So Will You Teach Your Son That There Is NEVER A ReasoN For Him EVER To.....

i wouldn't teach my son to grow up to hit a another female.. my moms grew my up to hit no females at all.. so my son well be the same way
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

LDJ your hang up doesn't seem to be the rules but the fact that you think white people made the rules...

No i have no hangup. My issue is what deems something as right or wrong? What makes something illegal/legal? What makes it right that a truck driver cant in extreme temperatures, sit and use the heat. But if he leaves an animal in the car under the same conditions he is wrong and unlawful. What made it right for slaves to be beat crucified and treated cruel and inhumane? Yet vick goes to jail for the exact same thing only done to an animal. The judical/govt law system correct. Who established/made these laws judicial system?

These are the same ppl who say you are not mature enough to smoke/drink at a certain age. Yet are old enough to fight lay your life on the line to attack another country. The same system that says you arent mature enough to operate a motor vehicle/work a job. But mature have the fortitude to raise and guide a child, without evaluate the mother or even question her abilities to provide and raise the child.

The same system that contridicts that theory and makes a man pay and prove his maturity, in order to be apart of that same said childs life.And deems him responsible enough to be apart of the kids life fiscally. 

This is the same system that is flying over 20+ million ppl they have in one way or another f upped and are starving,homeless etc. To go help/aid/assist another country.

The same set of ppl who say a kid shouldnt work x amount of hrs, and need/should be provided x  amount of money etc. Yet import/export goods and products from countries who ideas are opposite from this.

This is the same ppl who say you should pay into a retire system, only for them to squander the money and have ppl forced baring roth ira,401, working till the day they die.

The same system who took advantage of a group of ppl on their soil. Wrapped them in blankets riddled with smallpox. Raped and pilledge them. Celebrated the event, in a festive matter. And now use said event as a national holiday of praise.

The same system who celebrate a man for finding(discovered) stealing something. Even giving dude a damn holiday. But if i was to show up in someone yard or flop my *** in someone car and say hey i discovered this. Do you think i will get a holiday? Yea maybe if they pass a national nukkahs get locked up day.

So when these same said ppl deem something is right and wrong, as f up as they have been, hypocritical/judgemental and contridictary they are. You damn right imma use my wisdom and knowledge and question the b.s. If the lord above wanted us all the same there wouldnt be race,color other differences in ppl.
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving LDJ?

Do you give your workers the day off for Columbus Day?

I agree with everything you have been saying here. As I mentioned before, I respect your approach/cause.

I just love asking people WHY. Whenever I see them doing a "conditioned" activity. I just ask them WHY. They never know. I get a kick out of it. Sick I know.
ahh...when you type so much i feel i have to type so much...i give have a whole response for you but i try my best not to type to mcuh on here...
I'm gonna teach my son that if a woman hit him...hit her #%% back

Women want all these equal rights......well that's equal for that #%%.

I always say that if you have the balls to swing on a have the balls to get beat like a man.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Do you celebrate Thanksgiving LDJ?

Do you give your workers the day off for Columbus Day?

I agree with everything you have been saying here. As I mentioned before, I respect your approach/cause.

I just love asking people WHY. Whenever I see them doing a "conditioned" activity. I just ask them WHY. They never know. I get a kick out of it. Sick I know.

I treat it as any other day, i have friends and family work for me so i respect there beliefs and allow them to do as they wish. I dont have the cookie cutter must do this and that. My thing is as long as you bill those invoices, review and evaluate those injuries, and pay those medical benefits etc i dont care what u do, how u dress etc.

Im actually about to work on the 1st qtr medicaid/medicare billing for the elderly in the metro atl for abs right now. Will my performance vary just because im in my basement man cave, with family guy pajamas and house shoes, sippin on some 151, taking breaks to finally beat new super mario brothers? No.. but let them folks tell it i am not adequate to even do this work because i aint wearing a brooks brother suit in tie, working at some corner cubical office downtown at 2 peachtree street.

Oddly enough me independent contract work im getting 95 an hr and can work on my own time so long as i am done by the end of the month. And then the cat with the suit and tie following "cultural ways" is getting like 23 an hr and gotta drive/take marta. schedule they eating habits, and can only come and go whenever anotther man tells them to.... @$+ is lol at best to me. But hey like alot of ppl said it makes u a "REAL MAN"

So ill keep wearing houseshoes in public if i feel like, wear hats indoors, believe woman and man are on equal playing fields, wear white in winter, shoot/attack anybody man/and or woman if neccesary. Wear suit and tie when i feel like it. And all the other things the mass majority say is wrong. Imma still stay on 6 + acres on my newly built (paid in full house) house in covington,ga. Imma still own my cars, and although it is so called against what them ppl say is right. I cant and dont complain about life. And it worked out for the good for me.

I guess as long as the good ole boys give you that seal of approval all is right with your life and the world. Im glad i wasnt raised with the enslavement,sheep, unconciousness,brainwashed mentality.
What you fools need to be doing is teaching your kids not to deal with these crazy @%@$%@# that think it's ok to throw grits at them. I never even thought this thread was talking about someone you are in a romantic relationship with, I thought you guys were referring to random broads. I could never hit a girl that is close to me, but at the same time they would never put there hands on me. It's a mutual respect that should be there. If someone puts their hands on you that respect is gone, and out of the respect I HAD I wouldn't do anything except restrain her. And once this situation passes so does she, there should be no reason that a person like that is even around you to do it again. But some random female/male gos out of there way to touch me in a unnecessary manner than I will do the same. $$%$ if a kid past the age of 10 hits me imma hit them, open hand though cause it's not so much to cause pain more so to send a message.   
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

ahh...when you type so much i feel i have to type so much...i give have a whole response for you but i try my best not to type to mcuh on here...

Its not a matter of winning and losing its all about a belief system, values, and your interpretation of right and wrong. Yours is preprogrammed the ways of the majority and not based on your own thoughts. Proof is, was you born and initially thinking ok woman should not be hit? Or all the other preconcieved cultural bias beliefs you may or may not have adpated in your everyday life.

Again i ask why if warrant, being attacked etc physically in danger due to a woman, would a man be less of a man if he defends himself?
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Of course.  Except he has a bigger sister who I am relatively sure will be handing out beat downs.

My son is only a month old and my daughter is just about two.  My daughter will be hanging out with a kid at a b-day party or whatever playing and she'll out of no-where just push the kid over (boy, girl, sometimes even kids older than her).

We had to do like a month of teaching my daughter not to hit.  She has chilled out now.

man i wish my little girl would do that. she just turned 3. she gets punked by her cousing, im tired of telling her dont let him do that to go ahead and kick his tail, but she refuses to do anything. but she does hit my little one(6months). so i guess i do tell my kids to handle it when they are gettin picked on.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

Originally Posted by HOVKid

Of course.  Except he has a bigger sister who I am relatively sure will be handing out beat downs.

My son is only a month old and my daughter is just about two.  My daughter will be hanging out with a kid at a b-day party or whatever playing and she'll out of no-where just push the kid over (boy, girl, sometimes even kids older than her).

We had to do like a month of teaching my daughter not to hit.  She has chilled out now.

man i wish my little girl would do that. she just turned 3. she gets punked by her cousing, im tired of telling her dont let him do that to go ahead and kick his tail, but she refuses to do anything. but she does hit my little one(6months). so i guess i do tell my kids to handle it when they are gettin picked on.

I feel ya i have all  girls, and all my cuz siblings have boys. when they were younger my eldest would beat up on the lil boys, and one day one just whooped her tail. I didnt get mad. I mean she bopped him in the head with a plastic bowling pin. lol she was wailing on him something serious. Same as my girls are older now and when they date etc, imma tell them you should attack hit anyone unless warrant. Like if a dude makes sexually advances towards you. Or hits you etc. But i dont worry to much about that. Cause they already asking to go to the gun range with me so....
Defend yourself doesn't mean beat her up tho. Grab her up mush/push her out the way and bounce. That's like if a guy is hittin on me I'm not gonna stand there and try yo square up with him. I'm gonna get away. I know it's not the exact same thing but you get it.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Defend yourself doesn't mean beat her up tho. Grab her up mush/push her out the way and bounce. That's like if a guy is hittin on me I'm not gonna stand there and try yo square up with him. I'm gonna get away. I know it's not the exact same thing but you get it.

You still havent gave me your reasoning and provide proof why is it you treat a woman diff then a man if we are seen equal?
We're not seen as equal mpeople use that *%%% when it works in their favor only thing that should be equal off the top of my head is pay. Like you shouldn't get more cuz you're a man if we have the same qualifications and donthe same quality work. Yall use that she wants to be treated equal now but when it comes to sexual partners most people won't see it that way.
wow it is amazing to me how many REAL men are out there. Regardless of the situation a man that raises his hand to me is a dead man. Please believe it.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

We're not seen as equal people use that *%%% when it works in their favor only thing that should be equal off the top of my head is pay. Like you shouldn't get more cuz you're a man if we have the same qualifications and doing the same quality work. Yall use that she wants to be treated equal now but when it comes to sexual partners most people won't see it that way.
She isn't wrong.
Originally Posted by LDJ

dmxgod wrote:
My father (who I no longer see or speak with) hit my mom because he was a very angry individual to put it lightly..he was a womanizer too..he used women to get what he wanted..

I will never hit a woman no matter what the reason will b because I saw how it affected my mom so no son of mine or daughter will strike a woman..or man for the latter..

So if some dude/girl just goes ham on ur son u feel he is the better man for gettin his *** whooped. Getting tooking advantage of, being inferior to others, letting a woman/man whoop ur *** without a fight back=MAN.....
Yall gotta stop taking the principals/ideologies that the pigmented challenge folks deem as the "White Way: oops "Right Way" as gospel.

And to the person who said what do you prove by beating someone up, usually it shows that person not to mess with you anymore. If they are close-minded or unreasonable, which is already established by them hitting you without cause, talking/reasoning with them obviously wouldnt work. Some ppl only are responsive to brute force aka getting they *** whooped.

I don't think you realize what i was gettin at..i grew up with violence in the home..therefore my son or daughter will's called raising children in a good household with values that signal violence is not the answer even if someone tries to start with you..

There's other ways to not get ur butt whooped's called walkin away and that's a Man
(since it was very funny to you i decided to laugh as well)
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

We're not seen as equal mpeople use that *%%% when it works in their favor only thing that should be equal off the top of my head is pay. Like you shouldn't get more cuz you're a man if we have the same qualifications and donthe same quality work. Yall use that she wants to be treated equal now but when it comes to sexual partners most people won't see it that way.
Why you not in the kitchen?


not kidding
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