So who here believes in KARMA? *8 year old raped*

Originally Posted by az005us


So if something really good happens like the paramedics save an old lady in a wheelchair from a burning house, the exact opposite of that will happen?

the right thing will take place to even it out. just what i think, no need to attack.
something good already even it out...something equally as bad has to happen.

and I'm not attacking you.....

but you just said balance means something else in this case...I'm curious as to what kind of balance it is.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

A one year old baby was killed, beaten with a hammer, there's a thread on it floating around. What could have the baby done that's so bad?
i think it depends on who you ask for example
somebody might say the baby did somethin in its past life and now its payin for it now or
the baby was to precious for earth and "god" wanted it up there with him or somethin like that
i mean idk all that gotta miss me. that whole concept is slightly flawed imo
First off the word Karma is derived through a religion, however, the concept isn't. The basic concept is that every Cause has an Effect.

And everybody is viewing the 8 year old as a victim when we don't actually know the "criteria" for Karma. I'm not saying that it isn'tunfortunate that the girl had to endure that type of circumstance but we don't know why it occured or for what reasons.

Like most people have stated, it could be in relation to a past life or she could be paying for the "sins" of the ones close to her. We can't sithere and say that Karma doesn't exist due to a bad event because bad things happen daily.

The problem with today's society/world is that we are so negative. We send bad energy into the universe and that's what we receive in return.

I think the real question is: Does Karma affect us directly as individuals or as a population?
Originally Posted by Kayway8

First off the word Karma is derived through a religion, however, the concept isn't. The basic concept is that every Cause has an Effect.

And everybody is viewing the 8 year old as a victim when we don't actually know the "criteria" for Karma. I'm not saying that it isn't unfortunate that the girl had to endure that type of circumstance but we don't know why it occured or for what reasons.

Like most people have stated, it could be in relation to a past life or she could be paying for the "sins" of the ones close to her. We can't sit here and say that Karma doesn't exist due to a bad event because bad things happen daily.

The problem with today's society/world is that we are so negative. We send bad energy into the universe and that's what we receive in return.

I think the real question is: Does Karma affect us directly as individuals or as a population?

Most people mention karma only when something bad happens.

I'm asking how most people can still believe in karma, but won't believe that that little girl did anything to be raped.

That's contradictory.

and what does your question even mean?
I personally dont believe in karma.
Think about it. If what comes around goes around.
Then bad/good will happen to everyone. and thats just LIFE not karma.

i.e. If you steal something from someone, then someone steals from you, then someone's gonna steal from that person that stole from you, then someone'sgonna steal from the person that stole from the person that stole from you.....


Life happens. Its unfortunate. You gotta just keep moving.
Originally Posted by Rawtoon

I personally dont believe in karma.
Think about it. If what comes around goes around.
Then bad/good will happen to everyone. and thats just LIFE not karma.

i.e. If you steal something from someone, then someone steals from you, then someone's gonna steal from that person that stole from you, then someone's gonna steal from the person that stole from the person that stole from you.....


Life happens. Its unfortunate. You gotta just keep moving.
pretty much how I view it. furthermore, just because you did something bad, and then something bad happens to you, who's to say that what youdid previously is the cause for it? this is the epitome of superstition.

i think karma is just a word that convinces people to do what's right, because they damn sure know "karma" will come back to them. it's liketelling a kid to be nice or else santa won't get them anything.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Bad things happen to good people. Karma will hopefully balance that out in her future.

I believe in Karma, but a very broad universal definition different from the calculated logic you described in your post.

Although I believe in Karma, I also believe in chance and statistics. (completely conflicting I know) Statistically speaking, bad things are going to happen to people whether they deserve it or not. There is no rule that says everyone starts off with a clean slate.

I use Karma as a guideline for making decisions for myself. I chose to act morally knowing hoping that somewhere down the line, it will get repaid to me. If not, I'm content knowing I did the right thing in the first place.

Spoken like a true MAN!!!..I'm glad there is actually another living person that is capable of writting these
words, hopefully, you are truthful to it!
This world would be a verydifferent place, if everybody shares these exact thoughts. This, I find is a perfect example of unselfishness!
Karma is the irritating kid sister of a guy named MURPHY--with him, everything will go wrong...Karma is just confused...MURPHY aint. He's out to get you...
Karma is very much so real. I don't care what anybody says. I've experienced karma first-hand and learned a life-long lesson.
Originally Posted by NT OG

Originally Posted by gusyouout

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

A one year old baby was killed, beaten with a hammer, there's a thread on it floating around. What could have the baby done that's so bad?
Basically, same with the girl. Not everyone believes in Karma; it's not a fact, it's a religion and it's not like it's a universal religion or anything. For all we know, the girl doesn't even know what Karma is. You don't have to believe in Karma in order to be affected by it. The actions you choose can bring pain or joy to anybody, not just people who believe in Karma. Nothing says Karma only affects certain people. And I would see it as the rapist believed in Karma and got what he deserved.

Originally Posted by gusyouout

Originally Posted by NT OG

the girl got what she deserved too then no?
How so? If she doesn't believe in Karma, she's just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Karma doesn't say you can only do good or you can only do bad. It's your choice and if you believe in Karma then you're choice will affect you, but whom you affect doesn't matter.

Do those statements not contradict each other?
How do they contradict? I said if she doesn't believe she still can be affected. The second line you put in bold says the same thing; was shenot affected even though she didn't believe? Wrong place, wrong time has nothing to do with the belief of Karma. Karma took place, and it was the rapistsuffering a horrible death.

Karma is not a science, it's not a fact. It's just a belief. Whether or not it's true doesn't mean it can't coexist with other beliefs. Idon't believe in Karma too much, rather that things occur because of fate. If it's meant to happen, it's meant to happen. However, I do try to dogood things hoping good things happen to me in the future, but if they don't I won't blame Karma for that.
Its probably been said already, but karma works both ways.

Someone does something bad, they'll pay for it.

Someone is on the reciprocating end of something bad (undeservingly), they're due something good down the road.

(Edit: or at least thats what I believe.)
Bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people. Things just have a weird way or evening out...I just don't like to depend on it.
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