Socially awkward moments. Volume 3 * *Pictures full of Lulz Page 7**

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Telling a really long story to a bunch of people that you think is funny/entertaining, only for them to have no reaction when you're done. Make me wanna hit em with the


happens to me too much.  
@ the pic
Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

When you stop at a red light and there's a car next to you.  You get that feeling like they're staring over at you, so you look left (or right) and you accidentally make eye contact with them.

Originally Posted by ChiHigh91

When you stop at a red light and there's a car next to you.  You get that feeling like they're staring over at you, so you look left (or right) and you accidentally make eye contact with them.

just happened to my friend the other night.

so, one of my friends was talking to a chick and completely messed everything up and she walked off. my other friend seen the whole thing and he was trying to text me what happened.

so he sends the text and two seconds later, the other guys phone starts ringing.

he sent the text to the friend that goofed up with the girl. he looks up and just mean mugs while shaking his head.

now, this guy was supposed to live with us this school year, a couple days after this, he comes up to us to tell us he doesnt want to live with us lol.
just happened to my friend the other night.

so, one of my friends was talking to a chick and completely messed everything up and she walked off. my other friend seen the whole thing and he was trying to text me what happened.

so he sends the text and two seconds later, the other guys phone starts ringing.

he sent the text to the friend that goofed up with the girl. he looks up and just mean mugs while shaking his head.

now, this guy was supposed to live with us this school year, a couple days after this, he comes up to us to tell us he doesnt want to live with us lol.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

I ALWAYS wanted to break out the spin move for those awkward moments where you run into someone walking in your direction
i've done this several times.. mostly in malls where it gets real crowded.. some people look at you like
but it's fun as hell
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

I ALWAYS wanted to break out the spin move for those awkward moments where you run into someone walking in your direction
i've done this several times.. mostly in malls where it gets real crowded.. some people look at you like
but it's fun as hell
One time in college I was taking a test so it was quiet as hell. It was the morning and I didnt eat breakfast. I wasn't farting at all, but my stomach was just growling like the pits of hell.  So the dude next to me starts laughing out loud, gets up and moves across the room like "c'mon man" and I just sat there like

When I was in 7th grade I sucked at basketball *still do* so I would always play with the girls during gym, trying to play it off like I was trying to mack. One time the ball went out of bounds and I ran after it, tripped on my shoe and hit my head dead on the concrete wall, blacked out. Woke up and everyone was crowded around me in a circle...most embarrassing moment of my life.
One time in college I was taking a test so it was quiet as hell. It was the morning and I didnt eat breakfast. I wasn't farting at all, but my stomach was just growling like the pits of hell.  So the dude next to me starts laughing out loud, gets up and moves across the room like "c'mon man" and I just sat there like

When I was in 7th grade I sucked at basketball *still do* so I would always play with the girls during gym, trying to play it off like I was trying to mack. One time the ball went out of bounds and I ran after it, tripped on my shoe and hit my head dead on the concrete wall, blacked out. Woke up and everyone was crowded around me in a circle...most embarrassing moment of my life.
Lunchbox wrote:

Originally Posted by RAWse

Originally Posted by Lunchbox

Do you ever feel like your just walking akward?, and when someone is behind u it makes u feel like your walking even more akward? lol idk how to explain it but its probably just me
I feel u... maybe cause that one day I was super smacasjcajsked
word its mostly when Im 
 feeling like Im about to trip over my own feet an *%%@


   and i thought i was the only one
Lunchbox wrote:

Originally Posted by RAWse

Originally Posted by Lunchbox

Do you ever feel like your just walking akward?, and when someone is behind u it makes u feel like your walking even more akward? lol idk how to explain it but its probably just me
I feel u... maybe cause that one day I was super smacasjcajsked
word its mostly when Im 
 feeling like Im about to trip over my own feet an *%%@


   and i thought i was the only one
true story:

i was walking to the parking lot from work and i walking next to my boss (un-attractive, tall female)..having a convo or whatever and our hands are swinging and actually touched each other (like we was tryin to hold hands) i was like nooooooooo.
true story:

i was walking to the parking lot from work and i walking next to my boss (un-attractive, tall female)..having a convo or whatever and our hands are swinging and actually touched each other (like we was tryin to hold hands) i was like nooooooooo.
-When I'm at a family reunion and all my cousins, uncles, aunts, etc are there and at the end they start arguing over who pays the bill.

-When I see someone I know coming towards me and I don't want to talk to them, I pull out my phone and pretend to be busy texting and speed up my walk a little, but then they call me loudly and step in front of me so now I have to make conversation with them

-Waiting outside a store in Chinatown waiting for friends to finish getting their food and fobs come up and try to ask directions in Chinese when I'm not even Chinese
-When I'm at a family reunion and all my cousins, uncles, aunts, etc are there and at the end they start arguing over who pays the bill.

-When I see someone I know coming towards me and I don't want to talk to them, I pull out my phone and pretend to be busy texting and speed up my walk a little, but then they call me loudly and step in front of me so now I have to make conversation with them

-Waiting outside a store in Chinatown waiting for friends to finish getting their food and fobs come up and try to ask directions in Chinese when I'm not even Chinese
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