to tie your shoes
Gettin a boner (sorry i had to) when exiting your vehicle....and you try to hide it by sort of stumbling over, and eventually bending down to tie your shoes
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

I ALWAYS wanted to break out the spin move for those awkward moments where you run into someone walking in your direction
I do that. Either jab step spin move or jab step go opposite direction.

Feels good man
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

I ALWAYS wanted to break out the spin move for those awkward moments where you run into someone walking in your direction
I do that. Either jab step spin move or jab step go opposite direction.

Feels good man
walking right behind a girl up some stairs and you got nowhere to look but here butt
walking right behind a girl up some stairs and you got nowhere to look but here butt
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Someone might have said this already but when your out walking somewhere and someone walks right at you and you go left, they go left, you go right, they go right
 i hate that %*%%

working at a hospital I do this a lot so i point to my chest and point which way i'm going
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Someone might have said this already but when your out walking somewhere and someone walks right at you and you go left, they go left, you go right, they go right
 i hate that %*%%

working at a hospital I do this a lot so i point to my chest and point which way i'm going
Walking behind a bad b with a fatty and you wit ya girl or ya parents. Its SO HARD not to look!
Walking behind a bad b with a fatty and you wit ya girl or ya parents. Its SO HARD not to look!
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