So uh, what's the deal with Crabtree?

I honestly dont care if he signs....what really irked me was that it was said that he did not want to play for the no means has this organizationbeen a model franchise for the last decade, but as someone who is old enough to know what it meant to be a 9er and the pride it came with, I couldn't getbehind a player like that at all, especially with all the cowboys/jerry jones rumors floating around
With that said....I'm not gonna root against him if he signs ( I already do that enough with that joke of a team called the giants
), but I'm not gonna lose sleep if he ends up signing with anotherteam. If he does sign with the team, I really hope all this "diva" talk ends up being false....the last time we were relevant, some WR pretty muchimploded a good team
Originally Posted by EL Flaco McFly

The way I look at it...speaking as a fan of the team, I was pissed that he decided to hold out. But at the same time I also understand that it's a business. The players in that locker room understand this. If Crabtree can sign soon, get on the field and get this thing going, I am all for it. If we can add a player of his calibur to a team that is on the rise, quickly at that, and it makes my team better??? Sign me up! Do I think he has a lot to prove? F__ yeah i think he does....but if by him being with this team makes this team a little better, its good with me

BTW...I have never said that I did not like the Crabtree signing
What does he have to make up exactly? His teammates aren't holding anything against him at this point I assure you that. Once he signs and gets into practice and working hard with his teammates all will be forgotten. I can only see a problem if he comes in and doesn't practice well or has an attitude but from what I've heard of his work ethic and having Singeltary as the coach, I don't foresee that happening.

Anyone who puts on a 49er uniform you should support. He's going to be a key piece to the good, potentially great team we are building the next 2 years.

You honestly don't think they are any current 49ers that don'tfeel some type of way with Crabtree just walking in to join the team with 1/4 of the season already over, keep thinking that one champ. Crabtree has missedall of training camp, lots of team meetings, lots of workout sessions, and countless bonding seasons with other teammates. All of that stuff adds up and itmeans something. Also, lets not forget, Crabtree sat out this long on his OWN accord, it's not like he had some unfortunate situation on his account. Simply put, Crabtree was being greedy, any reasonable teammate or 49er fan can see that. He attempted to call the 49ers bluff. So yeah, Crabtree has ALOT tomake up for, to his coaches, teammates and fans, believe that. He has to prove himself, for the time he's missed and to let everyone know what he can orwill bring to the table, it's just that simple.

That's just ridiculous...

Meaning I want to see a full effort on his end, no half-assing or no excuses on his part. I think we as fans expect certain things from certainplayers and when we don't see that we call them out on it as we should. Just like LT sitting on the sidelines during the playoffs a few years back withthat coat on as the Chargers lost or even your boy WR Roy Williams standing with his hands on his waist as the Cowboys tried to score on their last driveagainst the Broncos this past Sunday as he wasn't on the field. As if he coudn't suck it up for 1 play, piss poor.
ESPN (Sportscenter or one of the shows) had a little blurb on how MC Hammer was part of Crabtree's entourage.

I hope they dinged him. I doubt they'd lowball him, but I hope they put a high base salary this year and then deducted for all the games he missed. I hopethe guarantee is still around $16M and that there's mostly fluff to allow him to "save face."
He better be ready to get to work and show us something. I'm talking about "instant" success.
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