So Will You Teach Your Son That There Is NEVER A ReasoN For Him EVER To.....

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

yes sir, aint no way this should/will happen if you have the right convo's about this with your child.

and I hope they NEVER legalize gay marriges, that will "open" that window for the oppurtunity..


That had nothing to do with the topic.

@ random homosexual hatred
i was wondering what the hell was goin on when i read it too
Lol @ dudes in here teaching with random disclaimers. "Never hit a woman, except if she's got three guns and the jump on you!" I'm going to teach my son that if he can avoid it he shouldn't hit a woman but he should always protect himself and use his best discretion. If a chick needs to be put down, so be it.
blah blah blah how did I know it was going to be this tired old subject when I clicked the thread. if they strike you first, you have the right to hit em back. simple as that. flame on I don't give a %$##. it is what it is.
Originally Posted by dmxgod

My father (who I no longer see or speak with) hit my mom because he was a very angry individual to put it lightly..he was a womanizer too..he used women to get what he wanted..

I will never hit a woman no matter what the reason will b because I saw how it affected my mom so no son of mine or daughter will strike a woman..or man for the latter..
my pops swung on my moms...

but i forgave him...

i dont know the situation so i cant speak on it...

but as far as me... i done had to "Ike" my lady a couple times... REAL TALK...

aint too ashamed....  cuz she deserved them @%!%@....

Originally Posted by nine point five

blah blah blah how did I know it was going to be this tired old subject when I clicked the thread. if they strike you first, you have the right to hit em back. simple as that. flame on I don't give a %$##. it is what it is.
Maybe because you read the title header before you clicked the thread.
dmxgod wrote:
My father (who I no longer see or speak with) hit my mom because he was a very angry individual to put it lightly..he was a womanizer too..he used women to get what he wanted..

I will never hit a woman no matter what the reason will b because I saw how it affected my mom so no son of mine or daughter will strike a woman..or man for the latter..

So if some dude/girl just goes ham on ur son u feel he is the better man for gettin his *** whooped. Getting tooking advantage of, being inferior to others, letting a woman/man whoop ur *** without a fight back=MAN.....
Yall gotta stop taking the principals/ideologies that the pigmented challenge folks deem as the "White Way: oops "Right Way" as gospel.

And to the person who said what do you prove by beating someone up, usually it shows that person not to mess with you anymore. If they are close-minded or unreasonable, which is already established by them hitting you without cause, talking/reasoning with them obviously wouldnt work. Some ppl only are responsive to brute force aka getting they *** whooped.
Thanks for making sense........(non)sense of that logic LDJ. I never understood the logic that a REAL man doesn't hit a woman back. Foolishness that we have been conditioned to believe.
Only thing I would teach my son is that it's NEVER okay to send naked pictures of yourself to any girl. That %@%% is just a recipe for future disaster.
Originally Posted by nick0lis

i dont know how a man could hit a woman... ya'll are some scum if you do.
But i know how emt would get u 2 ER. Or how they would arrange ur funeral. But on your way to the hospital/morge at least you can say i am looked at/viewed as a "REAL MAN" by society...certain groups of ppl. And the end of the day i guess getting that seal of approval is all that matters to some.

I don't like this double standard.
Females should be taught to never hit a guy either.
If you can give them out, you better be able to receive them.
Originally Posted by LDJ

dmxgod wrote:
My father (who I no longer see or speak with) hit my mom because he was a very angry individual to put it lightly..he was a womanizer too..he used women to get what he wanted..

I will never hit a woman no matter what the reason will b because I saw how it affected my mom so no son of mine or daughter will strike a woman..or man for the latter..

So if some dude/girl just goes ham on ur son u feel he is the better man for gettin his *** whooped. Getting tooking advantage of, being inferior to others, letting a woman/man whoop ur *** without a fight back=MAN.....
Yall gotta stop taking the principals/ideologies that the pigmented challenge folks deem as the "White Way: oops "Right Way" as gossip.

And to the person who said what do you prove by beating someone up, usually it shows that person not to mess with you anymore. If they are close-minded or unreasonable, which is already established by them hitting you without cause, talking/reasoning with them obviously wouldnt work. Some ppl only are responsive to brute force aka getting they *** whooped.

what does hitting a woman have to do with black or white...

no one should hit anyone and if its to the point where its a regular thing its time for both parties to part ways...
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by nick0lis

i dont know how a man could hit a woman... ya'll are some scum if you do.
But i know how emt would get u 2 ER. Or how they would arrange ur funeral. But on your way to the hospital/morge at least you can say i am looked at/viewed as a "REAL MAN" by society...certain groups of ppl. And the end of the day i guess getting that seal of approval is all that matters to some.

son, i wouldnt even be with a woman who would do that in the first place. besides, if you cant stop a woman from beating on you without raising your hand, you need to reevaluate your physical stature.
I thought that unwritten rule about NOT hitting women was meant to be applied to women you are romantically involved with, related to, or have some type of sentimental bond to...

If some random B is out of pocket, she NEEDs some discipline... It'll teach her a lesson for future reference... (Not sayin I would PERSONALLY lay the hand of GOD on a chick, but if someone did I MIGHT understand)...
mytmouse76 wrote:

Originally Posted by LDJ

dmxgod wrote:
My father (who I no longer see or speak with) hit my mom because he was a very angry individual to put it lightly..he was a womanizer too..he used women to get what he wanted..

I will never hit a woman no matter what the reason will b because I saw how it affected my mom so no son of mine or daughter will strike a woman..or man for the latter..

So if some dude/girl just goes ham on ur son u feel he is the better man for gettin his *** whooped. Getting tooking advantage of, being inferior to others, letting a woman/man whoop ur *** without a fight back=MAN.....
Yall gotta stop taking the principals/ideologies that the pigmented challenge folks deem as the "White Way: oops "Right Way" as gossip.

And to the person who said what do you prove by beating someone up, usually it shows that person not to mess with you anymore. If they are close-minded or unreasonable, which is already established by them hitting you without cause, talking/reasoning with them obviously wouldnt work. Some ppl only are responsive to brute force aka getting they *** whooped.

what does hitting a woman have to do with black or white...

no one should hit anyone and if its to the point where its a regular thing its time for both parties to part ways...

It has everything to do with it. Just the same as not wearing hats inside, a suit some how equates intellegence/professionalism. Ppl just follow do things cause vast majority say its right. And who is this vast majority......BINGO. Most ppl who saying its wrong are only saying it is because they were taught/conditioned to believe it is wrong. And who set all these standards,beliefs/ideas....BINGO.

I use this analogy with ppl all the time. Your mind is like a blank cd, It only holds/plays what ever info you have programmed/recorded on it. Just like it is so call wrong to eat a cat/dog but ok for a cow/chicken. Its only wrong because someone deemed it as wrong and as most ppl are sheep, they just followed suit to watever was said. 

There is no such thing as a right/white and wrong. Someone some ppl decided what was adequate right and wrong and forced there views opinions on others and every since then like sheep ppl didnt question it they just said well if everyone else says it is wrong;not right then that must be the case. They say the most unbearable excrutiating pain is labor. Ok so a woman can carry and push out a human being out their mid section, but will crumble damn near die if they get slapped
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

I thought that unwritten rule about NOT hitting women was meant to be applied to women you are romantically involved with, related to, or have some type of sentimental bond to...

If some random B is out of pocket, she NEEDs some discipline... It'll teach her a lesson for future reference... (Not sayin I would PERSONALLY lay the hand of GOD on a chick, but if someone did I MIGHT understand)...
And who made that rule. Exactly! So if you boning a chick and she beating on you or glue ur kicd to ur thighs, or throw hot grease/water on you. Its ok as long as you in a relationship/having sex with them. Like i said before yall taking these folks words like its the divine truth.

And to the man saying you wouldnt be in a situation. You never know what life will bring you. Ppl get into situations etc unwarrant and unbeknowest to them(haiti anyone). As far as restraining a woman like i said stun gun mace, gun etc. This applies to men/women. Ppl kill me on this nostradomus tip, knowing the future of they entire life. 

Whether it be man/woman. If some person squares up and rock me dead in the dome, and start going ike turner on me. Im not sizing them up to see if im to big, or evaulating how easy/hard it would be to whoop them up. Same like if someone comes kickin in my door/break in my house. I aint gonna wait and see if its a man/woman. $#*! f that, im doin they *** like and off duty white police officer...SHOOT FIRST ask questions last.

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

I don't like this double standard.
Females should be taught to never hit a guy either.
If you can give them out, you better be able to receive them.
Which is what my dad taught me
When you hit someone always expect them to hit back, man or woman.
Don't throw hits first just because they're not "supposed" to retaliate

What kind of Bs are you dealin with?? Hot grease?? Hot grits?? Noodles??
... If a chick throws that %+%+ on you she'd deserve more than a hand to hand beating, but that's a rarity for most uf that date SANE, mentally compatent (did I spell that right?) women... A man beating the %+%+ out of a woman is MORE likely then some chick who goes around terrorizing men with Hot water and %+%+...

I'm just speaking on the average sitation, Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, they become a couple, girl makes boy mad, boy puts hand on girl... 95% of the time the man is in the wrong, of course there's a room for error, but to go around fighting women as if they're men is flat out wrong, if someone had such an urge to beat on others why not find a man that would propose a challenge??

The majority of women who are killed are murdered by a man they once dealt with on a personal level (be it romantically/friendship etc), so to tell ones child its OK to hit women would further perpetuate that cycle of violence and blatent ignorence... Which makes the world a %+%+ - ier place to live...
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise


What kind of Bs are you dealin with?? Hot grease?? Hot grits?? Noodles??
... If a chick throws that %+%+ on you she'd deserve more than a hand to hand beating, but that's a rarity for most uf that date SANE, mentally compatent (did I spell that right?) women... A man beating the %+%+ out of a woman is MORE likely then some chick who goes around terrorizing men with Hot water and %+%+...

I'm just speaking on the average sitation, Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, they become a couple, girl makes boy mad, boy puts hand on girl... 95% of the time the man is in the wrong, of course there's a room for error, but to go around fighting women as if they're men is flat out wrong, if someone had such an urge to beat on others why not find a man that would propose a challenge??

The majority of women who are killed are murdered by a man they once dealt with on a personal level (be it romantically/friendship etc), so to tell ones child its OK to hit women would further perpetuate that cycle of violence and blatent ignorence... Which makes the world a %+%+ - ier place to live...
Yea i feel u on what u saying.  And just beatin a b*!c#, just cause or even a man for that matter is just stupid. I was addresing those simps, those dvr, preprogrammed dudes that said no matter what under any circumstance they would retaliate against anyone, especially a woman. Like dudes who saying a chick could shoot stab hit them with a car and they would still turn the other cheek. Because that makes them a "REAL MAN" so called.

And again this whole fighting a woman like a man is bs. Fighting is fighting, and violence is violence period. I never understood or bought into society whole hiearchy of wrong doing. Like stealing 5 mil is worse then stealing 5 dollars, or killing a domestic pet is worse then killing a common animal aka possum bird etc. 

The underline part really makes no sense to me. Me and a girl argue, she attacks me, i dont defend myself, but instead go out find a man who test me and whoop his *** for no apparent reason, other then some group of ppl say its wrong to hit a woman?
you keep bringing up all this extra stuff about cars and grits and what not...if it gets to that point where you think shorty could really thrown grits on you or hit you with a car then maybe you should leave the situation if not the female all together...i'm not saying its ok for her to do that stuff to you but you can only control yourself and 10 times out of 9 YOU will be the one to get in trouble regardless what she did...
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