So who here believes in KARMA? *8 year old raped*

Originally Posted by gusyouout

Originally Posted by NT OG

gusyouout wrote:

Mastamind89 wrote:

A one year old baby was killed, beaten with a hammer, there's a thread on it floating around. What could have the baby done that's so bad?
Basically, same with the girl. Not everyone believes in Karma; it's not a fact, it's a religion and it's not like it's a
universal religion or anything. For all we know, the girl doesn't even know what Karma is. You don't have to believe in Karma in order to be
affected by it.
The actions you choose can bring pain or joy to anybody, not just people who believe in Karma. Nothing says Karma only affects
certain people. And I would see it as the rapist believed in Karma and got what he deserved.

gusyouout wrote:

NT OG wrote:

the girl got what she deserved too then no?

How so? If she doesn't believe in Karma, she's just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Karma doesn't say you can
only do good or you can only do bad. It's your choice and if you believe in Karma then you're choice will affect you, but whom you affect doesn't

Do those statements not contradict each other?

How do they contradict? I said if she doesn't believe she still can be affected. The second line you put in bold says the same thing; was she not affected even though she didn't believe? Wrong place, wrong time has nothing to do with the belief of Karma. Karma took place, and it was the rapist suffering a horrible death.

Karma is not a science, it's not a fact. It's just a belief. Whether or not it's true doesn't mean it can't coexist with other beliefs. I don't believe in Karma too much, rather that things occur because of fate. If it's meant to happen, it's meant to happen. However, I do try to do good things hoping good things happen to me in the future, but if they don't I won't blame Karma for that.

I misread that earlier. But if YOU believe in karma, wouldn't that mean that girl did something to deserve being raped?? or it was someone that she onlyKNEW did something bad, and now karma did its thing and she's raped?

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Its probably been said already, but karma works both ways.

Someone does something bad, they'll pay for it.

Someone is on the reciprocating end of something bad (undeservingly), they're due something good down the road.

(Edit: or at least thats what I believe.)

But the person that had something bad done to them(little girl being raped), wouldn't that mean she did something to deserve to be raped? or someone sheonly KNEW did something bad, and karma takes it out on her with her being raped?

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Its probably been said already, but karma works both ways.

Someone does something bad, they'll pay for it.

Someone is on the reciprocating end of something bad (undeservingly), they're due something good down the road.

(Edit: or at least thats what I believe.)

But the person that had something bad done to them(little girl being raped), wouldn't that mean she did something to deserve to be raped? or someone sheonly KNEW did something bad, and karma takes it out on her with her being raped?

Originally Posted by King Will

maybe the 8 year olds parents did somethin meanin it was goin back to hurt them....

and you think that there's nothing wrong with a little girl being raped FOR THE SOLE REASON that SOMEONE ELSE did something bad?
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