So what are all of my SINGLE NTers doing on Valentines Day???

Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee


@ me noticing all the superhero alter ego sn's today, word to Peter Parker.
Probably gonna go buy Bayonetta for 5 dollars and sit at home on my modded 360 all day. %+#* *%$%%!!. Get $$$$$$$ achievements.
all of my homeboys are also we gonna chill some fifa and smoke a lot of weed..

and im off work tomorrow too..all i gotta do is go to class..smoke tonight and before class
Chill, go to a friends bday thing.

Then watch ASG.
Do a lot of HW!
Need to catch up.
Writing, reading, video games, avoiding couples like the plague, finding more contract work, going to church, drinking some whisky and going to sleep.
P.S. I really hate this overrated hallmark holiday.
im a manager at the movies so im bound to see alot of bitter man-hating women going to see valentines day by themselves lol
im actually taking one of my ex girlfriends out to dinner. most likely will smash afterwards. we shall see....
lulz...why do so many dudes "hate" this day or say it is against their religion? lol
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